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7af096a I've read that one out of twenty-four people is a sociopath, and if you ask me, the other twenty-three of you should be worried. Lisa Scottoline
93f9d62 I'm a sociopath. I look normal, but I'm not. I'm smarter, better, and freer, because I'm not bound by rules, law, emotion or regard for you. lisa-scottoline Lisa Scottoline
da4ec33 I can't stand just sitting here not doing anything. You can't solve a problem by remote control. lisa-scottoline Lisa Scottoline
9d81c82 I don't really like you, but I'm so good at acting as if I do that it's basically the same thing. psychopathy Lisa Scottoline
62d3a1a How do you tell the psychiatrists from the patients in the hospital? The patients get better and leave. medicine Lisa Scottoline
895c9ae Nah. I'm a tough cookie. Except for the cancer, I'm fine. every-fifteen-minutes lisa-scottoline Lisa Scottoline
37be770 They never see me coming. Know why? Because I'm already there. Lisa Scottoline
58951c0 They don't realize evil lives on their streets Lisa Scottoline
915202e I fool you. I fool everyone. Lisa Scottoline
63957bc You need somebody to stand up for you. You're the little guy, you just don't realize it yet. The Commonwealth has all the aces, and you don't even know you're playing cards. lisa-scottoline Lisa Scottoline
706e90e Your typical suburban mom worries all the time, but she worries about the wrong things Lisa Scottoline
4ccfcea I wonder if whoever invented World of Warcraft realizes it's practice for sociopaths. lisa-scottoline obsession obsessions sociopath Lisa Scottoline
150a30d 1. I am superior to others. Circle one: Doesn't apply to me. Partially applies to me. Fully applies to me. And: I would not feel sorry if someone were blamed for something I did. Circle one: Doesn't apply to me. Partially applies to me. Fully applies to me. lisa-scottoline Lisa Scottoline
e3c9cfe You should be more paranoid Lisa Scottoline
e527e2d If you think I'm handsome, there's obviously nothing wrong with your vision. Lisa Scottoline
80a2516 Ask me if I care. Lisa Scottoline
19001ef I'm neither your friend nor your frenemy, unless you have what I want. Lisa Scottoline
08713f9 Because the thing about love is that we can't control whether we get it, but we can control whether we give it. Lisa Scottoline
3d52718 He made eye contact but he kept it like casual observation, not a fixed stare. He held his arms at his sides, not only because it was less threatening, but they'd be able to fend off a blow. He cleared the doorway so he'd have an escape route. Lisa Scottoline
d0057a0 I fool everybody! Lisa Scottoline
0bab6e7 We're here and we prey on you Lisa Scottoline
6c1c8da I don't need my head examined, but where were you when I married my second husband. Sheesh. Lisa Scottoline
0db373a Dr. Fortunato," Kristine shot back at Laurie, her resentment undisguised. "You don't know how we do things in Wright. Dr. Parrish doesn't care about hospital hierarchy. He's very accessible and he'd never let his ego get in the way of patient care. Maybe you do things differently where you work-" lisa-scottoline Lisa Scottoline
d91208e Listen carefully, I'm going to say three words." "I love you?" Lisa Scottoline
e1bda2a I'm neither your friend nor your frenemy, unless you have what I want. In that case, I'm not only your enemy, I'm your nightmare. Lisa Scottoline
e82dcec Women shouldn't iron, ever. It's our wrinkles that make us interesting. Lisa Scottoline
3204891 Eric approached the octagonal nurses' station, and a blonde nurse looked up from her computer monitor, smiled, and pointed to examining room D. Everybody recognized the hospital shrinks from the bright red W on their lanyard IDs. The W stood for Wright, the wing that contained the locked psych unit, but the staff teased that W stood for Wackos. He'd heard all the jokes-- How do you tell the psychiatrists from the patients in the hospital? .. Lisa Scottoline
6114ad1 The look he was going for was Friendly Suburban Dad, because that's what he was, but he suspected he'd achieved only Cialis Guy. Lisa Scottoline
b12cb74 Eric had asked administration not to pipe the music into his unit but they said it would cost too much to alter the system. He told them to take it out of his budget but they said no...He knew it was part of the larger problem, that mental illness wasn't taken seriously as physical illness... Lisa Scottoline
f8c03c0 Do you know what they call people who hoard books? Smart. Lisa Scottoline
d5fc4cd Yes. He knows I'm dying, but he can't really accept it and he'll be all alone when I'm gone. Can't you help him? Lisa Scottoline
76d4fbf One out of twenty-three is a sociopath and that's 4 percent of the population, that's a lot of sociopaths. Anorexic's are 3 percent and everybody talks about them. Lisa Scottoline
b1bcefc I read, therefore, I matter. Lisa Scottoline
b960dd2 Even people who counted their blessings never counted them in the morning. For one thing, there wasn't time. Lisa Scottoline
ded8025 If you can't be brave, be determined. And you'll end up in the same place. inspirational motivational Lisa Scottoline
f9ecd8b His fee was $300 an hour, and for clients who couldn't afford that, he had a sliding scale that was never less than $250-- except for crying old ladies facing terminal diagnoses. Lisa Scottoline
7e4c81a Bad things are like waves. They're going to happen to you, and there's nothing you can do about it. They're part of life, like waves are a part of the ocean. If you're standing on the shoreline, you don't know when the waves are coming. But they'll come. You gotta make sure you get back to the surface, after every wave. That's all. Lisa Scottoline
62993c6 Likewise, I would never be so rude as to not interrupt a friend. How else would she know I was listening? Lisa Scottoline
ad87734 There were twenty questions, and forty was the top score. I scored a thirty- eight, which means I would be graduating with honors if I majored in being a sociopath. Lisa Scottoline
0559a7c Let's talk about a decision that women have to make every morning- Big purse or little purse? Lisa Scottoline
6b48b5d It's the Snickers bars. Snickers equal romance. romance Lisa Scottoline
ae7300b We can't control what people do or say, even if it's dumb. Lisa Scottoline
844e0df Writing had always helped her, before. It always clarified her feelings and her thoughts, and she never felt like she could understand something fully until the very minute that she'd written about it, as if each story was one she told herself and her readers, at the same time. inspirational writing Lisa Scottoline
dfd530e I always win in the end Lisa Scottoline
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