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de32dce There's blood on the rope," I said. "That means she pulled free from whoever had her." "Or they're very detail-oriented." "Oh, please," Corey said. "Seriously?" I turned to Sam. "So what do you suggest?" "Tie her to a tree and keep going." I stared at her. "I hope you're not serious," Daniel said. "How about we tie to a tree?" Corey said." Kelley Armstrong
0d96767 I didn't know what my tormenters wanted from me, but apparently "screaming like a girl" wasn't it, because they ramped it up to a form of torture seen only in sci-fi movies." Kelley Armstrong
486f3cc Not going to make ours?" Moreno said. "I'm sure you can manage." "I burn everything. My people didn't cook over fire." "All people cooked over fire at some point," Antone said. "You know what I mean. Your family." "My family lived in a suburb of Phoenix. I learned campfire cooking in Scouts, like most boys in America." "Touchy, touchy," Moreno said. "I was just--" "Being an ass?" the woman said. Moreno muttered something, crushed his beer c.. Kelley Armstrong
076cc5b I went out the side door. Looked around. Circled the building. Nothing. I took a deep breath and walked to the road, shoulders up, gaze forward, tensing for the first shout. Or the first shot. Kelley Armstrong
038d687 Okay, so we still go back--" Corey began. He stopped, wincing. "Headache?" I said. "Yeah, just hold--" He doubled over with a sharp intake of breath. I grasped his arm. "Corey?" "Bad one," he panted. "Okay, just--" He let out a howl, his head dropping forward, his hands clutching it. Then he retched. Another heave, and a geyser of Coke sprayed the bushes. I gripped his arm and tugged him until he was sitting, knees up, head between them, pa.. Kelley Armstrong
bc740a5 Oww...," he said. "There'd have been a bigger if he hadn't swerved," I said. "That would not look good on your obituary. Survived a helicopter crash, armed kidnappers, and three days in the woods, only to get mowed down by a passing redneck." "From now on, we'll flag down cars from the shoulder." Daniel looked at Corey, who was rubbing his sore butt. "Or maybe the ditch." Kelley Armstrong
25ac59c The next vehicle didn't come for a long time. It was a car full of guys not much older than us. "Quick, girls," Corey said. "Give them some incentive. Take off your--" He glanced at Sam. "Maya, take off your shirt." Sam clubbed him in the arm, hard enough to make him yelp. We waved and yelled. They waved back and kept going. Idiots." Kelley Armstrong
78933d6 Finally, we found someone who had stopped. It wasn't for us, but only because he hadn't made it that far. We rounded a bend to see a gray-haired guy getting out of his van, having pulled to the side to take a piss. He was still about fifty meters away. We picked up speed and yelled, but he was already heading into the woods. "Must have a shy bladder," Corey said. True. With these back roads, most guys settled for walking around their vehicl.. Kelley Armstrong
df8d61c When I pointed the gun at him, he laughed. "Do you even have a clue how to fire that?" I lined up the sight on a tree fifty meters away, and I pulled the trigger. Splinters flew from the trunk. The man paled and grabbed for Sam, but she'd already staggered out of reach. "You won't shoot me," he said. "No?" I aimed at his chest. "Whatever you had in mind for us, I think it deserves a bullet or two." Kelley Armstrong
e3d8dbf We just need help. Like my friend said--" "Town's that way." He pointed south. "About twenty kilometers." "Which is a very long hike, sir." Daniel met the old man's gaze as he kept walking forward. "We're really tired and we don't have any food or water. If we could just ride in the back--" The man pulled a switchblade from his pocket. "Don't come any closer, boy. Not you either, girlie. I got robbed on this road once. Not going to happen a.. Kelley Armstrong
438ebec Please, sir," Daniel said. "We aren't--" The man darted to the driver's side and leaped in as Daniel raced around the van. The man slammed it into gear. The van lurched forward. I grabbed Daniel and yanked him out of the way as the van swerved onto the road. Corey came out from behind the bushes as we walked back. "Next time, we consider my plan?" "I think so," Daniel mumbled. "At least he told us there's a town along this road," I said. "S.. Kelley Armstrong
2748f59 I screwed up," I said. "I'm sorry." "You got the truck," Corey said. "Seems like it worked to me." "Yes, please make her stop," Sam called from the truck. "She's been apologizing since we got away and it's really getting on my nerves." "Sam was shot," I said, lowering my voice. "I really screwed--" "Make her stop!" Sam yelled. "I got shot a little. He got shot worse. We now have a truck. Mission accomplished. It was your plan, Maya, but we .. Kelley Armstrong
32f6b5b Mom?" Corey called. He cut himself short and swore. "I probably shouldn't do that. Scare the crap out of her." He took a step toward the kitchen, then paused. "Or maybe I yell. Warn her before her dead son appears from nowhere." He glanced at us. "Arghh! I'm overanalyzing. When this is over, I need a long break from you guys." "And we'll need one from you," Sam said. "Just relax," I said. "Call her. Find her. It doesn't matter. You're abo.. Kelley Armstrong
855f1df When Moreno went for a second beer, Antone said, "Enough. I don't mind you guys having one drink, but there's a reason I'm drinking water. We need to be alert here." "Against what?" Moreno said. "Killer bunnies?" "Don't dignify that with a response, Cal," the woman said." Kelley Armstrong
2f518bc When Moreno went for a second beer, Antone said, "Enough. I don't mind you guys having one drink, but there's a reason I'm drinking water. We need to be alert here." "Against what?" Moreno said. "Killer bunnies?" "Don't dignify that with a response, Cal," the woman said. A cough sounded from one of the tents, and they all glanced over. "Penny, go see if she wants another sausage," Antone said. "I'd like to see her eating more." "I have a Sn.. Kelley Armstrong
92639cb Penny, go see if she wants another sausage," Antone said. "I'd like to see her eating more." "I have a Snickers bar in my bag," the woman--Penny--said. "I'll take her that. Kids always like candy." "Not sure that applies to teenage girls, but you can give it a shot." Kelley Armstrong
12feb73 Everything comes so easy for you, doesn't it, Maya? School, boys, friends, sports. Even your precious animals. You can't just take care of them like any normal person. You have to be some kind of animal whisperer. Magical healer. So damned special. Like Serena, captain of the swim team and the best singer on the freaking island, and how much does she practice? Sings in the shower. Paddles around the lake. Do you know how hard I work? It's n.. Kelley Armstrong
739c496 I see things and sometimes I recognize them, but they're..." He searched for the words. "In the wrong place. Out of context. That's it. Out of context." "Like what?" He hesitated, then shook his head. "Nothing imp--" "Like , Corey?" "Rafe." He said the name quickly, as if getting it out before he could decide not to. "I saw Rafe and I saw you. Only it's...not any place I've seen you two together." "Someplace you don't recognize." "No, it's.. Kelley Armstrong
bb18858 But if I tell Daniel..." "He'll worry it's a neurological problem." "Neuro...? Right. Brain. You could just say brain, you know." "Neurological covers more than just the brain. It--" He held up his hand. "If there's one bonus to this disaster, it's not having to go to school for a while. Don't spoil that for me. Please." Kelley Armstrong
fcdf0e5 We tramped over, and as we stepped from the thick trees, we all stopped and stared. Then Corey raced forward, arms raised. "It's a road. Oh my God. A road!" He dropped to his knees by the roadside. "Oww." Daniel helped him back to his feet. "The knee is good," I said. "But the knee is not completely healed. Be careful." "It's a road," Corey said, pointing. "A dirt road," Hayley muttered." Kelley Armstrong
2ddb84e Let's hope they didn't take the alcohol, too," I said as I stood. Corey shook his head. "I think I'm okay--" Another wave of agony doubled him over, retching. "I'll grab a beer from--" Daniel began. "No, I'm okay. Really. Just get dressed before you scare the girls." He waved at Daniel, bare-chested after taking off his soiled shirt. "Help yourself to my closet." "You wear a medium. I don't." "That's just because I like my shirts fitting be.. Kelley Armstrong
f71133f I think I'm okay--" Another wave of agony doubled him over, retching. "I'll grab a beer from--" Daniel began. "No, I'm okay. Really. Just get dressed before you scare the girls." He waved at Daniel, bare-chested after taking off his soiled shirt. "Help yourself to my closet." "You wear a medium. I don't." "That's just because I like my shirts fitting better." "Tighter," I said. "And, again, I don't," Daniel said. "I'll wash this one." Kelley Armstrong
639d004 If a drink will fix this--" I began. "No." "You're refusing a drink?" Sam said. "From what I hear, that's a first." He flipped her off." Kelley Armstrong
56c495b We'd gone about five kilometers when we rounded a bend to see a tiny roadside store with a gas bar. "Yes!" Corey said, pumping the air. "We are now, officially, rescued." "You think?" Hayley said. "I'm not seeing any vehicles." "Because it's out in the middle of freaking nowhere. They're probably lucky if they get three cars a day." "No, I mean transportation for the person running the place." Corey peered at the empty lot surrounding the s.. Kelley Armstrong
6285ee0 We'd gone about five kilometers when we rounded a bend to see a tiny roadside store with a gas bar. "Yes!" Corey said, pumping the air. "We are now, officially, rescued." "You think?" Hayley said. "I'm not seeing any vehicles." "Because it's out in the middle of freaking nowhere. They're probably lucky if they get three cars a day." "No, I mean transportation for the person running the place." Corey peered at the empty lot surrounding the s.. Kelley Armstrong
8f8e4ea But it should have a phone," I said. "Or maps to show us where we are. Also, there must be cottages nearby if there's a gas bar." "Ha!" Corey said, spinning and pointing at Hayley. "Ha!" He took off at a lope. We followed. Corey stopped a few feet from the door. "Open weekends after Labor Day," he called. "What's today?" "Not the weekend," I called back." Kelley Armstrong
54961b6 As we walked, I pulled out the newspaper I'd found. "Getting caught up on current events?" Sam asked. "No," Corey said. "She's doing her research for that essay we have due next week. You know Maya. Escaping a forest fire, helicopter crash, and crazed would-be kidnappers is no reason to ask for an extension." "I'm sure she brought it for fire-starter, guys." Kelley Armstrong
79c4acb Moreno to base. Moreno to base." Someone answered. Moreno gave his coordinates, then said, "Still no sign of the Morris girl. She can't have run far, though. I'll keep looking." The ATV started up again. "Hayley escaped," Corey said. "You heard that?" I said. "Um, yeah. We all did." "Because we were supposed to," Daniel said. "He was talking too loud. He even turned off the ATV so his voice would carry better." "Because he's talking into a .. Kelley Armstrong
dd37b0a Moreno to base. Moreno to base." Someone answered. Moreno gave his coordinates, then said, "Still no sign of the Morris girl. She can't have run far, though. I'll keep looking." The ATV started up again. "Hayley escaped," Corey said. "You heard that?" I said. "Um, yeah. We all did." Kelley Armstrong
d44dc57 We need to keep going," Daniel said. "We lost a lot of time yesterday." "What? Are we on a schedule?" Hayley said. "Is there a bus waiting to pick us up somewhere?" Kelley Armstrong
87921b2 And Sam? Well, she's not even human, so she doesn't count." "Excuse me?" Sam said. "Face it, you're not one of those bendo-things. You're a robot. A cyborg. Probably an evil one, programmed to murder us all in our sleep." Corey snickered. "Yeah?" Sam lifted a fist to Hayley. "You want to try that one again, blondie?" Hayley looked at Daniel and me. "I rest my case." Kelley Armstrong
ab4775f We tramped over, and as we stepped from the thick trees, we all stopped and stared. Then Corey raced forward, arms raised. "It's a road. Oh my God. A road!" He dropped to his knees by the roadside. "Oww." Daniel helped him back to his feet. "The knee is good," I said. "But the knee is not completely healed. Be careful." "It's a road," Corey said, pointing. "A dirt road," Hayley muttered. "So? We've been slogging through the forest for two d.. Kelley Armstrong
bd5749d After an hour of walking, I started thinking maybe I'd cuddle up with Daniel again, just to make Corey laugh. The morning had started on a light note, but it darkened fast. Kelley Armstrong
2852c98 It's a road," Corey said, pointing. "A dirt road," Hayley muttered. "So? We've been slogging through the forest for two days. What do you want? A six-lane highway?" "That'd be nice." "Yeah, until you raced out, screaming for help, and got mowed down by a logging truck." He walked into the middle and turned, waving his arms. "It's a road!" I patted his back. "It's a lovely road." Kelley Armstrong
eccd26a We've been slogging through the forest for two days. What do you want? A six-lane highway?" "That'd be nice." "Yeah, until you raced out, screaming for help, and got mowed down by a logging truck." Kelley Armstrong
f0d1a1b I went in through the side garage door, which Corey said was always open. Ms. Morris's car was parked inside. I hurried to the house door and knocked. No one answered. I knocked again, then tried the knob. The door was locked. Not surprisingly, Corey also knew where they kept the key. I unlocked the door, slipped inside, and called, "Hello?" Silence. "It's, uh, Maya," I said. "Maya Delaney." Like they'd need a last name." Kelley Armstrong
2237125 A snarl, louder now, and I glanced over to see the dogs watching us. Two more came running from between the buildings. "Holy hell," Corey whispered. "Can we go now?" Daniel said. Corey nodded and turned to run, but Daniel stopped him. "Slowly," I said. "Don't turn your back on them. Canines are all about dominance. You run, they'll chase. Back away slowly. Stay together." We did that. One of the dogs started toward us. Another took a tenta.. Kelley Armstrong
fded904 The guys had already cleaned up. Or done the best they could with a quick wash and teeth brushing at Corey's. There hadn't been any spare toothbrushes, so I'd done mine with my finger and tried not to look in the mirror. One glance had told me that no amount of touch-ups was going to help. I needed a twenty-minute shower. "And this clothing is getting burned," I said as I raked a comb through my tangled hair. "There's a fireplace downstairs.. Kelley Armstrong
b0a0c65 The guys had already cleaned up. Or done the best they could with a quick wash and teeth brushing at Corey's. There hadn't been any spare toothbrushes, so I'd done mine with my finger and tried not to look in the mirror. One glance had told me that no amount of touch-ups was going to help. I needed a twenty-minute shower. Kelley Armstrong
379f833 And this clothing is getting burned," I said as I raked a comb through my tangled hair. "There's a fireplace downstairs," Corey said. "I'll take it for you right now." I gave him a look. "Once I have something to wear." Kelley Armstrong
f84c491 I thought about everything he'd told me about his past, and I wished he'd told me more. I thought of what he'd said to me about his dreams for the future, what he wanted in life, and I realized how little of that I knew. He wanted to fix Annie. Beyond that? I had no idea. Was there a future he'd wanted? One he'd imagined? Or had he just concentrated on the present and getting through it? Only he hadn't gotten through it. He hadn't fixed Ann.. Kelley Armstrong
84e12ad Rafe," I whispered. I turned. He was walking out of the forest and he was grinning and...and there was no "and" because that was all I could think. My eyes shut. I didn't want them to. I didn't care if it was an illusion, I wanted to see him one more time before the vision disappeared and I was left with that last horrible memory of him falling from the helicopter. "I know I'm looking a little rough," he said. "But I didn't think it was tha.. Kelley Armstrong
4d6163c Moreno was the first to see me, and he let out a curse as loud as Nicole's shriek. He pulled a gun from his hip. An automatic pistol. Antone knocked it from his hand and pointed his flashlight at my flank. "It's Maya," he said. He started toward me. I was inching back, the branch too thin for me to turn around. "It could be Annie," Penny whispered, her gaze fixed on me. "Come looking for her brother." Antone shook his head. "That's Maya." H.. Kelley Armstrong
45df5f9 I was dreaming," I said. "Again." "Can't say I blame you." Daniel eased back as I moved away to sit on the ground. "Been having a few anxiety dreams myself." I looked at him and the events of the last day slowly returned. "You shouldn't be here," I said. "I'm still dreaming, aren't I?" "That depends. Am I better looking?" I gave a soft laugh and shook my head. "Do I at least better than I did yesterday?" "No. Sorry." Kelley Armstrong