we would understand much more about life's complexities if we applied ourselves to an assiduous study of its contradictions, instead of wasting time on identities and coherences, seeing as these have a duty to provide their own explanations.
José Saramago |
The day before is what we bring to the day we're actually living through, life is a matter of carrying along all those days-before just as someone might carry stones, and when we can no longer cope with the load, the work is done, the last day is the only one that is not the day before another day.
José Saramago |
Let him who has not a single speck of migration to blot his family escutcheon cast the first stone...if you didn't migrate then your father did, and if your father didn't need to move from place to place, then it was only because your grandfather before him had no choice but to go, put his old life behind him in search of the bread that his own land denied him...
José Saramago |
Strictly speaking, we do not make decisions, decisions make us.
José Saramago |
A person is not like a thing that you put down in one place and leave, a person moves, thinks, asks, questions, doubts, investigates, probes, and while it is true that, out of a long habit of resignation, he sooner or later ends up looking as if he has submitted to the objects, don't go thinking that this apparent submission is necessarily permanent.
José Saramago |
knt jmyl@, rbm lyst l'jml byn lHDwr l'nthwy, wlknh jmyl@ bSwr@ Gyr mHdd@, bSwr@ khS@, l ymkn shrHh blklmt, mthl byt sh`r yflt m`nh mn lmtrjm, dh kn thm@ wjwd lhdh lshy fy byt sh`r.
José Saramago |
You have no idea what it is like to watch two blind people fighting. Fighting has always been, more or less, a form of blindness.
José Saramago |
Como ja deveriamos saber, a representacao mais exacta, mais precisa, da alma humana e o labirinto. Com ela tudo e possivel.
José Saramago |
Tu es Sete-Sois porque ves as claras, tu seras Sete-Luas porque ves as escuras, e, assim, Blimunda, que ate ai so se chamava, como sua mae, de Jesus, ficou sendo Sete-Luas, e bem batizada estava, que o batismo foi de padre, nao alcunha de qualquer um. Dormiram nessa noite os sois e as luas abracados, enquanto as estrelas giravam devagar no ceu, Lua onde estas, Sol aonde vais.
José Saramago |
A esperanca, so a esperanca, nada mais, chega-se a um ponto em que nao ha mais nada senao ela, e entao que descobrimos que ainda temos tudo.
José Saramago |
Deve-se a construcao do convento de Mafra ao rei D. Joao V, por um voto que fez se lhe nascesse um filho, vao aqui seiscentos homens que nao fizeram filho nenhum a rainha e eles e que pagam o voto, que se lixam, com perdao da anacronica voz.
José Saramago |
a veces nos preguntamos por que la felicidad tarda tanto en llegar, por que no vino antes, pero si nos aparece de repente, como en este caso, cuando ya no la esperabamos, entonces lo mas probable es que no sepamos que hacer con ella, y la cuestion no es tanto elegir entre reir o llorar, es la secreta angustia de pensar que tal vez no consigamos estar a su altura
José Saramago |
doubt is the privilege of those who have lived a long time,
José Saramago |
The only miracle we can perform is to go on living, said the woman, to preserve the fragility of life from day to day, as if it were blind and did not know where to go, and perhaps it is like that, perhaps it really does not know, it placed itself in our hands, after giving us intelligence.
José Saramago |
We all know that each day that dawns is the first for some and will be the last for others, and that for most people it will be just another day.
José Saramago |
klmtn 'w thlth kfy@ lj`l lGrb shrkan fy lt`s@ . wbthlth 'w 'rb` klmt 'khr~ 'n yGfr 'Hdhm llakhr kl 'khTy'h Ht~ lkbyr@ mnh !
José Saramago |
lmwt 'fDl sydy .. lmwt 'fDl mn hdh lmSyr
José Saramago |
'nn Gyr mDTryn lkhbr lns `n mSy'bn
José Saramago |
So quero dizer que aquilo que cada um de nos tiver de ser na vida, nao o sera pelas palavras que ouve nem pelos conselhos que recebe. Teremos de receber na propria carne a cicatriz que nos transforma em verdadeiros homens.
José Saramago |
O melhor caminho para uma desculpabilizacao universal e chegar a conclusao de que, porque toda a gente tem culpas, ninguem e culpado.
José Saramago |
lTby`@ lbshry@ thrthr@ fy lt`ryf , mthwr@ wGyr rSyn@ , mhdhr@ w`jz@ `n Glq fmh wbqy'h mTbq.
José Saramago |
E bem certo que o dificil nao e viver com as pessoas, o dificil e compreende-las.
José Saramago |
Unlike Joseph her husband, Mary is neither upright nor pious, but she is not blame for this, the blame lies with the language she speaks if not with the men who invented it, because that language has no feminine form for the words upright and pious.
José Saramago |
You're very poetic. --No, just sad.
José Saramago |
n lDmyr l'khlqy ldhy yhjmh lkthyr mn lHmq~, wynkrh akhrwn kthr 'yDan, hw mwjwd wTlm kn mwjwdan wlm ykn mn khtr` flsf@ ldhr lrb` Hyth lm tkn lrwH 'kthr mn frDy@ mshwsh@, fm` mrwr lzmn wlrtq ljtm`y 'yDan wltbdl ljyny nthyn l~ tlwyn Dmyrn bHmr@ ldm wbmlwH@ ldm` wk'n dhlk lm ykn kfyan fHwWln '`ynn l~ mry dkhly@, wlntyj@ 'nh Glban tZhr mn dwn 'n t`ks m kn nHwl nkrh lfZyan.
José Saramago |
nwld,wfy lHZ@ myldn km lw kn nwq` mythq llHy@ ll'bd,lkn fy ywm m ns'l 'nfsn mn wq` hdh lmythq blnyb@ `n
José Saramago |
'n lZlm@ lty y`yshh l'`m~ lyst bbsT@ 'kthr mn Gyb lDw , n mnsmyh `m~ hw bbsT@ shy m yGTy mZhr wkynwn@ l'shy , ytrkh slym@ khlf Hjb 'swd
José Saramago |
l~ mstw~ l`lqt, kn 'by dy'man wDH l'fkr: `ndm tnthy lSdq@, tnthy 'yDan lSwr
José Saramago |
Every second that passes is like a door that opens to allow in what has not yet happened, what we call the future, but, to challenge the contradictory nature of what we have just said, perhaps it would be more accurate to say that the future is just an immense void, that the future is just the time on which the eternal present feeds.
José Saramago |
khylu lmnkwbyni l kbiHa lh.
José Saramago |
hkdh knW , mjrwHyn mn ldkhl , qsyn fy Zhrn . wlHy@ km hy , nwld lan , n`ysh b`dh , thm y'tyn lmwt fy lnhy@ . flHy@ l tstHq kl hdh l`n !
José Saramago |
It is an unwavering rule for those in power that, when it comes to heads, it is best to cut them off before they start thinking, afterwards, it might be too late.
José Saramago |
hkdh hy lHy@, nh mlyy'@ bklmt l tstHq lnTq bh, 'w 'nh stHqt dhlk fy wqt m, wlm t`d tstHqh, fkl klm@ nqwlh tntz` mkn klm@ 'khr~ 'kthr jdr@ mnh.
José Saramago |
there is nothing in this world that belongs to us in an absolute sense,
José Saramago |
wl'nny lm 'kn '`rf kyf 'tSrf fy ydy, qmt bwD`hm fy jyby. jywb lbnTlwn hy mlj' lkhjwlyn
José Saramago |
However hard he tried, he could never manage to make himself visible to human eyes and not because he can't, since for him nothing is impossible, it's simply that he wouldn't know what face to wear when introducing himself to the beings he supposedly created and who probably wouldn't recognize him anyway. There are those who say we're very fortunate that god chooses not to appear before us, because compared with the shock we would get were ..
José Saramago |
lbTwn lfrG@ tstyqZ bkran .
José Saramago |
Ht~ fy 'sw' lmHn qd tjd khyran kfyan ymknk mn Html lmHn@ !
José Saramago |
lns yt`wdwn y shy .
José Saramago |
la muerte, por si misma, sola, sin ninguna ayuda exterior, siempre ha matado mucho menos que el hombre.
José Saramago |
n Htrm msh`r lGyr hy 'fDl wsyl@ lHy@ mzdhr@ ws`yd@ mn l`lqt wl`wTf.
José Saramago |
lHdhr l yfyd l fy t'khyr m l ymkn tjnbh.
José Saramago |
Yet human experience and the practice of communication have shown throughout the ages that definitions are an illusion, like having a speech defect and trying to say love but unable to get the word out, or, better, having a tongue in one's head but unable to feel love.
José Saramago |
That we're going to die is something we know from the moment we are born, That's why, in some ways, it's as if we were born dead.
José Saramago |