Gercekte hep iki zaman arasindayizdir: Govdenin ve bilincin zamani arasinda. Butun obur kulturlerdeki ruh ve gozde arasindaki ayrim iste buradan kaynaklanir. Oncelik her zaman ruhundur ve yeri bir baska zamanin aktigi cizgidedir.
John Berger |
In no other form of society in history has there been such a concentration of images, such a density of visual messages.
John Berger |
s'qr' b`D l'sTr mn dwn trjmth. stsm`yn lsWr, wsybq~ lsWr srWan.
John Berger |
The single word that counted on Wednesday was the one that came from the muzzle of a gun, addressed to somebody on their knees. Better to choose our hour than to accept this. We know each other. We've known each other from the time of Crocodilopolis. [Letter unsent]
John Berger |
english autumn mornings are often like mornings nowhere else in the world. The air is cold. The floorboards are cold. It is perhaps this coldness which sharpens the tang of the hot cup of tea. Outside, steps on the gravel crunch a little more loudly than a month ago because of the very slight frost
John Berger |
If we can see the present clearly enough, we shall ask the right questions of the past.
John Berger |