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64a4ced Criminals in a hurry are always the easiest to trace," Lundstr" Henning Mankell
718fda3 We all have our peculiarities," said Wallander." Henning Mankell
71f7c19 pride was dangerous and could make you vulnerable. Henning Mankell
184b0e8 I used to go to work every day. Now I climb the walls. Henning Mankell
ac9a9be More and more people were being judged useless and were being flung to the margins of society, where they were destined to look back enviously at the few who still had reasons to be happy. He Henning Mankell
156f7db What we're in is a vacuum. Henning Mankell
37072c6 Even as a ten-year-old, the incident made it clear to me that people are never completely what we believe they are. Including me. There is always something unexpected within those we meet, those we think we have got to know. Henning Mankell
d47f9d0 Our ancestors survive somewhere in our faces, she thought. If you look like your mother as a child, you end up as your father when you age. When you no longer recognise your face, it's because an unknown ancestor has taken up residence for a while. Henning Mankell
22a3826 La volonta di vivere. Quella forza che ti fa alzare dal letto ogni mattina quando fa giorno. Tutto puo essere sostituito. Ma non questo. Henning Mankell
95750ba At that age, they're as happy as they can be. Life seems endless, the sorrows few. Henning Mankell
0b2bc9c De repente noto que la vieja confianza que los unia cuando eran ninos habia desaparecido. Henning Mankell
6314c67 fighting crime is simply a question of endurance; about which side can outlast the other. Henning Mankell
091fca8 It is as if families on the run are shattered by something other than just grenades. The flight and fear tears us apart and those parts land in all kinds of places - we don't even know where. But we always try to find them afterwards. the-shadow-girls henning-mankell refugees Henning Mankell
e563abb I ask myself everyday what my life is doing to me and I realize I don't have anybody I can talk to." "You should have" said the Doctor "everybody should." loneliness Henning Mankell
e73a857 There are evil circumstances and environments, not evil per se. But here I sense the actions of a truly darkened mind. Wallander reached for Svedberg's pocket calendar Henning Mankell
8629270 Traviata, Henning Mankell
cd9a8cd I'm afraid I am hopelessly, furiously envious of all those who will continue to live when I am dead. I am equally embarrassed and terrified by the thought. I try to deny it, but it recurs with increasing frequency the older I get. Henning Mankell
8052b17 That would never have worked. You can't be a hired hand for your own father. Especially when he makes all the decisions, and is always right. Henning Mankell
c811285 We're not allowed to learn to die,' Jansson said. 'What do you mean?' 'In the past death was a part of life. Now it's completely separate. I remember I was six years old when my grandmother died. Her body lay on a door in the parlour at home. There was nothing odd about that. Death was a natural part of our lives. Not any more. We no longer learn to die in this country. Henning Mankell
4a72b07 The westerly wind whines sharp, wild gees cry in the sky, the frosty morning's moon. Frosty the morning's moon, Horses' hooves clatter hard, Stifled the sound of the trumpet. Mao Zedong, 1935 mao-zedong Henning Mankell
fe56202 Growing older is like walking on thinner and thinner ice. Henning Mankell
a477ffe The passage of time was relentless and capricious, and one would lose the battle with it in the end. The only resistance a man could offer was to make the most of time, exploit it without trying to prevent its progress. time time-quote time-passing Henning Mankell
9c7cf84 Ya Ru's father had drowned in the big political tidal wave that Mao had set in motion. china-sorrows maoist-china henning-mankell mao-zedong Henning Mankell
678f58d The whole of China was overshadowed by the injustice of the past. henning-mankell past-and-present past-quotes Henning Mankell
5f4cee3 I was enticed like a fly to a pot of honey by something reminiscent of a religious cult offering salvation. We were not urged to commit collective suicide, because the Day of Judgment was nigh, but to give up our individuality for the benefit of a collective intoxication, at the heart of which was a Little Red Book that had replaced all other forms of enlightenment. It contained all wisdom, the answers to all questions, expressions of all t.. henning-mankell maoism political-metaphor revolutionary Henning Mankell
0f21056 He always put off the most important matters affecting his own life. When he was at work, on the other hand, he insisted on arguing for precisely the opposite approach. Always do the most important things first. He had a split personality. Henning Mankell
f0f26b1 Life tosses us all hither and thither. Is there anything we can truly decide for ourselves? Henning Mankell
9f0891b I was beginning to suspect that the fire had destroyed something inside me. People can have load-bearing beams that give way too. Henning Mankell
5bbf766 Somewhere in the dark a vast meaninglessness was beckoning to him. A grinning face that laughed scornfully at all his vain attempts to manage his life. Henning Mankell
9ceea2a cottage was a cat, staring at him with watchful eyes. He had the impression it was the same cat as he had killed in his fury. He despised the supernatural. Human beings worked constantly to make their gods unnecessary. Henning Mankell
cad8491 Everybody had within himself a secret room, it seemed to him, where memories and recollections were all jumbled up together. Henning Mankell
90bd268 My grandfather had dominated my childhood out on the island, but my grandmother had been there too, providing the security I didn't recognise or value until I was an adult. Henning Mankell
c81dd0d La plupart des voyages dont on reve n'ont jamais lieu. Ou alors on les accomplit interieurement. L'avantage, quand on emprunte ces vols interieurs, c'est qu'on a de la place pour les jambes. Henning Mankell
03f2ebd I couldn't feel the unreserved joy I should be experiencing, which worried me. Why did I carry my emotions as if they were a burden? Henning Mankell
5f1ca6b It was only in the Western world that old people were viewed with indulgence or contemptuous sympathy. In other cultures, age was respected as the period of enlightened wisdom. Henning Mankell
b3fd1fb The desire for revenge can go on indefinitely, said Ekholm. There are no prescribed time limits. It's one of the oldest truths in criminology that an avenger can wait forever. If these are revenge killings, that is. Henning Mankell
9fd8305 But I've come to terms with the fact that you never escape your parents. The roles are simply reversed. You become your parents' parents. - Lisa Holgersson Henning Mankell
58105fd Friendship often develops out of a meeting at which nobody had expected any such miracle to happen. - Kurt Wallander Henning Mankell
39f70e9 We have to see things simply, but without simplifying. - Rydberg Henning Mankell
508a4aa We go through life with one foot in a rose garden and the other on quick sand, he thought. - (Kurt) Henning Mankell
37d8212 We go through life with one foot in a rose garden and the other in quick sand, he thought. - (Kurt) Henning Mankell
0363eb4 There was always somebody at the top who dictated the terms, specifically or by implication, that those below had to accept. - Kurt Wallander Henning Mankell
5ce61db The dread of something menacing that you felt when you were a child returns when you get old. Henning Mankell
7195914 A criminal investigation is like a construction site. Everything has to be done in the proper order or the building won't hold up. Henning Mankell
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