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efa0f6d And if I win?" He grinned. "Then you get to spend thirty minutes with me, lucky birthday girl." Kelley Armstrong
e64004f Did she ask about anyone else?" "Oh, everyone," Brendan said, rushing on. "Names, friendships, hobbies. She was really interested in our hobbies. When we talked about the teams and stuff, she asked why Rafe and Sam aren't on any. I said Rafe just moved here, and I don't know what he's into." "And me?" Sam said. "I said you're antisocial." "Thanks." "She asked whether you were good at any of the school's specialties--singing, track, swimming.. Kelley Armstrong
999bbe5 When we talked about the teams and stuff, she asked why Rafe and Sam aren't on any. I said Rafe just moved here, and I don't know what he's into." "And me?" Sam said. "I said you're antisocial." Kelley Armstrong
ed4b883 When we talked about the teams and stuff, she asked why Rafe and Sam aren't on any. I said Rafe just moved here, and I don't know what he's into." "And me?" Sam said. "I said you're antisocial." "Thanks." "She asked whether you were good at any of the school's specialties--singing, track, swimming, wrestling...I said all I know is you like to hit people." She flipped him the finger. "What? It's true." Kelley Armstrong
9b10769 When we talked about the teams and stuff, she asked why Rafe and Sam aren't on any. I said Rafe just moved here, and I don't know what he's into." "And me?" Sam said. "I said you're antisocial." "Thanks." "She asked whether you were good at any of the school's specialties--singing, track, swimming, wrestling...I said all I know is you like to hit people." Kelley Armstrong
2a69268 Then she asked if they let girls on the boxing team and I said Mr. Barnes tried to get you on it, but you weren't interested. Then--get this--she starts asking if you've got a hate-on for certain people." Sam looked worried, almost alarmed, but when she saw me watching, she tried to hide it and said, "So what'd you tell her?" "That you're an equal opportunity hater." Kelley Armstrong
5a4aa1b Daniel belayed back down as I got into position. His feet hit the ground with a thump, then he looked over at me. "Ready?" "Always." Nicole did the countdown from the top. I started fast, reaching the halfway mark head and shoulders above him. But that's when things got tricky, the holds and grips a little farther apart, and he had the advantage. By the three-quarter mark, he'd caught up. "Better kick it up a notch," he said, as he drew alo.. Kelley Armstrong
d396a7c Rafe walked out of the forest. The leather jacket was gone, replaced by a tattered denim one. Instead of boots, he wore sneakers that looked as old as the jacket. As he walked toward us, his gaze was fixed on me like he didn't notice anyone else there. "You're late," I said. "Yeah, had some trouble getting away. Then I figured I was at the wrong place until I saw the gifts and followed the papayas." He stopped in front of me and smiled--his.. Kelley Armstrong
70de423 So did I hear right?" he said. "Race to the top? Winner gets a kiss?" "Maya's done seven climbs in a row," Daniel said. "You can race me." "But I don't want to kiss " The others laughed. Rafe didn't even look at Daniel when he answered, just kept watching me with a smile that now held a hint of challenge. "If she says no, she forfeits the new grips," Corey said. "She had to defeat all comers. That was the deal." "I'm the one who offered," .. Kelley Armstrong
1095e8e So did I hear right?" he said. "Race to the top? Winner gets a kiss?" "Maya's done seven climbs in a row," Daniel said. "You can race me." "But I don't want to kiss " The others laughed. Rafe didn't even look at Daniel when he answered, just kept watching me with a smile that now held a hint of challenge. "If she says no, she forfeits the new grips," Corey said. "She had to defeat all comers. That was the deal." "I'm the one who offered," .. Kelley Armstrong
80cf384 He wore an old T-shirt with the sleeves torn off, and his lean muscles moved under coppery skin. He had a tattoo on the inside of his forearm--a small one that looked like raven wings. When he turned around, I caught the faint edge of another tattoo on his shoulder peeking from under his shirt. He glanced over, like he'd sensed me looking. When I didn't turn away, he grinned and mouthed something I didn't catch, probably didn't want to. Kelley Armstrong
b3da934 One drawback to living in a medical research town is that they're paranoid about health, both physical and mental. The adults get off easy. Not the kids. Sneeze twice in a row and the teacher calls the school nurse. Drop out of a sport or let your grades fall and you're whisked off to Dr. Fodor's couch. They especially monitor the teens, as if hormonal surges could make us spontaneously combust at any moment. Kelley Armstrong
f153b03 When I finally escaped, I spotted Nicole with Daniel on the other side of the playground. He had an eighth-grader pinned to the grass, arm twisted behind his back. "Bully!" I shouted. Daniel glanced over and grinned. Then he let the kid--Travis Carling--go and got down on all fours so Travis could try the move on him. As Daniel gave instructions, Travis's brother, Corey, made suggestions that had everyone within earshot laughing. Travis an.. Kelley Armstrong
bf84304 How about we up the stakes? I win, you talk to me." Now it was my turn to raise my eyebrows. "I'm afraid to ask what you mean by ..." "Exactly that. I win, I get thirty minutes of your time tonight." "To charm me and lie to me and pretend to be whoever you think I want?" "Nope. Tonight it's me, in case you haven't noticed. The real Rafe Martinez. A special one-night appearance." "And if I win?" He grinned. "Then you get to spend thirty min.. Kelley Armstrong
803d3ed By the midpoint, he'd shot up to my waist, but his muttered curses told me he'd underestimated how good I was--or overestimated how good he was--and it was clear he wasn't going to catch up in time. So I stopped. Daniel leaned over and mouthed, "What are you doing?" Below, the others yelled, a cacophony of shouts and cheers and jeers. Rafe reached up, his bracelet hitting the rock with a ping. I glanced at it. A worn rawhide band with a cat.. Kelley Armstrong
ea724de By the midpoint, he'd shot up to my waist, but his muttered curses told me he'd underestimated how good I was--or overestimated how good he was--and it was clear he wasn't going to catch up in time. So I stopped. Daniel leaned over and mouthed, "What are you doing?" Below, the others yelled, a cacophony of shouts and cheers and jeers. Rafe reached up, his bracelet hitting the rock with a ping. I glanced at it. A worn rawhide band with a cat.. Kelley Armstrong
31f1e24 As he drew up alongside me, he cocked one brow. "You really that kiss don't you?" he said. "No, I just want to see what you can really do." He smiled then, a blaze of a grin that made me forget I was hanging twenty feet above the ground. "All right then," he said. "No holds barred. On my count?" I nodded. "One, two, three..." We took off. I kept my face to the wall, throwing everything I had into the climb, certain I'd pull away to victor.. Kelley Armstrong
bff0202 My hand hit the top ledge and I jolted out of it, and looked over to see Rafe beside me, sweat dripping down his face, eyes glowing, face glowing, his gaze locked on mine again, lips parting to say something-- A jerk on my harness made me look up sharply as Daniel adjusted the rope, preparing to let me belay down. The look on his face told me who'd won. "Damn," I said. "Seriously?" "By a fingertip," Rafe said. "You need to grow longer arms.. Kelley Armstrong
c61b45b A jerk on my harness made me look up sharply as Daniel adjusted the rope, preparing to let me belay down. The look on his face told me who'd won. "Damn," I said. "Seriously?" "By a fingertip," Rafe said. "You need to grow longer arms." Kelley Armstrong
f488493 You could have stayed with my mom today," I said as Daniel navigated the potholes and ruts. "You've got to be hurting." "Nope. Don't feel a thing." "Tough guy," I said. "No, well-medicated guy. You really think I'd let you go to school without me? I'd show up tomorrow and hear that I got pinned running from a cougar, only to be saved by you rushing in and staring him down." "Um, yeah, that's pretty much how I remember it." "Exactly why I'm.. Kelley Armstrong
6d3e0d1 Rafe told everyone he was from Texas. That was bull. I'd dated a summer guy from Texas, and Rafe's drawl was all wrong. His last name suggested he was Latino, and he kind of looked it, but his high cheekbones and amber eyes said Native to me. He was a little taller than Daniel, lean, with black hair that hung just past the collar of his leather jacket. Worn blue jeans and low motorcycle boots completed the image: American Teen Rebel. It was.. Kelley Armstrong
d56a24c Rafe told everyone he was from Texas. That was bull. I'd dated a summer guy from Texas, and Rafe's drawl was all wrong. His last name suggested he was Latino, and he kind of looked it, but his high cheekbones and amber eyes said Native to me. He was a little taller than Daniel, lean, with black hair that hung just past the collar of his leather jacket. Worn blue jeans and low motorcycle boots completed the image: American Teen Rebel. Kelley Armstrong
594e429 Considering we'd had the same guys in our class since kindergarten, Rafe's novelty factor alone would have had the girls tripping over themselves. He was the hottest ticket in town. And he knew it. Kelley Armstrong
ab05091 When I bumped into him, I said a polite, "Hey," and tried to get past. "Hey, yourself." He grinned and, in spite of myself, I felt a little flip in my stomach. Rafe wasn't gorgeous, but he had a sexy, crooked smile and eyes that looked at a girl like she was the first one he'd ever seen. When he stood close, I swore I could feel heat radiating off him. And Rafe always stood close." Kelley Armstrong
4ad7d52 Barnes in there?" he asked, meaning the principal. I shook my head. "Haven't seen him. Ms. Morales was around, though." "Yeah, I talked to her. She says I need to talk to Barnes. Late once too often this week." That grin sparked again, like being late for school earned him a place in the bad boy hall of fame." Kelley Armstrong
e95baad He fell into step beside me, so close his knuckles brushed mine. "I hear you had yourself a close encounter of the wild kind." "Um-hmm." "Morales said you've seen more mountain lions than anyone around here. Says they practically hang out on your doorstep hoping for a saucer of milk and a scratch behind the ears." He meant cougar--mountain lion is an American term. "I live in the park," I said. "I'm going to see a lot of wild animals." "Sti.. Kelley Armstrong
cc0ecb3 I live in the park," I said. "I'm going to see a lot of wild animals." "Still, mountain lions...Never seen one myself." He slid a sidelong look my way. "Think you could fix that?" , I thought, but just kept walking." Kelley Armstrong
2faa8ea What do you say I come over tonight? We can take a walk, look for big cats, watch the stars come out..." I laughed. "Do lines like that work?" He only smiled. "Can't blame a guy for trying." Kelley Armstrong
917cdeb He was one of those guys who can talk to anyone--and talk his way out of trouble, which in Corey's case is a necessary survival skill. Kelley Armstrong
c708d2a Doesn't look like Maya needs a ride today," Corey said. I followed his gaze to see my dad barreling down on me, scowling in a way that really didn't suit him at all. Daniel mouthed, "Call me," and headed for his truck, Nicole trailing. "In the car," Dad said, pointing to the Jeep at the curb. "Now." "What did I--?" "I said , Maya." He strode off, leaving me tagging along like I was five, every kid still in the school yard watching. Mom was.. Kelley Armstrong
8be8ad8 Rick, what--?" She laughed, then I saw Dad's grin as he slid into the driver's seat. "Payback for this morning," he said. "You embarrass me; I embarrass you." "Oh, that's mature," I said. "Keeps me young." Kelley Armstrong
422dbd9 You're getting your tattoo." I threw my arms around Dad's neck. "Thank you!" "Hey," Mom said. "I'm the one who had to persuade him it wasn't going to turn his little girl into a streetwalker." "I never said that," Dad said. "No?" I said. "Cool. Cause I've decided to skip the paw print. I'm thinking of a tramp stamp with flames that says 'Hot in Here.' No, wait. Arrows. For directionally challenged guys." Mom grabbed Dad's shoulders and stee.. Kelley Armstrong
dc61bf4 We saw her get shot," I said. "Um, yeah, tranquilizer dart. I'd have thought you would know about those, Miss Maya the animal doctor." "You expect us to believe you?" "Ah, getting cynical. Can't blame you, under the circumstances, finding out your entire life is a lie" Kelley Armstrong
5b4fe29 You're getting your tattoo." I threw my arms around Dad's neck. "Thank you!" "Hey," Mom said. "I'm the one who had to persuade him it wasn't going to turn his little girl into a streetwalker." "I never said that," Dad said. "No?" I said. "Cool. Cause I've decided to skip the paw print. I'm thinking of a tramp stamp with flames that says 'Hot in Here.' No, wait. Arrows. For directionally challenged guys." Mom grabbed Dad's shoulders and stee.. Kelley Armstrong
5c02e5a This is so cool," I said loudly as Dad walked away. "Have you met the tattoo artist? Is he hot?" "He's a she," Mom said. "Is she hot? Cause I'm still young, you know. My sexual identity isn't fully formed." "Your father can't hear you anymore, Maya." Mom sighed. "Poor guy. Why can't you be a normal teenage daughter who'd sooner die than say the words 'sexual identity' in front of him?" Kelley Armstrong
502765f So how'd you get Dad to agree? Did you play the cultural card?" "Of course not. That would be wrong." I grinned. "You did, didn't you?" Kelley Armstrong
bfd1310 Do you know what that word meant? The one she called me?" She shook her head. "No idea. I don't even know if it's Navajo. She may have lived with them, but she's white. The language is nearly impossible for an outsider to learn." "Calling me a witch, too." I shook my head. "At least give me a chance to earn it first." Kelley Armstrong
8d07136 You could stay here," I said softly. "If he does leave." He rubbed his arms, like he was getting cold. His gaze was down, but his jaw was set in that way I knew well, ready to refuse. Only he didn't want to refuse. He wanted to know that if it came down to that, his dad leaving, he could stay here. I could see that worry and that need wearing away at his pride until finally he grunted, "Yeah. Okay." -- Kelley Armstrong
4b810c3 So I spilled my guts already. Your turn. If you won't tell me what happened just now, at least tell me what happened at the tattoo place." I did. I was tempted to joke that his dad was right--apparently I evil--but he wouldn't appreciate that. When I was done, he stood there, his broad face screwed up in disbelief. "So this old lady, who's never met you before, sees your birthmark and says you're a witch?" "Sounds like something from a TV.. Kelley Armstrong
03d0da1 So I spilled my guts already. Your turn. If you won't tell me what happened just now, at least tell me what happened at the tattoo place." I did. I was tempted to joke that his dad was right--apparently I evil--but he wouldn't appreciate that." Kelley Armstrong
2064b1f The teenage girl goes to the fortune-teller, whose gypsy grandmother says she's cursed." "Maybe that was it. Like one of those reality TV shows. You got pranked." "In Nanaimo? Must be a low-budget Canadian production." "Is there any other kind?" Kelley Armstrong
d75afe6 You could have stayed with my mom today," I said as Daniel navigated the potholes and ruts. "You've got to be hurting." "Nope. Don't feel a thing." "Tough guy," I said. "No, well-medicated guy." Kelley Armstrong
4bd115a Anyone who beats our Sweet Sixteen gets to kiss her. The lineup forms behind me." Brendan got behind him. Daniel grinned at me and joined. The other guys filed in. "Oh my God," I said. "What are you guys? Twelve?" "No," Brendan said. "Just really, really immature." "In other words, typical guys," said a voice. Sam stepped out from behind Hayley and Brooke and cut in line behind Daniel. "I'll skip the kiss," she said. "But as the designated .. Kelley Armstrong
97b9e0e Anyone who beats our Sweet Sixteen gets to kiss her. The lineup forms behind me." Brendan got behind him. Daniel grinned at me and joined. The other guys filed in. "Oh my God," I said. "What are you guys? Twelve?" "No," Brendan said. "Just really, really immature." "In other words, typical guys," said a voice." Kelley Armstrong