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48b6b4f But I think happiness springs from another source, a far deeper one that doesn't depend on will because it comes from love. Henryk Sienkiewicz
eb14ac5 Nevertheless, in this sea of human wretchedness and malice there bloomed at times compassion, as a pale flower blooms in a putrid marsh. hope hope-and-despair humanity Henryk Sienkiewicz
70e6f48 he began to fear whether in the presence of far greater events, all his acts would not fade into insignificance, just as a drop of rain disappears into the sea. fear-of-failure hopelessness Henryk Sienkiewicz
229dfb5 He always smiles, even when contemplating nothing good. falseness trickery Henryk Sienkiewicz
6511ead I know, 0 Caesar, that thou art awaiting my arrival with impatience, that thy true heart of a friend is yearning day and night for me. I know that thou art ready to cover me with gifts, make me prefect of the pretorian guards, and command Tigellinus to be that which the gods made him, a mule-driver in those lands which thou didst inherit after poisoning Domitius. Pardon me, however, for I swear to thee by Hades, and by the shades of thy mot.. petronius sarcastic-humor Henryk Sienkiewicz
a2c53e3 Tell me,' asked Stas, 'what is a wicked deed?' 'If anyone takes away Kali's cow,' he answered after a brief reflection, 'that then is a wicked deed.' 'Excellent!' exclaimed Stas, 'and what is a good one?' This time the answer came without any reflection: 'If Kali takes away the cow of somebody else, that is a good deed.' Stas was too young to perceive that similar views of evil and good deeds were enunciated in Europe not only by politician.. good-and-evil morality political-philosophy political-science religion Henryk Sienkiewicz
86bf81a England is never in a hurry because she is eternal. eternity eternity-and-attitude Henryk Sienkiewicz
1698ae6 Asa-i de cand lumea, ca cine se introspecteaza prea mult, acela nu mai e de acord nici cu sine insusi, in cele din urma, iar cine nu-i de acord cu sine insusi, acela nu-i capabil sa ia o hotarare. capability decision introspection world Henryk Sienkiewicz
f7c717c In genere, femeia nu-si insala barbatul si nu-l tradeaza, daca el singur nu-i acela care sa-i strice sau sa-i calce inima singur in picioare, daca nu o dezgusta ori n-o respinge prin micimea lui, prin egoismul lui, prin ingustimea vederilor. Deci, trebuie sa iubesti. Ca ea sa nu se simta numai femela ta, ci faptura cea mai scumpa pentru tine, copilul tau, prietenul tau; poart-o la san, ca sa-i fie cald si atunci poti fi sigur de ea, atunci,.. women Henryk Sienkiewicz
12e2a9f Am auzit sau am citit ca filoanele de aur au uneori la suprafata un invelis de cuart, din care e greu sa extragi metalul. Presupun ca si inima ta are un asemenea invelis; inauntru se afla metalul pretios, dar afurisita asta de coaja nu s-a topit de tot... heart inspirational surface Henryk Sienkiewicz
27c9db7 In the presence of the storm, thunderbolts, hurricane, rain, darkness, and the lions, which might be concealed but a few paces away, he felt disarmed and helpless. fear-of-unknown fright helplessness terror thunderstorms wilderness Henryk Sienkiewicz
3fbde94 Prophet,' he said, 'Your doctrines I do not know; therefore if I accepted them, I would do it out of fear like a coward and a base man. Are you anxious that your faith be professed by cowards and base people? courage faith strength strength-and-courage strength-through-adversity Henryk Sienkiewicz
4b665f6 Moeto shchastie mina, i radostta mi otmina, no az ne s'm zla. примирение Henryk Sienkiewicz
395deb2 She wasted and grew so thin that she no longer was a little girl, but the shadow of a little girl. The flame of her life flickered so faintly that it appeared sufficient to blow at it to extinguish it. Stas understood that death did not have to wait for a third attack to take her and he expected it any day or any hour. death death-and-dying disease malaria sickness wilderness Henryk Sienkiewicz
ef8703f There, about a dozen times during the day, the wind drives over the sky the swollen clouds, which water the earth copiously, after which the sun shines brightly, as if freshly bathed, and floods with a golden luster the rocks, the river, the trees, and the entire jungle. hope jungle wilderness Henryk Sienkiewicz
ca4f5de What dreadful misfortune awaited them among the savage hordes intoxicated with blood? suspence Henryk Sienkiewicz
23aec80 If we repay evil with good, then how do we repay the good? christianity Henryk Sienkiewicz
a597f0c They were like two poor little leaves in a storm which bore death and annihilation not only to the heads of individuals, but to whole towns and entire tribes. What hand could snatch it and save two small, defenseless children? doubt suspence Henryk Sienkiewicz
261095f They did not, however, infect the air as the Sudanese sun dried them up like mummies; all had the hue of gray parchment, and were so much alike that the bodies of the Europeans, Egyptians, and negroes could not be distinguished from each other. humanity war Henryk Sienkiewicz
7936bfa Amid the stillness of the night, in the depths of the ravine, from the direction in which the corpses lay suddenly resounded a kind of inhuman, frightful laughter in which quivered despair, and joy, and cruelty, and suffering, and pain, and sobbing, and derision; the heart-rending and spasmodic laughter of the insane or condemned. fright suspence wilderness Henryk Sienkiewicz
85dfba3 If you consider yourself a superior type, or even if you be such, let me tell you that the sum total of such superiority, is socially, a minus quantity." I" Henryk Sienkiewicz
0aac4fc He would not now conduct little Nell to the coast; he would not convey her by a steamer to Port Said, would not surrender her to Mr. Rawlinson; he himself would not fall into his father's arms and would not hear from his lips that he had acted like a true Pole! The end, the end! In a few days the sun would shine only upon the lifeless bodies and afterwards would dry them up into a semblance of those mummies which slumber in an eternal sleep.. death-and-dying desert doubt hopelessness sahara Henryk Sienkiewicz
8f75736 Why does crime, even when as powerful as Caesar, and assured of being beyond punishment, strive always for the appearances of truth, justice, and virtue? Why does it take the trouble? Henryk Sienkiewicz
2a7151c Numai moartea e o forta la fel de absoluta, dar in lupta de veacuri dintre aceste doua puteri, dragostea este cea care ia moartea de gat, ii pune genunchiul in piept, o bate ziua si noaptea, o invinge in fiecare primavara, o urmareste pas cu pas si-n fiecare groapa pe care aceasta o sapa, dragostea arunca samanta unei vieti noi. fight ideal inspirational love Henryk Sienkiewicz
27e57f4 Poland! Poland! The very name carries with it sighings and groanings, nation-murder, brilliance, beauty, patriotism, splendors, self-sacrifice through generations of gallant men and exquisite women; indomitable endurance of bands of noble people carrying through world-wide exile the sacred fire of wrath against the oppressor, and uttering in every clime a cry of appeal to Humanity to rescue Poland. Henryk Sienkiewicz
94d5889 Jakie spoleczenstwo, taka literatura. Henryk Sienkiewicz
7c1817c It seemed that out of every tear of a martyr new confessors were born, and that every groan on the arena found an echo in thousands of breasts. Caesar was swimming in blood, Rome and the whole pagan world was mad. But those who had had enough of transgression and madness, those who were trampled upon, those whose lives were misery and oppression, all the weighed down, all the sad, all the unfortunate, came to hear the wonderful tidings of .. hope love nero tyranny Henryk Sienkiewicz
c52c761 At most, a hundred paces separated him from them. The powerful beast, seeing the riders and horses, rose on his fore paws and began to gaze at them. The sun, which now stood low, illuminated his huge head and shaggy breasts, and in that ruddy luster he was like one of those sphinxes which ornament the entrances to ancient Egyptian temples. lions wilderness Henryk Sienkiewicz
c186e82 In the meantime the groans changed into the protracted, thunderous roar by which all living creatures are struck with terror, and the nerves of people, who do not know what fear is, shake, just as the window-panes rattle from distant cannonading. suspence terror wilderness Henryk Sienkiewicz
510c1fb The shots had dispersed the birds; there remained only two marabous, standing between ten and twenty paces away and plunged in reverie. They were like two old men with bald heads pressed between the shoulders. wilderness Henryk Sienkiewicz
cc3e707 Thoughts like mine are not reckoned among the delights of life. It is like the dog trying to catch his tail; he does not catch anything. I do not prove anything, only tire myself; but have the satisfaction that another day has passed, or another night gone by. I Henryk Sienkiewicz
cf14edf Es esta la nueva doctrina desconocida? Todo el mundo sabe eso: todo el mundo lo ha escuchado antes. Los cinicos han recomendado la pobreza y la restriccion de las necesidades; Socrates ha prescrito la virtud como una cosa antigua buena; el primer estoico a quien uno encuentra, si bien sea el propio Seneca -que tiene quinientas mesas de madera de limonero-, ensalza la continencia, recomienda la verdad, la paciencia en la adversidades, la for.. Henryk Sienkiewicz
6fd1944 Que sociedad! -A tal sociedad, tal Cesar.[...] Henryk Sienkiewicz
52f4bc8 Na tozi sviat e po-lesno da namerish filosof, otkolkoto dob'r s'vet Henryk Sienkiewicz
4a88cad Sometimes I have thought that human misery goes far beyond human imagination,--imagination has its limits, and misery, like the vast seas, appears to be without end. Henryk Sienkiewicz
6f60126 It is all my fault! But the blind man when he stumbles over a stone, curses the stone, not the blindness that made him stumble. 17 Henryk Sienkiewicz
1d36c70 What a strange power there is in woman! She comes in contact with a genius without portfolio, an exceptionally useless implement like me, and then, without any preaching on her part, he feels himself in duty bound to do all sorts of things he never dreamed of doing before. The Henryk Sienkiewicz
9ba4cba How utterly unprofitable my life is! These continual searchings of my mind are leading me into the desert. Henryk Sienkiewicz
533c2d6 The evil genius bent upon wrecking my life had not taken in account one thing: a man crushed and utterly wretched cares less for himself than a happy one. In presence of that indifference fate becomes more or less powerless. I was and am still in that frame of mind that, if angry Fortuna came to me in person, and said: "Go to perdition," I should reply calmly: "Be it so,"--not out of sorrow for the loss of Aniela, but from mere indifference.. Henryk Sienkiewicz
4a4fbd1 The world has robbed me of my love, time has dried up hatred, and as the living individual must feel something, I live upon what remains to me. I must also say that he who feels and lives thus does not get a surfeit of happiness. Henryk Sienkiewicz
10a1e77 Bright, dreadful flashes of lightning rent the darkness and Kali's reply was drowned by a peal of thunder which shook heaven and the wilderness. Simultaneously a whirlwind broke out, tugged the boughs of the tree swept away in the twinkling of an eye the camp-fire, seized the embers, still burning under the ashes, and carried them with sheaves of sparks into the jungle. wilderness Henryk Sienkiewicz
9fa115d I still seem to hear Sniatynski's words: "Do not philosophize her away, as you have philosophized away your abilities and your thirty-five years of life." I know it leads to nothing, I know it is wrong, but I do not know how not to think. 13" Henryk Sienkiewicz
f24bb48 Oj, pojdziewa w zyto, Bos dobra, kobieto! Henryk Sienkiewicz
663e010 Svet't e izmamen, a zhivot't e iliuziia. Triabva da imash dostat'chno um za da razlichish priiatnite ot loshite iliuzii. Henryk Sienkiewicz