Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter.
John Irving |
Melville's Moby-Dick--
John Irving |
Hardy's The Mayor of Casterbridge.
John Irving |
David Copperfield.
John Irving |
One can learn much through the thin walls of summer houses.
John Irving |
Logging is most dangerous if you're impatient; saws and axes, peavys and cant dogs--these tools belong in patient hands.
John Irving |
Women readers kept fiction alive--here was another one.
John Irving |
Well, lion tamers are probably difficult to live with--I suppose there's no small amount of testosterone involved in taming lions," Vargas said, shrugging."
John Irving |
My brain is sending poison to my heart," he told Homer..."
John Irving |
Irgend jemand sollte Mrs. Reagan sagen, dass keineswegs die jungen Leute - nicht einmal die Drogenkonsumenten unter ihnen - fur die gewichtigsten Probleme, vor denen die Welt steht, verantwortlich sind!
John Irving |
There is always one moment in childhood when the door opens and lets the future in.
John Irving |
The day women stop reading--that's the day the novel dies!" the"
John Irving |
What woman wants to hear someone say what her husband is thinking? What guy is going to be happy hearing what's on his wife's mind?
John Irving |
Just give me the antibiotic," Esperanza said. "Of course I'll be infected again! I'm a prostitute."
John Irving |
His childhood, and the people he'd encountered there--the ones who'd changed his life, or who'd been witnesses to what had happened to him at that crucial time--were what Juan Diego had instead of religion.
John Irving |
The past was where he lived most confidently, and with the surest sense of knowing who he was--not only as a novelist.
John Irving |
As a novelist, he was a little fussy about chronological order, a tad old-fashioned.)
John Irving |
Yet no litany of sexually transmitted diseases was likely to scare Edward Bonshaw away; sexual attraction isn't strictly scientific.
John Irving |
Ni siquiera una sorpresa,
John Irving |
Vargas isn't supposed to be faithful to a woman he hasn't slept with! Vargas only wants to sleep with Dr. Gomez, Lupe.
John Irving |
John Irving |
No es buen momento para un terremoto," Lupe used to say. "It's not a good moment for an earthquake."
John Irving |
One day, Jenny Fields thought, she would like to have a baby - just one.
John Irving |
John Irving |
John Irving |
won't they?
John Irving |
John Irving |
John Irving |
Sem' let my vse ne bolee chem dreifovali po techeniiu, no i ne tonuli.
John Irving |
And if she wore cocktail dresses when she labored in her rose garden, they were cocktail dresses that she no longer intended to wear to cocktail parties. Even in her rose garden, she did not want to be seen underdressed. If the dresses got too dirty from gardening, she threw them out. When my mother suggested to her that she might have them cleaned, my grandmother said, 'What? And have those people at the cleaners wonder what I was doing in..
John Irving |
Do kontsa moikh dnei u menia ostanetsia oshchushchenie, chto ia derzhu Chippera Douva pod myshki, i ego nogi visiat v neskol'kikh diuimakh nad Sed'moi aveniu. Nichego bol'she s nim i nel'zia bylo sdelat' -- tol'ko postavit' na mesto; s nim nikogda nichego nel'zia budet sdelat': nashikh Chipperov Douvov my tol'ko pripodnimaem i stavim na mesto, raz za razom.
John Irving |
V liuboi skazke, kogda ty dumaesh', chto uzhe vybralsia iz lesa, okazyvaetsia, chto ty v eshche bolee glukhom lesu; tol'ko ty nachinaesh' dumat', chto les uzhe pozadi, vyiasniaetsia, chto ty po-prezhnemu .
John Irving |
Trener Bob znal eto s samogo nachala: ty dolzhen stat' oderzhimym i ne rasteriat' oderzhimosti. Ty dolzhen i dal'she prokhodit' mimo otkrytykh okon.
John Irving |
though there was nothing wrong with Garp's hands - they just seemed to be clumsy at masturbation. 'Garp!
John Irving |
To, kak ustroen etot mir, ne mozhet sluzhit' osnovaniem dlia slepogo tsinizma ili nezrelogo otchaianiia; mirom -- tak verili oni, Aiova Bob i moi otets, -- dvigaet, kak by skverno eto u nego ni poluchalos', strastnoe zhelanie obresti kakuiu-to tsel', i mir prosto obrechen stat' luchshe.
John Irving |
Watch out for people who call themselves religious; make sure you know what they mean--make sure they know what they mean!
John Irving |
rukovodiashchii printsip nashei sem'i svodilsia k tomu, chto osoznanie neizbezhnosti pechal'nogo kontsa ne dolzhno meshat' zhit' polnokrovnoi zhizn'iu. Eto bazirovalos' na uverennosti v tom, chto drugikh kontsov, krome pechal'nykh, ne byvaet.
John Irving |
Easter is the main even; if you don't believe in the resurrection, you're not a believer.
John Irving |
Quando chegou a Portland, ja tirara as suas conclusoes. Era um obstetra; trazia bebes ao mundo. Os colegas diziam que isso era "a obra de Deus". E era um aborteiro; tambem salvava as maes. Os colegas diziam que isso era "a obra do demonio"; mas era tudo a obra de Deus para Wilbur Larch. Como a Sra. Maxwell comentara: "A alma de um verdadeiro medico nao pode deixar de ser ampla e generosa"."
John Irving |
Uma sociedade democratica condena as pessoas ao acidente da concepcao? - esbravejava o Dr. Larch. - O que somos nos...? Macacos? Se esperamos que as pessoas sejam responsaveis por seus filhos, entao e preciso lhes dar o direito de optar se querem ou nao te-los. O que voces estao pensando? Nao sao apenas loucos! Sao ogros tambem!
John Irving |
They were involved in that awkward procedure of getting to unknow each other. That
John Irving |
Y naturalmente, para ser justos, lo mejor de las ellenjamesianas habia consistido en dar a conocer el pavor general que tan burtalmente amenazaba a mujeres y ninas. Para muchas ellenjamesianas, la imitacion del horrible deslenguamiento no habia sido "enteramente politico". Habia sido una identificacion muy personal. Por supuesto, en algunos casos las ellenjamesianas eran mujeres que tambien habian sido violadas y lo que querian decir era qu..
John Irving |
Those who plead for the lives of the unborn should consider the lives of the living. ...the unborn are not as wretched or as in need of our assistance as the born! Please take pity on the born!
John Irving |
pitch. This is what a self-centered religion does to us: it allows us to use it to further our own ends.
John Irving |