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857314c Tears had rolled down his cheeks, one long drip after another, like condensation on the side of a glass. Karin Slaughter
ebc0b6d Ipak, nije mogla a da se ne zapita zasto muskarac kojeg zeli nije slobodan, a onoga koji to jest ne zeli. I tako se nastavila njezina misija da si zivot pretvori u televizijsku sapunicu. life love duboki-pad istina-boli karin-slaughter životna truth-quotes Karin Slaughter
c61c3d3 People don't take power. Somebody has to give it to them. Karin Slaughter
cc03868 It wasn't enough for Julia to be taken away from the family. All the good things about her had to be taken away, too. Karin Slaughter
a714286 fault. That the world isn't just changing. It's passing you by. Karin Slaughter
b6b1f28 Kate had shot a man with a gun very similar to this one. She had been aiming for his chest and winged his shoulder, but as her people would say, closeness only counts in taxes and horseshoes. Karin Slaughter
6bb19b8 badness doesn't come all at once. The dominoes fall over time. You hurt someone by mistake and they let you get away with it. Then you try hurting them on purpose, and they still stick around. And then you realize that the more you hurt them, the better you feel. So you keep hurting them, and they keep hanging on, and the years roll by and you convince yourself that the fact that they still stand by you means that the pain you cause is okay.. Karin Slaughter
1a225b1 the price for hearing gossip was having someone else gossip about you. Karin Slaughter
cafd713 Come on, Mitchell." Collier was like a puppy nipping at her heels. "I know you checked me out. What'd your mom say?" Faith made an educated guess. "That you're cocky and prone to mistakes." He grinned. "I knew she'd remember me." Karin Slaughter
88577df Then they were in Wyoming, then Nebraska, then Utah, then finally Illinois. Karin Slaughter
3359d79 Her subway card was given to a homeless woman who had thanked her, then screeched that she was a fucking whore. Karin Slaughter
efda662 Moon was from somewhere up east, the kind of place where consonants took on a life of their own. Karin Slaughter
cc327cf They'll only get your goat if you show them where you keep your hay. Karin Slaughter
ed3938b I hate rape cases. You don't throw a murder case to a jury and they ask, 'Well, was the guy really murdered or is he lying because he wants the attention? And what was he doing in that part of town? And why was he drinking? And what about all those murderers he dated before? Karin Slaughter
cfd503e Life was like that. You didn't realize what was passing you by until you slowed down a little bit to get a better look. Karin Slaughter
85a38c7 Do you realize how terrifying it is to be raped? Karin Slaughter
3b2e13d Dash was a stupid man's idea of how a smart man sounded Karin Slaughter
d10e28b He talked about how people always obsess about lies. Damn lies, But no one really understands that the real danger is truth. Karin Slaughter
71cbdf0 I wil tell you something very important: there is value in forgiveness. Karin Slaughter
ffe2237 That's the problem with life, Sam. If you're not rising, you're falling. Karin Slaughter
a7446b9 Neither of us will ever move forward if we are always looking back. Karin Slaughter
5acda2d Dogs are stupid," Rusty said. "This is a known fact. But a cat--you have to earn a cat's respect every single day of your life." Karin Slaughter
3d335e7 He said, "What a rapist takes from a woman is her future. The person she is going to become, who she is supposed to be, is gone. In many ways, it's worse than murder, because he has killed that potential person, eradicated that potential life, yet she still lives and breathes, and has to figure out another way to thrive." Karin Slaughter
330ea69 She knew from before: the moment se let her guard down, the world would spiral into a distant but familiar abyss. Karin Slaughter
d3986d9 prints, Karin Slaughter
e10e971 Time turns from a straight line into a sphere and it's not until later that you can hold it in your hand and look at all the different sides, and you think, Oh, now I remember --- this happened, then this happened, then... It's only after the fact that you can pull back into a straight line that makes sense Karin Slaughter
865d947 Evil people can do good. Good people can do evil. Why does this happen sometimes? Because it's Tuesday. Karin Slaughter
98524b7 People didn't believe in you unless you convinced them that you believed in yourself. Karin Slaughter
a30e867 The glowing screen made her feel oddly at ease. She had been without her phone or iPad all night. Andy had not realized how much time she wasted listening to Spotify or checking Instagram and Snapchat and reading blogs and doing Hogwarts house sorting quizzes until she lacked the means to access them. Karin Slaughter
7252e2a She had to start making decisions rather than having life make decisions for her. Karin Slaughter
3b575b5 He was headstrong, and stupid, and handsome, which gave him cover for a hell of a lot of the mistakes he continually made-the same mistakes, over and over again, because why try new ones when the old ones worked so well in his favour? Karin Slaughter
a189422 You're supposed to be my lawyer." "You're supposed to be a human being," Karin Slaughter
e0a6a31 what you call my struggle to submit . . . is not struggle to submit but a struggle to accept and with passion. I mean, possibly, with joy. Picture me with my ground teeth stalking joy--fully armed too as it's a highly dangerous quest." --FLANNERY O'CONNOR" Karin Slaughter
c1dd5d0 Women were as mysterious to them as the origins of the planet. Karin Slaughter
131a3a3 Everybody had something horrible happen to them at one time or another in their life; it was part of the human condition. How they struggled through adversity proved what kind of people they were. Karin Slaughter
aa062a6 Monte Carlo was blocking the driveway. The trashcan was still on the curb, so he dragged it up to the garage. The motion lights came on, blinding him. Will held up his hand to block the light as he unlocked the front door. 'Hey,' Angie said. She was lying on the couch in front of the television, wearing a pair of cotton boxer shorts and a tank top. She didn't take her eyes off the set as Will let his gaze travel along her bare leg. He felt .. Karin Slaughter
61f9580 He's like a spoon--always stirring things up. Karin Slaughter
aa31215 Not realizing until exactly 3:12 this morning, that the reason toy box smelled like rotten fruit roll ups is because Emma was hiding all her fruit roll ups in the bottom. Toddler are such fucking assholes. parenting-humor Karin Slaughter
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