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7405b18 Her mouth was cut, her left eye already beginning to swell. There was raw color along her cheekbone. He managed to take a full, almost easy breath. "You're going to have a hell of a bruise." "I've had them before." The medication was seeping in, turning pain into a mist. She only smiled when he stripped her to the waist and began checking for other injuries. "You've got great hands. I love when you touch me. Nobody ever touched me like tha.. roarke J.D. Robb
dacf773 i got lucky J.D. Robb
ff65005 I thought this vintage would suit you. What it lacks in subtlety . . ." He turned back, offering her a glass. "It makes up for in sensuality." He tapped his glass against hers so the crystal sang, then watched as she sipped. God, what a face, he thought. All those angles and expressions, all that emotion and control. Just now she was fighting off showing both surprise and pleasure as the taste of the wine settled on her tongue. He was looki.. J.D. Robb
699a312 You're aunt's just--what is it--down the hall. You know damn well this place isn't soundproofed." "You'll just have to be quiet." He gave her ribs a deliberate tickle that made her jump and yelp. "Or not." "Didn't I bang you already today, twice this morning?" "Darling Eve, you're a pathetic romantic." sex pathetic-romantic J.D. Robb
e8d83d8 For now, for one night, the pressures of the job were light-years away. He could do that to her, and for her, she realized. He could open little pockets of peace. J.D. Robb
879fdab In their eyes, Eve saw the wolf gleam. The story was the prey, ratings the trophy. reporters J.D. Robb
bd60aaf Tag Feeney," Eve ordered when she was behind the wheel. "Have him run like crimes in and around London." "It would be my honor, Mrs. Lieutenant Dallas Roarke." At Eve's burning look, Peabody only grinned. "Sorry. I just had to do it once. I'm over it." J.D. Robb
21212c6 I like ass-watching." Peabody settled herself in comfortably."When I see one bigger than mine, it makes me feel good. When I see one smaller, it helps me resist eating a whole bunch of cookies. It's a productive hobby, my ass-watching" peabody J.D. Robb
e4cf378 You will be expected to obey orders, or this appointment can and will be terminated. Again, at the discretion of the primary. We run this by the book." "I've always wondered. How many pages are in that book of yours?" "And smart mouthing to the primary can result in disciplinary action." "Darling. You know how that excites me." J.D. Robb
8c40fb4 Might have to go to London," she murmured. "Huh. Wouldn't it be a kick in the head if I really did have to be out of the country hunting a criminal mastermind when Mavis goes into labor?" "I, my ass. That goes to we or I'll hurt you" roarke J.D. Robb
1bcaf31 Mm-hmm. You know, lip dye isn't a crime in this state. You ought to try it." "I've been kind of busy." "You're always kind of busy. You're not using the eye gel I gave you. You can't find a minute twice a day for eye gel? You want bags and wrinkles? You got the finest piece of man-candy on and off planet, and you want him looking at your face with bags and wrinkles? What are you going to do when he dumps you for a woman who takes time to ma.. J.D. Robb
55fe1fd It's so difficult for two shy people to manage. J.D. Robb
5090c1b She thought she'd get out clean, but the foyer monitor blinked on as she reached for her jacket. "Going somewhere, Lieutenant?" "Jesus, Roarke, why not just knock me over the head with a blunt instrument. Keeping tabs on me?" "As often as possible. Wear your coat if you're going out. That jacket isn't warm enough for this weather." "I'm just going into Central for a couple of hours." "Wear the coat," he repeated, "and the gloves in the pock.. J.D. Robb
4e9cf29 He'd walked into her life, and everything had changed. He'd found her; she'd found him--and all those dark places inside both of them had gotten a little smaller, a little brighter. J.D. Robb
94d67e3 Darling Eve!" The Irish was a bit more ripe in the voice, and no, the eyes not as stunningly blue. But Julian Cross hit the gorgeous mark, and moved well. In fact he moved straight to Eve, yanked her into a quick, hard kiss, with a hint of tongue. "Hey!" "I couldn't help it." The not-quite-blue-enough eyes twinkled at her. "I feel like we're close." "Think that again and they'll have to write a fat lip into your next scene." She caught Roar.. J.D. Robb
ab812ab I know love, and what it does to you, for you. I know that it can bloom out of friendship, or that friendship can open out of love. Both are precious. And when you have both, there's little that can't be done. J.D. Robb
14ad365 Oh shit, oh shit, stupid shower present!" Now she did pull her hair as she made the dash to her office. Roarke sat in her visitor's chair, comfortably involved with his PPC. He glanced up, let loose a regretful sigh. "You changed. And I didn't have any time to ogle you in uniform." "I have to go shopping!" Staring at her, Roarke pressed his fingertips to his temple. "I'm sorry, I believe I must have had a small stroke. What did you .. J.D. Robb
26ccce8 I wasn't going to have dessert, but it was right there, all gooey and sweet. It's like sex. I mean, when it's right there, what are you supposed to do? I wasn't going to have that either--sex--with my parents bunking in the office, but, well, it was right there." "I'll tolerate the gooey and sweet, Peabody, but I'm not thinking about you having sex with McNab, especially in the same sentence as 'my parents.'" "I think they had sex, too." Ev.. sex eve-dallas peabody J.D. Robb
e433f8f The music room's in the next wing. We can have coffee and brandy there." "I doubt we'd share the same taste in music, Roarke." "You might be surprised," he murmured, "at what we share." He touched her cheek again, this time sliding his hand around until it cupped the back of her neck. "At what we will share." J.D. Robb
6710a2f Peabody, with me." She waited until they were back in her office. "Don't hover over McNab like that." "Sir?" "You hover over him, you're going to make him think you're worried." "I am worried. The twenty-four-" "Worry all you want, dump on me if you need to. But don't let him see it. He's starting to fray, and he's trying hard not to show it. You try just as hard not to show it. If you need to vent, go out there on the kitchen terrace. Scre.. J.D. Robb
e378788 Neither of them knew what it was to be family, to have family, to make a family. They knew cruelty, abuse, abandonment. She wondered if that was why they had come together. They both understood what it was to have nothing, to know fear and hunger and despair- and both had remade themselves. roarke J.D. Robb
059980e Are you okay?" "I don't know. I have to think about it." Her head was still spinning. "We're on the lawn," she said slowly. "Our clothes are torn. I'm pretty sure I have the imprint of your fingers dented into my butt." "I did my best," he murmured. She snickered first, then chuckled, then broke into fits of giddy, hiccupping laughter. "Jesus, Roarke, Jesus Christ, look at us." "In a minute. I think I'm still partially blind." J.D. Robb
c7c8d01 Then we'd better stop her." Coating the hammering fear with calming ice, Roarke worked precisely. "I'm not losing my wife today. I need more shagging light here." J.D. Robb
b4bae04 Love, Eve thought, came in all colors, shapes, and sizes. J.D. Robb
459d83a He's a fine young man, and one who loves you without restrictions. Finding a mate, a true one, is a rare and precious thing." And the heart of the heart, she thought. Yes, he'd found that, too. "I don't even know how it happened, but even when he pisses me off, I'm grateful every day it did." "The best possible description for a good marriage." J.D. Robb
cd4e1d0 She wondered why two people who loved each other to the point of stupid managed to aggravate each other as often as they seemed to. J.D. Robb
9a446ab Marriage is a series of promises. J.D. Robb
1ec090c Brian's face broke out in a wide grin as he slapped Roarke on the back. "That's a woman, isn't it?" "Delicate as a rose, my Eve. Fragile and quiet natured." He grinned himself when he heard her curse, loud and vicious. "A voice like a flute." "And you're sloppy in love with her." "Pitifully." love sarcastic-humor J.D. Robb
e0059d3 In my hands is power. The power to hear or to destroy. To grant life or to cause death. I revere this gift, have honed it over time an art as magnificent and awesome as any painting in the Louvre. I an art, I am science. In all ways that matter, I am God. God must be ruthless and far-sighted. God studies his creations and selects. The best of these creations must be cherished, protected, sustained. Greatness rewards perfection. Yet even th.. god J.D. Robb
2fe6516 Problem is, it'll be like looking for the crazy needle in a stack of needles. And nobody say 'haystack,'" she warned. "Because that's just stupid." J.D. Robb
f61e371 Are you gonna arrest a robber?" "Know any?" "My friend Everet stoled a candy bar from the store, but his ma found out and made him go pay for it out of his 'lowance, and he couldn't have candy or for a whole month. You could arrest him. He's over there." He pointed, cheerfully ratting out his pal. "It sounds like he's paid his debt to society." J.D. Robb
78697cf She didn't know how seriously to take the fact that he claimed to be in love with her. Love meant different things to different people. It had never been a part of her life. She poured herself a half glass of wine, then merely frown into it. She felt something for him, certainly. Something new, and uncomfortably strong. Still, it was best to let things coast as they were. Decisions made quickly were almost always regretted quickly. J.D. Robb
84bb400 Roarke, one thing." She walked to him, well aware he was all but snarling with temper. "I haven't kissed you good-bye," she murmured and did so with a thoroughness that rocked him back on his heels. "Thank you." Before he could speak, she kissed him again. "For always knowing what matters to me." "You're welcome." Possessively, he ran a hand over her tousled hair. "Miss me." "I already am." "Don't take any unnecessary chances." His hands gr.. roarke J.D. Robb
b59a81c You need more sleep." "Skillet, pan." "What?" "You know, the skillet says the pan's the same deal." He thought a moment. "I believe that's the pot calling the kettle black." "Whatever, kitchen stuff can't talk anyway." J.D. Robb
bdb25cd He watched, somewhat fascinated as she swished a slice of bacon through the pool of syrup. His steely-minded cop had the appetite of a five-year-old. J.D. Robb
68b912f It's always a pleasure watching you wake up," he commented. "But sometimes I wonder if you want me only for my coffee." "Well..." She grinned at him and sipped again. "I really like the food, too. And the sex isn't bad." roarke J.D. Robb
8a2c7f2 If you're dizzy at all, sit down. Just sit down wherever you are. It's better than falling. Range of motion in the shoulder?" Eve demonstrated it by raising her arms and scrubbing shampoo into her hair. "Hip?" Eve wiggled her butt and made Louise laugh. "Glad to see you're feeling frisky." "That wasn't frisky. I was mooning you, which is supposed to be insulting." "But you have such a cute little butt." "So I've always said," Roarke added. .. J.D. Robb
5b8ca76 I expected to have some tags from reporters, but I'm clear there so far." "I've had all inquiries from media rerouted to my office." She narrowed her eyes "You can do that?" "I can." "Why don't you always do that?" kyung J.D. Robb
59162ff Since we're into witches, let's swing by and check out this Isis at Spirit Quest." She slid her eyes right. Well, maybe she'd rag just a little. "You can probably buy a talisman or some herbs," she said solemnly. "You know, to ward off evil." Peabody shifted in her seat. Feeling foolish wasn't nearly as bad as worrying about being cursed. "Don't think I won't." "After we deal with Isis, we can grab a pizza sub -- with plenty of garlic." "Ga.. J.D. Robb
85ff290 If children don't push the edges now and again, what's the point of being a child? J.D. Robb
59688a1 Clearing her throat, Peabody turned the cube on record. "I owe Dallas, Lieutenant Meaniepants Eve, twenty dollars to be paid out of my hard-earned, under-appreciated detective's salary next payday. Peabody, Detective Churchmouse Delia." J.D. Robb
a46a894 She pushed back from the table. "I've got some stuff I need to do." "The Walking Dead said there was chocolate cake." "Jamie," Roarke said mildly. "Sorry," Jamie said reluctantly. "Mister Walking Dead, also known as Summerset, said there was chocolate cake." "And if you eat it all, I'll kill you in your sleep. Then you can join The Walking Dead. Roarke, I need to talk to you." As they started out, she heard Jamie ask: "Think they're gonna g.. J.D. Robb
e3bd890 Don't wear those trousers with that shirt. What are you thinking?" "I'm going to a bust, not a party." "That's no reason not to look your best. Let's see, what's the well-dressed cop wearing these days to take down a major terrorist organization? You can't go wrong with basic black." "Is this a joke?" she asked as he selected another shirt. "Good fashion sense is never a joke." He handed her the shirt, slid a finger down the dent in her chi.. J.D. Robb
36cfe31 I was just wishing for you," he said. "And here you are." "Must be your lucky day, Ace." "Eve." He lifted a hand, not quite steady, skimmed his fingers along her jaw. "Eve," he said again, and his arms were around her, banded like steel as he lifted her off her feet. "Oh God. Eve." She felt the shudder run through him as he buried his face in her hair, against the curve of her neck. And knew she'd been right to come. Whatever else there was.. J.D. Robb