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c8e82f5 Did anybody say anything about being flawless? Perfection is an absolutely different word, magnificently left hanging for the human being's kind benefit throughout the ages! J.D. Salinger
8def4da In just a second, in just a second. You keep talking about ego. My God, it would take Christ himself to decide what's ego and what isn't. This is God's universe, buddy, not yours, and he has the final say about what's ego and what isn't. What about your beloved Epictetus? Or your beloved Emily Dickinson? You want your Emily, every time she has an urge to write a poem, to just sit down and say a prayer till her nasty, egotistical urge goes a.. J.D. Salinger
3b58f5d Espero que cuando me muera alguien tenga sentido comun suficiente como para tirarme al rio o algo asi. Cualquier cosa menos meterme en un maldito cementerio. Eso de que venga la gente los domingos a ponerte ramos de flores en el estomago y todo ese rollo. ?Quien quiere flores cuando ya se ha muerto? Nadie. J.D. Salinger
7ce25cb my life itself couldn't very conceivably be less Zenful than it is, and what little I've been able to apprehend - I pick that verb with care - of the Zen experience has been a by-result of following my own rather natural path of extreme Zenlessness. J.D. Salinger
1a4b2ab She cried for fully five minutes. She cried without trying to suppress any of the noisier manifestations of grief and confusion, with all the convulsive throat sounds that a hysterical child makes when the breath is trying to get up through a partly closed epiglottis. And yet, when finally she stopped, she merely stopped, without the painful, knifelike intakes of breath that usually follow a violent outburst-inburst. J.D. Salinger
9621f3d I do say that educated and scholarly men, if they're brilliant and creative to begin with-which, unfortunately, is rarely the case-tend to leave infinitely more valuable records behind them than men do who are merely brilliant and creative. They tend to express themselves more clearly, and they usually have a passion for following their thoughts through to the end. J.D. Salinger
593c5db So falou nisso de a Vida ser um jogo e assim. Sabe como e. - A Vida e um jogo, meu rapaz. A Vida e um jogo que se joga seguindo as regras. - Pois e, senhor professor. Eu sei que e. Eu sei. Um jogo, uma ova. Raio de jogo. Se calhamos do lado onde estao todos os craques, esta bem que e um jogo... Concordo que e. Mas se calhamos do outro lado, onde nao ha craques nenhuns, entao onde e que esta o jogo? Nada. Jogo coisa nenhuma. J.D. Salinger
43df2f7 Boy, did he depress me! I don't mean he was a bad guy- he wasn't. But you don't have to be a bad guy to depress somebody- you can be a good guy and do it. All you have to do to depress somebody is give them a lot of phony advice while you're looking for your initials in some can door- that's all you have to do. I don't know. Maybe it wouldn't have been so bad if he hadn't been all out of breath. J.D. Salinger
c6309d0 o parvalhao reparou nela e aproximou-se para a cumprimentar. Haviam de ouvir a maneira como se cumprimentaram. Haviam de pensar que nao se viam ha vinte anos. Haviam de pensar que tomavam banho na mesma banheira ou coisa assim quando eram pequenos. Amigos do coracao. Era de vomitos. O mais engracado era que provavelmente se tinham encontrado uma unica vez, numa festa pirosa qualquer. Finalmente, quando deram por terminadas as lambuzadelas, .. J.D. Salinger
5a0c8b4 On sul monikord koigest villand? On sul monikord hirm, et koik laheb kuradile, kui sa ise ei hakka vastu rabelema? J.D. Salinger
301dd92 There isn't anyone out there who isn't Seymour's Fat Lady ... don't you know who that Fat Lady really is? ... Ah, buddy. Ah, buddy. It's Christ Himself. Christ Himself, buddy. J.D. Salinger
2996a9a I said I thought she had a very fine voice. She nodded. 'I know. I'm going to be a professional singer.' J.D. Salinger
7e6caef He stuck around till around dinnertime, talking about all the guys at Pencey that he hated their guts, and squeezing this big pimple on his chin. He didn't even use a handkerchief. I don't even think the bastard had a handkerchief, if you want to know the truth. I never saw him use one, anyway. J.D. Salinger
439843b Duyguluymus. Bittim. Bu Morrow denen herif ancak bir klozet kapagi kadar duygulu olabilirdi. klozet J.D. Salinger
48fee08 lw knt `zf bynw 'w mmthlan wm shbh dhlk wr'yt hw'l lblh y`tqdwn 'nny ry'` lm 'Hbbt dhlk. lns dy'man ySfqwn ll'shy lty l qym@ lh. lw knt `zf bynw l`zft dkhl lkhzn@ ll`yn@ wGlqt bbh Ht~ l yrny Hd. ... lsbb Gyr mfhwm sh`rt blrth lh `ndm nth~ mn l`zf. l'nny l '`tqd 'nh whw y`zf ystTy` 'n ydrk mt~ yjyd wmt~ ysy lys dhlk GlTth wHdh bl hy 'yDan GlT@ hw'l lblh ldhyn ySfqwn bjnwn. bstT`@ hw'l 'n yshwhw 'y nsn dh tyHt lhm lfrS@. J.D. Salinger
9ebf401 This is nobody's fault, swiftly be assured; being human beings with personal opinions and brains, we are respondent to any shreds of beauty we can get; I myself am hopelessly respondent to it! J.D. Salinger
6d7482b They're not," Franny said. "That's partly what's so awful. I mean they're not real poets. They're just people that write poems that get published and anthologized all over the place, but they're not poets." J.D. Salinger
0338415 They sang without instrumental accompaniment--or, more accurately in their case, without any interference. Their voices were melodious and unsentimental, almost to the point where a somewhat more denominational man than myself might, without straining, have experienced levitation. A couple of the very youngest children dragged the tempo a trifle, but in a way that only the composer's mother could have found fault with. J.D. Salinger
22ea770 I never really knew anything about friendship before I was in the Army. Did you Vince?" "Not a thing. It's the best thing there is. Just About." friendship salinger war J.D. Salinger
9e0120f Jesus, life has its share of honorable thrills if one but keeps one's eyes open! J.D. Salinger
7e73c1b Then, as though he had suddenly become exhausted-or, rather, depleted by the demands made on him by a world greedy for the fruit of his intellect-he began to massage the side of his face with the flat of his hand, removing, with unconscious crassness, a bit of sleep from one eye. intellect zooey J.D. Salinger
2450901 I thought you told me Jimmy Jimmereeeno was run over and killed." "What?" "You heard me," Eloise said. "Why are you sleeping way over here?" "Because," said Ramona. "Because why? Ramona, I don't feel like--" "Because I don't want to hurt Mickey." "Who?" "Mickey," said Ramona, rubbing her nose. "Mickey Mickeranno." J.D. Salinger
8f0d386 The worst that being an artist could do to you would be that it would make you slightly unhappy constantly. J.D. Salinger
cbcfc14 He said he talked to Jesus all the time. Even when he was driving his car. That killed me. I just see the big phony bastard shifting into first gear and asking Jesus to send him a few more stiffs. humor J.D. Salinger
f404fa3 Just get sick sometime and go visit yourself, and you'll find out how tactless you are! J.D. Salinger
02eb2be I mean how do you know what you're going to do till you do it? going how it know till to what you you-re J.D. Salinger
08894be As you damned well know, we never change much in our hearts. J.D. Salinger
3c686c6 Oh. . . . It's too long a story. I never bore people I haven't know for at least a thousand years. J.D. Salinger
1fd458c Think how practical, pleasant, and thrilling it would be if one could open one's mouth, from time to time, and something other than sheer, forward, unreliable opinion came out! J.D. Salinger
d76c5e6 Though we've talked and talked and talked, we've all agreed not to say a word. talking J.D. Salinger
2b1a971 Men bore me; Women abhor me; society J.D. Salinger
b67ea4c How in hell are you going to recognize a legitimate holy man when you see one if you don't even know a cup of concentrated chicken soup when it's right in front of your nose? J.D. Salinger
efe77e6 What I think is, you're supposed to leave somebody alone if he's at least being interesting and he's getting all excited about something. I like it when somebody gets excited about something. It's nice. J.D. Salinger
8a2fc46 Vizh kakvo, sednesh li da pishesh, vinagi gledai da se seshchash, che predi da stanesh pisatel, d'lgo vreme si bil chitatel. Zapechatal vedn'zh tova v glavata si, siadash spokoino i se zapitvash kakva tvorba bi se kharesala nai-mnogo na B'di Glas kato chitatel, ako triabva da izbira po s'rtse. Sledvashchata st'pka, reshitelnata, e tolkova prosta, che chak ne e za viarvane. Siadash i bez da ti migne okoto, napisvash sam tvorbata. Dori ne pod.. J.D. Salinger
248f2b7 You give me a royal pain in the ass if you want to know the truth. J.D. Salinger
3b5fff4 Somewhat overly legibly, I wrote on a sheet of paper, "We're held up indefinitely by the parade. We're going to find a phone and have a cold drink somewhere. Will you join us?" I folded the paper once, then handed it to the Matron of Honor, who opened it, read it, and then handed it to the tiny old man. He read it, grinning, and then looked at me and wagged his head up and down several times vehemently. I thought for an instant that this wa.. J.D. Salinger
75005d9 I'm profoundly attracted to classical Zen literature, I have the gall to lecture on it and the literature of Mahayana Buddhism one night a week at college, but my life itself couldn't very conceivably be less Zenful than it is, and what little I've been able to apprehend - I pick that verb with care - of the Zen experience has been a by-result of following my own rather natural path of extreme Zenlessness. Largely because Seymour himself li.. J.D. Salinger
8293949 Tozi den -- bog e svidetel na tova -- beshe zabelezhitelen ne samo s nai-neochakvani znameniia i polichbi, no i s shiroko izpolzvane na pismenata rech kato sredstvo za predavane na misli. Skachash v prep'lnena kola i eto che s'dbata po svoite nevedomi p'tishcha se pogrizhva u teb da se nameriat tefterche i moliv, v sluchai che niakoi ot sp'tnitsite ti se okazhe glukhoniam. Prom'kvash se v baniata i neshcho te nakarva da se ogledash nad mivk.. J.D. Salinger
6fa405c Godini nared nie, sedemte detsa v nasheto semeistvo, razpolagashcho samo s edna bania, imakhme malko dosadniia, no polezen navik da si pishem belezhki s parchentsa sapun v'rkhu ogledaltseto na aptechkata. Obiknoveno tezi belezhki s'd'rzhakha izkliuchitelno strogi nastavleniia, a poniakoga -- i neskriti zaplakhi: ,,Bu Bu pribirai si keseto sled k'pane! Ne go zakhv'rliai na poda! Mnogo tseluvki. Siimor."; ,,Uolt, dnes e tvoi red da izvedesh F.. J.D. Salinger
537682a Insan bazi seyleri tam hatirlayamiyor..... Hatirlayamayisimin nedeni; felaket uzgundum. Birseylere uzuluyorsam, tuvalete gitmem gerekse bile gitmem. Uzulmekten gidemem. Uzulmeyi birakip gidemem. J.D. Salinger
ab8890c Answer Professor Mandell's letter when you get a chance and the patience. Ask him not to send me any more poetry books. I already have enough for 1 year anyway. I am quite sick of it anyway. A man walks along the beach and unfortunately gets hit in the head by a cocoanut. His head unfortunately cracks open in two halves. Then his wife comes along the beach singing a song and sees the 2 halves and recognizes them and cries heart breakingly. .. kids poetry J.D. Salinger
53c1ef1 Soon the Laughing Man has amassed the largest personal fortune in the world. Most of it he contributed anonymously to the monks of a local monastery- humble ascetics who had dedicated their lives to raising German police dogs. J.D. Salinger
9d56bf7 V'zproizvedokh tazi prikazka ne samo zashchoto vinagi s'm gotov da prepor'cham na roditelite i na po-golemite bratia na desetmesechni pelenacheta da im chetat za umiriavane khubava proza, no i po s'vsem druga prichina. Sega shche vi opisha edna svatba, koiato se s'stoia prez 1942 godina. Spored men tova e nap'lno zav'rshen razkaz -- s nachalo i krai, dori s predchuvstvie za sm'rt. No t'i kato sa mi izvestni po-natat'shnite fakti, chuvstvam .. J.D. Salinger
6df8598 The rest, with very little exaggeration, was books. Meant-to-be-picked-up books. Permanently-left-behind books. Uncertain-what-to-do-with books. But books, books. Tall cases lined three walls of the room, filled to and beyond capacity. The overflow had been piled in stacks on the floor. There was little space left for walking, and none whatever for pacing. A stranger with a flair for cocktail-party descriptive prose might have commented tha.. J.D. Salinger