It's all okay, it's all beautiful; but ah fear that this internal sea is gaunnae subside soon, leaving this poisonous shite washed up, stranded up in ma body.
Irvine Welsh |
They mean well, and they mean well tae me, but there's nae way under the sun that they can appreciate what ah feel, what ah need. Protect me from those who wish tae help us.
Irvine Welsh |
Fiona, this is my mate, Frank Begbie. Or Franco. Or Beggars. Or the Beggar Boy. Or the Generalissmo. Or Psychotic Bullying Prick.
Irvine Welsh |
Since he was sixteen, he had been continuously sexually active, either with a girlfriend or through a series of casual flings. From the point of someone like Kibby, he considered, he would be regarded as highly succesful with women. But the real problem is relationships, which fucking social retards like Kibby can't grasp, because they're just so obsessed with getting their hole.
Irvine Welsh |
It's easy to love, or for that matter hate, somebody in their absence, somebody we don't really know...
Irvine Welsh |
I reach into my bag and I pull out my claw hammer.
Irvine Welsh |
Quiza me haya acostumbrado tanto a las mentiras, que la verdad me suena indecentemente falsa. Pero bueno.
Irvine Welsh |
The dead man is on the trolley and the woman collapses across his chest. That's what the ghouls want a shufti at, like at that Princess Diana's funeral, they want to scrutinise those who really knew her, to drink the misery out of their faces.
Irvine Welsh |
Gillman smiles, in the cold manner of an assassin. It's like looking in the mirror.
Irvine Welsh |
You just want tae fuck up on drugs so that everyone'll think how deep and fucking complex you are. It's pathetic, and fucking boring.
Irvine Welsh |
Are you asking me or telling me?
Irvine Welsh |
On the issue of drugs, we wir classical liberals, vehemently opposed tae state intervention in any form.
Irvine Welsh |
Edinburgh could be bleak, but Aberdeen really took the pish. A life could be wasted waiting for the sky tae change fae grey tae blue.
Irvine Welsh |
She's nothing to do with my shit, but fuck it, none of us are saints and scapegoats are always handy.
Irvine Welsh |
I like the idea of a black sun; like a black hole in space, sucking everything into darkness, where we came from and where we're heading
Irvine Welsh |
When I get home I take some sleeping pills and within what seemed like half an hour of unconsciousness it was Monday morning again.
Irvine Welsh |
ye always want what ye cannae have and the things that ye dinnae really gie a toss aboot get handed tae ye oan a plate.
Irvine Welsh |
Money gives you the luxury of not caring about it. You can affect to find it crass and vulgar, but see how crass and vulgar it is when there's none of it in your pocket.
Irvine Welsh |
Ne mozhekh da kazha na Lizi za kupona v B'roulend. Napravo nikak'v shans. Shchom vzekh "pensiiata", vednaga kupikh bileta. Ostanakh bez puknata para. Tozi den obache tia imashe rozhden den. Triabvashe da izbiram: ili bileta, ili podar'k za neia. Nikak'v shans. Stavashe duma za Igi Pop. Mislekh, che shche me razbere. - Znachi mozhesh da si kupish shiban bilet za skapaniia Igi Pop, a ne mozhesh da se prezhalish za podar'k! E tova e Lizi s re..
Irvine Welsh |
Ah felt a paralysis ay emotion as time stretched out. A pervading numbness was setting in, like a dentist's anaesthetic, spreading through ma body.
Irvine Welsh |
Schopenhauer was right: Life has to be about disillusionment stumbling inexorably towards the totally fucked.
Irvine Welsh |
But here, just at this point: this is limbo. There is the sense that if you stay at this point for too long, stop at this point of oblivion for a certain amount of time, you will just cease to exist. And we cannot move.
Irvine Welsh |
Me conto un monton de cosas que yo no queria oir, cosas que mi madre y mi padre nunca supieron, y que odiarian saber. Lo cabron que era Billy con ella. Como en ocasiones la golpeaba, la humillaba, y la trataba en general como un trozo de mierda excepcionalmente corrompida. "?Por que te quedaste con el?" "Era mi chico. Siempre piensas que sera diferente, que puedes hacerle cambiar, que tu puedes suponer la diferencia." Eso lo entendia, Pero ..
Irvine Welsh |
Ah fuckin hate the way some American cunts call lassies cunts. Fuckin offensive, that shite.
Irvine Welsh |
no matter how early you rise or how late you turn in, you never see that point where light begins or the first bruise of darkness bleeds in under its fragile skin; the beauty, and the scary, unfathomable wisdom of transition.
Irvine Welsh |
He's going on and on, and I can't be bothered. I just can't be fuckin well arsed saying something like: Solaris shites all over 2001, and then listening to him arguing vehemently against it. Or, alternatively, waiting for him to say it, and then being expected to argue engingly, as if to agree, even if we do, is a sign that we're effete proofs. I can't be bothered with it and I can't even be bothered to tell him that I can'be be bothered.
Irvine Welsh |
Ah ken the junk gits bad press, but ah think it's barry. It's easy tae criticize something fae outside, but yuv goat tae experience eveything in life, ken? Thinkay how shitey things would huv been for eveycat if Jim Morrison hudnae droaped acid. He widnae broken oan through tae the other side n aw barry tunes wid be shiter as a result.... it aw disnae goaway on skag:it jist disnae bother ye any mair.
Irvine Welsh |
The pit of melancholy was a bottomless one, and he was descending fast, falling further away from the good times. Such times often seemed tantalisingly within reach; he could see them, going on all around him. His mind was like a cruel prison, giving his captive soul a sight of freedom, but no more.
Irvine Welsh |
Renton looks at her and sees her pain and anger. It cuts him up. It confuses him. Kelly has a great sense of humour. What's wrong with her? The knee-jerk thought: Wrong time of the' month is forming in his head when he looks about and picks up the intonations of the laughter around the bar. It's not funny laughter. This is lynch mob laughter. How was ah tae know, he thinks. How the fuck was ah tae know?
Irvine Welsh |
They mean well, and they mean well tae me, but there's nae way under the sun that they can appreciate what ah feel, what ah need. Protect me from those who wish tae help us.
Irvine Welsh |
Ah nivir bother asking ma father who ah kin shag, ah idly observe. - Glad tae hear it, Sylvia says in clipped tones as Ali stifles a giggle. - Me neither... groans Matty, -...unless it's muh ma. - That's only good manners, ah shrugs.
Irvine Welsh |
He notes the depressing haste with which the successful, in the sexual sphere as in all others, segment themselves from the failures.
Irvine Welsh |
Me abraza con fuerza, pero no hay amor ni ternura. Solo desesperacion. Quiza tenga que ver con la conciencia de que me estoy alejando de el, alejandome de este mundo que el quiere que habite: su mundo, el mundo que no compartimos.
Irvine Welsh |
Most importantly, we shag at least twice a day. It's proper sex, relaxed and unhurried, no done on the sly.
Irvine Welsh |
Ooo. E sempre bom abandonar alguem que diz que gostaria de ver voce de novo, porque inevitavelmente chegaria o dia em que voce ia ter que abandonar essa pessoa porque ela nao quer ver voce de novo.
Irvine Welsh |
Now I'll be left alone, and that's all you want, all you crave out of life: to be left alone while you get on with the business of interfering with others. In
Irvine Welsh |
Mental burds; needy, crazy, strength-sappin n soul-destroyin, aye, but mair often than not barry fuckin rides.
Irvine Welsh |
As if the physical proximity can make up for the emotional distance.
Irvine Welsh |
No ambition but to use up the big wages on more drink and more hopeless horses.
Irvine Welsh |
A lot of men are wankers cause they don't mind bad sex, but for a woman bad sex is far worse than no sex at all.
Irvine Welsh |
It was, as the song said, 'call to arms music,' and seemed to have little to do with Scotland and New Year. It was fighting music. Stevie didn't want to fight anyone. But it was also beautiful music.
Irvine Welsh |
Eroinden soz ederken kendimi sasirtici olcude iyi, sakin ve berrak hissediyordum. "Tam olarak bilmiyorum, Tom, bilmiyorum. Bi sekilde her seyi daha gercekci kiliyor. Hayat sikici ve anlamsiz. Buyuk umutlarla basliyoruz, sonra cuvalliyoruz. Hepimiz bi gun buyuk sorulara cevap bulmadan olecegimizi kesfederiz. Hayatimizin gercegini farkli bicimlerde yorumlayacak dolambacli dusunceler gelistiririz, bedenimizle buyuk seylere, gercek seylere dair..
Irvine Welsh |
We're all like the slaves in the fields now, putting on the front that says 'Everything's fine, boss' while we worry about how to make ends meet.
Irvine Welsh |
Increasingly, life seems fractured, as if his past had been lived by someone else. It isn't just that the place he now resides in and the people around him are poles apart, it's like he himself is an entirely different person. The overriding obsessions and foibles of the man he'd once been now feel utterly ludicrous to the current resident of his mind and body. The only bridge is rage; when angered he can taste his old self. But in Californ..
Irvine Welsh |