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96ed5d5 Breath by breath, let go of fear, expectation, anger, regret, cravings, frustration, fatigue. Let go of the need for approval. Let go of old judgments and opinions. Die to all that, and fly free. Soar in the freedom of desirelessness. Let go. Let Be. See through everything and be free, complete, luminous, at home -- at ease. approval buddhism buddhist-wisdom craving desire expectation fatigue fear freedom frustration regret tibetan-buddhism Lama Surya Das
e8c8eed before speaking, notice what motivates your words. Lama Surya Das
f068927 Enlightenment is not about becoming divine. Instead it's about becoming more fully human. . . . It is the end of ignorance. Lama Surya Das
c59cd09 I've also learned that you don't always get to pick the people with whom you travel the journey. You sometimes may think you do, but don't be deceived. And the corollary of that - and this was my real lesson - is that you start to realize that you can love even the people you don't like and must love and help everyone. Lama Surya Das
64b0dde The more truthful I am with myself and others, the more my conscience is clear and tranquil. Thus, I can more thoroughly and unequivocally inhabit the present moment and accept everything that happens without fear, knowing that what goes around comes around (the law of karma). Ethical morality and self-discipline represent the good ground, or stable basis. Mindful awareness is the skillful and efficacious grow-path, or way. Wisdom and compa.. Lama Surya Das
84bff6f It almost seems as though this roiling world is conspiring to test our patience at every turn. In fact, it is. With this in mind, we would be wise to look on our imperfect environment as a teacher rather than an antagonist. It constantly shows us that we need to be patient on an ongoing basis, not just every now and then, if we're going to realize true inner peace, happiness, and fulfillment. Lama Surya Das
89877dc It is not the outer objects that entangle us. It is the inner clinging that entangles us." - Tilopa" dukkha enlightenment four-noble-truths samsara suffering Lama Surya Das
0739dc9 The heart is an organ of perception. Lama Surya Das
f0e2333 You don't need to see different things, but rather to see things differently. Lama Surya Das
f1232f1 With every breath, the old moment is lost; a new moment arrives. We exhale and we let go of the old moment. It is lost to us. In doing so, we let go of the person we used to be. We inhale and breathe in the moment that is becoming. In doing so, we welcome the person we are becoming. We repeat the process. This is meditation. This is renewal. This is life. life meditation Lama Surya Das
0fc3e5c Non-attachment is not complacency. It doesn't imply a lack of caring and commitment. The philosophy of non-attachment is based in the understanding that holding on too tightly to those things, which in any case are always going to be slipping through our fingers, hurts and gives us rope burn. Lama Surya Das
5a6f8a3 By meditating, we're learning to disengage ourselves from habitual clinging and disperse the defilements and obscurations that hinder our capacity to serve others, such as illusory feelings of scarcity and fears of deprivation. We gradually learn to be more conscious and make better choices. We develop simplicity instead of comlexity, open-mindedness instead of narrow-mindedness, flexibility rather than rigidity. We feel ourselves to be mor.. Lama Surya Das
234f5ae For it is not what happens to us that determines our character, our experience, our karma, and our destiny - but how we relate to what happens. Lama Surya Das
3b5a12d Our sorrows provide us with the lessons we most need to learn. sorrows Lama Surya Das
65c68a3 The thing is that this life is so precious and mysterious, I don't know what to say about it most of the time. Words are like birds, passing through the trackless sky. The dog barking, the sound of the purling stream, the wind among the weeping willow trees: how are these not right off the tongue of the Buddha?" --Lama Surya Das" lama-surya-das-scandal surya-das surya-das-affair surya-das-controversy surya-das-scandal Lama Surya Das
c472bd0 Often we cling to habits that aren't even comforting or satisfying, simply because we are unable to let go or explore new ways to do things. Lama Surya Das
b79c88b It is usually a mistake to believe that any opinion or situation is objectively good or bad, since everything depends on the perspective of the viewer. Lama Surya Das
e13d8d7 pleasure and pain arise from virtuous and non-virtuous actions which come not from outside, but from within yourself. Lama Surya Das
cf76f74 We all have certain desires and undesired outcomes related to whatever possible course and attitude we take in life, whether it be at the larger macro scale (what shall I do with the rest of my life?) or at the micro level (as in, what route shall I take to work this morning). These include all the myriad choices we make each hour and each day. These choices determine our karma and our destiny. It's no accident, nor any great mystery, how t.. Lama Surya Das
bc396cc Seekers inevitably want to get a better handle on life; we want to figure things out. We know intuitively that the events of our lives are not always arbitrary. We feel connected, however intangibly. We know that it is in our higher self-interest to unravel the mysteries in our own lives. There must be a higher purpose and greater meaning. As we become more and more spiritually evolved, we become more determined to find wisdom and reach a d.. Lama Surya Das
ad62001 Riding Conflict with the Breath * Bring yourself to a place of restful awareness. * Let every thought float by like a dream, mirage, or an old and cancelled sitcom. * Inhale all of the negativity and stress of the difficulty at hand--whatever the current source of conflict, anger, fear, and tribulation. * Breathe deep, inhale, and hoover it up like you're vacuuming dark clouds. Take it in and then let it diss.. Lama Surya Das
22602d6 I believe that this is the time to become warriors for peace and dialogue, not warmongers or mere worriers. peace profound wisdom Lama Surya Das
e3edd05 Tips and Pointers for Building a Spiritual Life from Scratch Pray Meditate Be aware / Stay awake Bow Practice yoga Feel Chant and sing Breathe and smile Relax / Enjoy / Laugh / Play Create / Envision Let go / Forgive / Accept Walk / Exercise / Move Work / Serve / Contribute Listen / Learn / Inquire Consider / Reflect Cultivate oneself / Enhance competencies Cultivate contentment Cultivate flexibility Cultivate friendship and collaboration O.. Lama Surya Das
7130103 We have to know about the world around us: whom and what we're voting for and how best to address the vital social, political, and economic issues facing our communities, our nation, and our planet. No one person can do it all, yet no one person is exempt from participating. We need and depend upon each other. Lama Surya Das
0e77e8e Everything is available in the natural state, Lama Surya Das
ba9b5ee Give up grasping and see things as they are. THE SEVENTH DALAI LAMA Lama Surya Das
eba3e70 Great men are they who see that spiritual is stronger than any material force, that thoughts rule the world. RALPH WALDO EMERSON Lama Surya Das
b5d1549 To just be--to be--amidst all doings, achievings, and becomings. This is the natural state of mind, or original, most fundamental state of being. This is unadulterated Buddha-nature. This is like finding our balance. buddha-nature buddhism mindfulness motivation Lama Surya Das
37841bc May virtue and serenity belong to all, even my competitors and adversaries. Lama Surya Das
a4b603e When we are no longer so tightly identified with who we used to be and how we think things should continue to be--based on the past--every moment of wakefulness is an opportunity to actualize and enjoy our inherent freedom, wholeness, and perfection. The heart-mind is gorgeous in its authentic natural state! Lama Surya Das
31e148d The deep pain we continue to experience reminds us of our love and keeps our hearts open. Lama Surya Das
a249b88 People sometimes find Buddhism pessimistic, saying there is too much talk about death. It's essential to understand that Buddhists don't contemplate death because they are morbid or depressed; they focus on death, mortality, and human frailty as a means of better understanding and appreciating life. Lama Surya Das
f29262f With every breath, the old moment is lost; a new moment arrives. Lama Surya Das
08c9ec1 Expecting good things to last and unwanted things to stay away forever is simply unrealistic, Lama Surya Das
8636b6c As long as we're preoccupied with our former traumas and triumphs, or our fears and dreams about what might happen down the road, or who said what to whom, it's very difficult to appreciate and cherish the intrinsically joyful gift of life right here, now. Lama Surya Das
a42e5c5 Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a great battle. Lama Surya Das
43a1d99 Partings make us sad; they make us feel as though we are being beaten up by fate; sometimes they make us feel desperate and without real connections or roots. When we are torn away from those we love, we suffer from intense feelings of longing and loneliness. Lama Surya Das
7956bb5 When we ground ourselves in the present moment, we spontaneously connect better with others. We become more responsive and less reactive, listening more deeply and speaking with greater clarity. inspirational-quotes mind-body-spirit mindfulness present-moment responsiveness self-control Lama Surya Das
144a1f7 I went to a charnel ground for the practice of Chod a few dozen times in India and in Nepal. Several times I went to a place near a meat slaughterhouse where thousands of water buffalo bones were piled high in macabre pyramids. One night as I was chanting, the bones began to shift, move, and rattle about. I didn't think it was a ghost or demon, but I did imagine that some kind of huge rat or snake was making its way through the immense pile.. Lama Surya Das
b819401 The past is over, and the future is unknown. We can dwell in the imagined worlds of yesterday and tomorrow if we so choose. But the more we do so, the more we miss out on life itself as it is happening, moment by moment, and the more we fail to realize who we actually are, moment by moment. Lama Surya Das
7694fd7 opting for happiness and contentment is a decision that we can make at any time and that needs to be continually remade at every turn. Lama Surya Das
7df5dff All the happiness and virtue in this world come from selflessness and generosity, all the sorrow from egotism, selfishness, and greed. Lama Surya Das
dbf816b We are obliged to live as if there's meaning in life, without any guarantee that there is. Lama Surya Das
2421f12 Tell me what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? Lama Surya Das