The immigration laws that were in force until 1965 were a continuation of earlier laws written to maintain a white majority. However, after passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibited racial discrimination in employment and accommodation, a racially restrictive immigration policy was an embarrassment. The Immigration and Nationality Act Amendments of 1965--also known as the Hart-Celler Act--abolished national origins quotas an..
Jared Taylor |
Whites impose these rules on themselves because they know blacks, in particular, are so quick to take offense.
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The study therefore concluded that if illegal immigrants were legalized, their increased welfare use would nearly triple the net federal outflow per family from $2,700 a year to $7,700 a year.
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By 12th grade, the average black or Hispanic is reading and doing math at the level of the average white 8th-grader. 38
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If immigration and diversity bring cultural enrichment, why do whites move out of those very parts of the country that are being "enriched"?"
Jared Taylor |
The alleged benefits of diversity seem illusory to the people who actually experience it.
Jared Taylor |
If people believe the government is giving them AIDS and blowing up levees, and that white-owned companies are trying to sterilize them, they would be lacking in normal human emotions if they did not--to put it bluntly--hate the people they believed responsible. Indeed, vigorous expressions of hatred go back to at least the time of W.E.B. Du Bois, who once wrote, "It takes extraordinary training, gift and opportunity to make the average whi..
Jared Taylor |
Peter Brown of the Orlando Sentinel looked up the zip codes of 3,400 journalists, and found that they cluster in upscale neighborhoods, far from inner cities. More than one-third of Washington Post reporters live in just four fancy D.C. suburbs.
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the Pew Hispanic Center found that the closer blacks lived to Hispanics and the more contact they had with them, the more they favored cutting immigration.
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of us want to acknowledge," he wrote. His conclusion? "[T]o all the friends--most but not all of them white--whom I've chastised over the years for abandoning the District once their children reached school age: I'm sorry. You were right. I was wrong."20"
Jared Taylor |
Black and Hispanic men are at least twice as likely as whites to batter their wives and girlfriends.195* One 2005 study found that Hispanic women were nine times more likely than white women to report domestic violence.196 Blacks are 8.4 times more likely than whites to kill their spouses.197
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whites called in from around the country to say they were afraid to disagree with a black person for fear of being thought racist.
Jared Taylor |
The effort whites put into observing racial etiquette has been demonstrated in the laboratory.
Jared Taylor |
By 1997, when Kansas City finally gave up, it had the most extravagant schools in the country, but the percentage of whites was lower than ever and blacks' test scores had not budged.
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sectarian violence occurs most easily when one ethnic group is large enough to impose cultural norms in public areas but not large enough to make sure everyone abides by them.
Jared Taylor |
This result is fascinating because it shows that children as young as 10 feel the need to try to avoid appearing prejudiced, even if doing so leads them to perform poorly on a basic cognitive test,
Jared Taylor |
Nor is there the same pressure on blacks when they talk insultingly about whites.
Jared Taylor |
An unwillingness to associate with blacks has long been considered a sign of lower-class closed-mindedness, but a 2006 study by Michael Emerson and David Sikkink of Rice University found that the more education white parents had, the more likely they were to rule out schools for their children simply because of the number of blacks.
Jared Taylor |
She interpreted this to mean that white subjects were struggling with the "awkwardness" or "exhaustion" of dealing with a black man, and that this interfered with their ability to take the mental test."
Jared Taylor |
The only occasion on which it is acceptable for whites to speak collectively as whites is to apologize.
Jared Taylor |
The larger purpose of school integration was to solve the American dilemma, but integration had three specific goals of its own: Lift black academic achievement, raise black self-esteem, and give black and white children better impressions of each other. There have now been hundreds of studies of the effects of school integration, and none of these goals has been achieved.
Jared Taylor |
As Rebecca Bigler of the University of Texas points out, "Going to integrated schools gives you just as many chances to learn stereotypes as to unlearn them."
Jared Taylor |
After Lincoln became president he campaigned for colonization, and even in the midst of war with the Confederacy found time to work on the project, appointing Rev. James Mitchell as Commissioner of Emigration, in charge of finding a place to which blacks could be sent. On August 14th, 1862, he invited a group of black leaders to the White House to try to persuade them to leave the country, telling them that "there is an unwillingness on the..
Jared Taylor |
In 1995, on the strength of the book, the famously conservative Hillsdale College invited me to participate in a series of lectures on welfare. My subject was to be "Race Relations and Welfare." Bell Curve author Charles Murray was also a speaker, and the evening before my talk he and I participated in a long private conversation with several others about race and IQ, and the implications of racial differences for American society. Lissa Ro..
Jared Taylor |
In 2000, interior minister [of France] Jean-Pierre Chevenement said Europe should become a place of race-mixing (metissage) and that governments should make efforts to persuade Europeans to accept this. In 2007, both candidates in the French presidential election took the same view. Socialist Segolene Royale, said that "miscegenation is an opportunity for France," adding that she would encourage immigration and would be "president of a Fran..
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