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498cea5 His eyes were the color of the scrim that forms on street puddles in January. A cold and dirty gray. J.D. Robb
6e1d6b8 Don't ask. We're all but done for in any case, taking that Fiona couldn't hit a cow's arse with a banjo, and Paddy and Maureen both cheat like tinkers at a fair." "What are you talking about? Why would anybody hit a cow with a banjo? He only smiled. "The point is, Fiona couldn't so we'll be done soon enough." hit-a-cow-with-a-banjo roarke J.D. Robb
c0a4ee5 She covered her hands with her face, J.D. Robb
90b706a She didn't hurry as she walked to him. Something told her he was a man too used to people -- women certainly -- rushing toward him. So she took her time, her long, slow strides flapping her borrowed coat around her chilly legs. J.D. Robb
d3d15ec He'd been tempted to wander into her bedroom while he'd had the apartment to himself and see what he might have discovered about her there, but he'd resisted. It was not so much respect for her privacy as it was the challenge she presented that provoked him to discover her from the woman alone rather than her surroundings. J.D. Robb
c55aa07 I'm tired of every time I have a moment with you, you put murder between us." "There is murder between us." "No. If anything, that's what brought us here. Is that the problem? You can't shed Lieutenant Dallas long enough to feel?" "That's who I am." "Then that's who I want." J.D. Robb
598b2ee The frustration he felt was only with himself, for being so impossibly driven he might, at any moment, beg. J.D. Robb
37727c3 Everything and all things. That was Eve for him. Nothing he'd ever dreamed of, even in secret in the dirty alleys of Dublin, approached the reality of her. Nothing he possessed could ever be as precious. The taste of her in the cool night, in the pale light, stirred a craving he understood would never be fully sated. J.D. Robb
3bb90c8 Listen, pal, I come and go as I please, so check your ego. J.D. Robb
aede8d3 Forget it." She shifted away, drained her cup, set it aside. "I won't forget it; neither will you." He took her hand, lifted it to his lips. Nothing could have pleased him more than the quick suspicion on her face. "You won't forget me, Eve. You'll think of me, perhaps not fondly, but you'll think of me." "I'm in the middle of a murder investigation. You're part of it. Sure, I'll think of you." J.D. Robb
3838bb4 every degree of despair and hope that slithered its way across the littered street to crawl over her skin. J.D. Robb
111232f I'll tell you that whatever you feel for anyone, however much love's inside you, there's more of it when you have a child. You can't understand it until you've experienced it. And it doesn't change as they grow into men, into women. It just grows with them. J.D. Robb
bd9222d What are you doing?" "Washing your hair," he murmured and proceeded to stroke and massage the shampoo into her short, sopping cap of hair. "I'm going to enjoy smelling my soap on you." His lips curved. "You're a fascinating woman, Eve. Here we are, wet, naked, both of us half dead from a very memorable night, and still you watch me with very cool, very suspicious eyes." "You're a suspicious character, Roarke." "I think that's a compliment." roarke J.D. Robb
1ba00ad You won't forget me, Eve. You'll think of me, perhaps not fondly, but you'll think of me." "I'm in the middle of a murder investigation. You're part of it. Sure, I'll think of you." "Darling," he began, and watched with amusement as his use of the endearment knitted her brow. "You'll be thinking of what I can do to you." roarke J.D. Robb
a043cf9 since I have my heart's desire, I suppose I'm rich as well. J.D. Robb
19be5a7 People who at like assholes get treated like assholes. J.D. Robb
26da444 That's unbelievably cruel." "Nothing cruel's unbelievable." J.D. Robb
1ce14ee Whatever our DNA, it's living and being that makes us. We have to love, I think - as forthy as that sounds - we have to love to be fully alive, fully human. love what-makes-us-human J.D. Robb
5846df3 times. She had them stand by, then took J.D. Robb
6ed5092 In that case I'll just finish it out so you can swallow it all in one lump. I love you, and I need you every bit as much as you love and need me. Maybe I don't say it as often or show it as smoothly, but that doesn't make it any less true. If it pricks your ego to know that I'd protect you, that's just too bad. J.D. Robb
72c58a4 What do they get out of that?" Eve wondered as they stepped into the vacated elevator. "How good could your own thumb taste?" "It's not the taste, it's the sucking action. Oral satisfaction and comfort." "So, basically, they're giving themselves a blow job?" For a couple of seconds, Peabody's mouth worked silently. "I ... I can't possibly answer that without feeling really dirty and weirded." With a shrug, Eve rode up to the fourth floor. D.. J.D. Robb
2e123f2 Maybe it's all they were after, but gamblers gamble. It worked, as far as they're concerned. J.D. Robb
a15cda5 head, J.D. Robb
cfdbf19 Roarke winced and began the delicate task of extracting his feet from his mouth. roarke J.D. Robb
498f6f8 She started to open the door, looked back at him. "Whatever came before, whatever comes after, I know what love is because of you." He took her free hand. "Whatever came before, whatever comes after, it's you who've shown me love changes everything. Lifts everything. Gives everything." "We're going to have dinner tonight, just the two of us. No cops but me, no work. Like a date, okay?" "Want a date, do you?" It surprised her more than him. .. roarke J.D. Robb
54f7d4f If Piper and Rudy hadn't seen me, I'd have done the inside work myself." Roarke lifted an eyebrow as he secured the first string and took out another. "I might have some mild objection to my wife dating strange men." She went back to the tray, took another pretty canape at random. "I wouldn't have slept with any of them... unless the job called for it." She grinned at him. "And I would have thought of you the whole time." "It wouldn't have.. love possessive-hero J.D. Robb
d7df834 When Eve started to climb in, Roarke took her hand and tumbled her into his lap. "Hey." Mortified, she jabbed with her elbow. "I love to fluster her when she's on duty," Roarke said, wrestling Eve back onto his lap. "And how was your day, Peabody?" Peabody" -- J.D. Robb
e363c9d Homicide: Our day starts when yours ends. Permanently." "You should sew that on a pillow." "I'm thinking a T-shirt." J.D. Robb
4300e6b The lust for power, for dominating others, inflames the heart more than any other passion. --TACITUS J.D. Robb
8470a95 unencumbered, and focused utterly J.D. Robb
bb343ad We're all-inclusive in Homicide, 'cause whatever your race, color, or creed, you can get dead. J.D. Robb
c68fd49 Money laundering's frowned upon." "A pity, as it comes out so crisp and clean." J.D. Robb
d258a73 Mavis dated this guy for a while back in the day who looked like one of those garden gnomes. She said he went at it like a rabid mink. Don't trust appearances J.D. Robb
5e62717 Get rich quick is usually a scam and always for suckers. J.D. Robb
aed2b78 Simmering estrogen." Roarke sipped his wine. "Sounds bloody dangerous" J.D. Robb
ff87cea have J.D. Robb
2ffd630 Eve yanked out her communicator. "Peabody, get an E and B team to the Empire State Building, another to the Twin Towers, one more to the Statue of Liberty. You and McNab cover the Empire State, get Feeney down to the Towers." J.D. Robb
7807d06 I knew him. He was arrogant, pompous, smug, vain. Vain, arrogant men don't choose to be found dead naked in the bathtub swimming in their own blood. J.D. Robb
1a48038 You did good today. I won't have to think twice going through the door with you. As Eve walked away, Peabody gaped after her. It had been simply, even casually said, but it was the finest professional compliment she'd ever been given. J.D. Robb