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18ad3b4 What are you going to do?" He stared at her for a long moment. "Maybe I'm finally going to be an angel tonight." J.R. Ward
7b676d3 In A.J.'s experience, she wasn't really the kind of woman men would break down a door to get to. Well, maybe if a house was on fire and they were a Good Samaritan with ax and an air mask. J.R. Ward
b3d20a5 Kicks from Ed Hardy, J.R. Ward
65da6d0 Yes," she whispered. He kissed her forehead."Yes what,my leelan?" "I will marry you" J.R. Ward
ac7383b rose-colored stuff. The shit was everywhere, from the rug and the drapes, to the wallpaper and the sheets, and Xcor's scent was all over the place. Clearly, this was his private room--and there was some serious satisfaction that the fucker had had to crash in this estrogen-dominated nightmare. Like sleeping in a goddamn womb. Rhage shuddered as he walked out into the hall. "Wonder if he's been suffering from a phantom urge to wear high heel.. J.R. Ward
3b86df2 V--" "You're a good Irishman, right?" When Butch nodded, V said, "Irish, Irish ... let me think. Yeah ..." Vishous's eyes sobered, and in a voice that cracked, he said, "May the road rise to meet you. May the wind always be at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face and the rains fall soft upon your fields. And ... my dearest friend ... until we meet again may the Lord hold you in the palm of His hand." J.R. Ward
abf45fe God, you'd think that great corners in life should come with a warning sign at the side of the proverbial road, a little yellow number that announced which direction you were going to go in, and maybe offered a "reduce speed" kind of advice." J.R. Ward
88dfb81 V--" "You're a good Irishman, right?" When Butch nodded, V said, "Irish, Irish ... let me think. Yeah ..." Vishous's eyes sobered, and in a voice that cracked, he said, "May the road rise to meet you. May the wind always be at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face and the rains fall soft upon your fields. And ... my dearest friend ... until we meet again may the Lord hold you in the palm of His hand." In one powerful surge, V spr.. J.R. Ward
88af5bf You've got nothing to worry about. The righteous do not always do right, but their souls remain pure. You are untainted at your core. Now close your eyes, numb nuts, I J.R. Ward
7382035 The Jeremiah guy invited me to come work for the government. He said he was with the military and they were looking for guys like me. I was all, 'Farm boys? Y'all looking for redneck farm boys? J.R. Ward
e6812b8 dessert place that was open until one a.m. and served liquor along with chocolate thingies draped in whatever topped with blah-blah-blah on a bed of poached uh-huh, yeah. J.R. Ward
f8256bf I look at that woman and all my neurons start firing at once," Devlin said. "My head shuts down and that's not the worst of it." But he wasn't about to describe the effect she had on his body. Even if the stallion was looking particularly supportive. The memory of A.J. in his arms was potent enough without adding to it the power of words. "What the hell am I going to do?" If the stallion had an answer, he wasn't sharing, and Devlin pulled a.. J.R. Ward
85f0826 encontrava-se rodeada por uma coleccao de livros antigos, muitos dos quais abertos. A visao de todas aquelas paginas lembrava-lhe caes ansiosos deitados de costas a espera de festas na barriga. J.R. Ward
1f782d8 She was on the way downstairs, running through the checklist of things to do in the morning before they left for the show, when she heard cursing. Curious, she followed the expletives into Devlin's study. He was crouching in the corner of the room, frustrated. He looked up as he heard her approach. Their eyes met in the dim light, and the flash of attraction, which always flared whenever they were together, made her feel warm inside. "Sorry.. J.R. Ward
75ef0b8 They had no more depth than their Facebook posts. Than their relentless egoism. Than their soulless frivolities. J.R. Ward
e5361b2 Il bisogno aguzza l'ingegno. forza ingegno necessità J.R. Ward
dc231c0 A.J. nodded, covering her smile with a hand as Devlin emerged with his hair messed up and hay hanging off his sweater. He looked like he'd been through a war. "You okay there, champ?" Chester asked. "Those there grain bags can be tough when they come atcha in a pack like that." J.R. Ward
13917b9 Vivi e morti sono uguali.Cerchiamo tutti, semplicemente,un posto dove sentirci a casa." LASSITER" J.R. Ward
978d32d Marissa took a sip from a glass of water. "It's perfectly innocent." "I'm doing a naked calendar," the fallen angel started. "He had a jockstrap on." "It was all done with a selfie stick." J.R. Ward
91e95e1 Quasi come se si conoscessero da secoli, invece che da qualche anno soltanto. D'altronde e cosi quando incontri qualcuno con cui ti senti in profonda armonia, no?Ti sembra di conoscerlo da sempre. J.R. Ward
d50ad5b In biblioteca, attraverso la porta aperta, vide Blay e Saxton che parlavano. Poi suo cugino fece un passo avanti e prese Blay tra le braccia. Rimasero cosi, stretti l'uno contro l'altro; Qhuinn fece un respiro profondo e si senti morire un pochino anche lui.Ecco come siamo finiti, penso.Vite separate, futuri separati.Difficile credere che all'inizio erano inseparabili...All'improvviso gli occhi azzurri di Blay incrociarono i suoi. E cio che.. J.R. Ward
f999999 comfortable giving anybody... things that were all about what he had done in the shower and in his bed alone during the day... was not getting airtime here. Besides, his mind and his heart weren't interested in any of that shit, and this was another reason she was perfect for him. Layla might well take his body up on the arousal; No'One never would. And there were worse betrayals to his shellan than wanting the unattainable. At least with N.. J.R. Ward
c3b3e3a and decided that true love didn't mean effortless, and ever-after wasn't about cruise control. You started with the attraction, and then you opened your heart and your soul--but all that, which was no small thing, just got you to first base. There were many, many other trips to take to deeper levels of greater acceptance and understanding. That was where you found the happy. And the ever-after was the work you were always willing to put in .. J.R. Ward
bf6da00 Now that you're my wife, I only need one more thing to be complete." "What's that?" she asked breathlessly. He pulled back, and began plucking pins from her hair, releasing the waves from the chignon. "What the hell does stand for?" Laughter filled the room. "Didn't you look at the marriage license?" "I was too blinded by love. So?" "You aren't going to believe it." "Try me," he said, as the last pin fell to the floor. He buried his ha.. J.R. Ward
609e00a Creo que eso es Justin Bieber. - Parado en frente al lineal de patatas fritas Lay's, Qhuinn miro por encima de la cabeza al altavoz insertado en los azulejos del techo. - Sip, estoy en lo cierto y odio saber eso. Cerca de el, John Matthew dijo por senas, ?Como lo sabes? - La pequena mierda esta en todas partes. -Para probar la cuestinon se movio hasta una tarjerta de felicitacion que se caracteizaba por Corto, Chulo y con Quince-Minutos-De.. J.R. Ward
844bc1c The mountains remained the masters, though. Even in the age of electricity and technology and automobiles and tourism, the Adirondacks dictated the landscape of this stretch of northern New York. So there are a lot of lonesome stretches in the midst of all those forests. Heading up I-87, a.k.a. the Northway, the exits get farther and farther apart until you can go five miles, ten miles, fifteen miles without having a way off the road. And e.. J.R. Ward
f9efc54 Horror flooded his face. "Oh, Christ!" J.R. Ward
f173942 If she insists on keeping that animal, the least she can do is behave respectfully and stop shacking up with this limping has-been." A.J. gasped and watched as Devlin, who had been silent, closed the distance between himself and Peter. Her step-brother's response was priceless. He looked like someone who'd stepped into the path of an avalanche. "I'm going to do you a favor," Devlin growled, "and forget you ever said that." Turning to A.J. a.. J.R. Ward
b44aa8c What did she pass from?" the girl asked. "M.S. Multiple sclerosis." "What's that?" "It's a human disease where the body's immune system attacks the coating that protects your nerve fibers? Without that sheath, you can't tell your body what to do, so you lose the ability to walk, feed yourself, speak. Or at least, my mom did. Some people with it have long periods of remission when the disease isn't active. She wasn't one of them." Mary rubbe.. J.R. Ward
d023975 And now that the Fade was upon him, he was resigned to his death. J.R. Ward
1f11bff liked the evil in themselves too much to be trusted. J.R. Ward
82c8536 In this state, the club was The Wizard of Oz made obvious: All the magic that went on here night after night, all the buzz and excitement, was really just a combination of electronics, booze, and chemicals, an illusion for the people who walked through the front doors, a fantasy that allowed them to be whatever they weren't in their day-to-day lives. fantasy J.R. Ward
c50e522 Blay as J.R. Ward
4d34d04 Wellsie will stake you through the heart and leave you for the sun, my friend. J.R. Ward
4a01c86 You said you wanted to remember something." His palms slid up to the tops of her thighs and squeezed. "So lie back and let me do my thing." That tongue of his made a reappearance--and didn't that make her get on board with the plan. "G'on now," he murmured with that Southern drawl. "Lie on back and let me take care of you. I promise to go slow . . . real slow." J.R. Ward
00d5514 gifts are like beauty, are they not. It is in the eye of the recipient that they find their seat, not in the hand of the giver. J.R. Ward
1e762df But their chauffeur knew exactly where they were, and how much distance was required to bring the Benz to a halt. With the expertise of a Hollywood stunt driver, the butler wrenched the wheel and nailed the brakes, bringing them to a park between a GTO Trez had an immediate hard-on for...and a Hummer that looked like an abstract sculpture rather than anything that was drivable. "Maybe he made his mistakes on that one," Trez said dryly." J.R. Ward
8741b5c the place appeared to be exactly like what you'd expect the king of the vampires to live in: spooky, creepy, threatening. It was all that Halloween shit, except this was for real. The people in there did bite, and not just when they were asked to. "Cool," Trez said, feeling instantly at home." J.R. Ward
1aa9610 brilliant pale green of her eyes, the buttercup yellow of her hair. J.R. Ward
c311650 Ants under the skin. As Rhage transferred his weight from one shitkicker to the other, he felt like his bloodstream had come to a soft boil and the bubbles were tickling the underside of every fucking square inch of his flesh. J.R. Ward
d2dc048 There was always time to hold someone's hand or listen to their worries or offer a shoulder to cry on because in the blink of an eye you could be on the other side of that conversation. After all tragedy didn't discriminate, so everyone was subject to the same whims of fate. No matter what your skin color was or how much money you had, whether you were gay or straight or an Atheist or a true believer, from where she stood everyone was equal.. J.R. Ward