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4ece6c3 I can sue you? Cool." I rummage around in my purse for a pen, wanting to write this down. "Under what? Medical malpractice? Assault with a deadly fang?" I look up. "How much you think the courts would award me for that?" Rayne frowns. "Sunny, stop being a bitch. Can't you see poor Magnus is freaking out here?" "I need to stop being a bitch? For Magnus's sake?" I stare at her, unbelieving. "Uh, hello? He's the guy who walked up and bit me f.. Mari Mancusi
80695c3 Okay, I'll wear the Bite Me shirt,[...]It'll be my standard response to anyone who tries to hit on me." I giggle. "Someone can come up and be like 'Hey babe, what's your sign?' and I'll just point to my shirt." Rayne laughs appreciatively and tosses me the tank top. "Of course they might think you're pointing to your boobs in a 'have at 'em, big boy' kind of way." Mari Mancusi
1cfe81d Whatcha doin', Freak Girl?" --------------------------- "What does it look like, brainiac?" I shot back, even surprising myself with the force of my jab. "I'll give you three guesses. No, wait. Don't strain yourself. Wouldn't want to hurt your head." I waved a flyer in his face, channeling my inner mean girl. "See these? I'm hanging them...on a...wall!" I spoke the last part slowly, as if addressing a dim-witted child. Which wasn't far off.. Mari Mancusi
8844669 Obviously it takes eight brains to come to one decision in this crowd. Good thing they have one another. humor Mari Mancusi
13af041 What, are you like Buffy or something? A vampire slayer?" I wish. "No, but my sister is. And my boyfriend's a vampire so I know a lot about their kind." Jayden shrinks back from me, wide-eyed. "No, no. He's one of the good ones. Not all vampires are evil," I assure him. "'re dating...Edward Cullen." "Sure, if you have to relate it all to a Stephenie Meyer book," I grudgingly agree. "But don't say that to Magnus's face. He's a card-c.. Mari Mancusi
b4fd9af Anyway, I'm sure the guy lives a million miles away." "Or he could live right in your backyard. You never know." I nodded, keeping a poker face, even though the idea of Sir Leo living in my backyard was extremely appealing." Mari Mancusi
a74a4c4 Hi, my name is Jareth, and I'll be your- God" He curses as he lays his eyes on me. I raised an eyebrow. "You'll be my god? Hm...Well, we'll have to see about that. I mean, it takes a lot to my world these days." Mari Mancusi
20081fc I'm going insane. That's the only explanation for any of this. I'm going insane and the men in white coats will be showing up at any moment to tell me this has all been a psychotic delusion. They'll take me away and lock me up, and I'll be free to drool in the corner of my padded cell for the rest of my life without a care in the world. " "But then you'd never see me again," Caleb reminded her with a wink. "Really? Can I get that in writi.. Mari Mancusi
dccded0 Where have you been?" I asked weakly. A few minutes ago I would have rather died than questioned him. Let him know I care. But I'm too sick to be strong, kick ass Rayne at the moment. "Vegas" he says. I raise an eyebrows. "Uh, okay. Win anything?" I can't believe he was off gambling as I lay dying. I mean, I know poker is hot and all, but couldn't he have waited a couple of days for that straight flush? "I got what I went for, if that's wha.. dying jareth rayne vegas Mari Mancusi
bc5af5b When the end of the world comes, it won't be the ones that cry who survive, but the ones who spit. Mari Mancusi
b60bb04 Of all the apocalypses in all the world - she had walked into his. Mari Mancusi
47217be Rayne, why is it you feel the need to argue with every single thing I say?" "Because every single thing you say is usually stupid and ridiculous." rayne Mari Mancusi
2f3f70c Chris whistled. "Damn. That's hot." She swatted him. "Yeah, yeah," she dais. But her stomach fluttered. "I'm roasting actually." "That's not what I-" mari-mancusi tomorrow-land Mari Mancusi
0143fa9 Eternity is a long time and it doesn't always work out that way," Jareth says, a bit bitterly. "It's worse to love someone and then lose them, then to never love at all." loss love Mari Mancusi
c5eaba2 Hi, you've reached Caitlin! I'm either on the other line or I'm purposely ignoring you. Or maybe Mrs. Mitchell confiscated my phone for texting in class again... Leave a message and if I deem you worthy, or at least hot, I'll call you back. Mwah! friendship humor mari-mancusi nice-voicemail scorched voicemail Mari Mancusi
24b5590 I don't know," she said. "I'm not sure you would like me in real life. I'm a lot different there, you know. I don't even look the same." " I don't care if you look like a troll with warts," Sir Leo declared, taking her hand in his. "I love you." chad cute cute-things-guys-say fields-of-fantasy gamer-girl i-love-you love maddy mari-mancusi romance sir-leo Mari Mancusi
a842eca But you have to take control of your destiny. And sometimes that's not easy. gamer-girl life-lessons maddy mari-mancusi mom mother-daughter-talk Mari Mancusi
a775f6a SPIDER: I guess you've got a point. RAYNIEDAY: No, I've got a stake, LOL. urban-fantasy-romance vampires Mari Mancusi
786eb7e Once bitten, totally smitten. romance urban-fantasy vampires-romance ya Mari Mancusi
74bb295 Curiouser and curiouser, as Alice in Wonderland would say... romance urban-fantasy vampires ya Mari Mancusi
cd6aa74 And then he kisses me. Yes, the beautiful vampire, the dark general, the one who never gets close to anyone, leans in and presses his lips against mine. This kiss is soft. Gentle. Light. Like a butterfly's wing whisking my lips. paranormal-romance urban-fantasy vampires vampiric ya Mari Mancusi
de1d8a6 O-kay. Kind of freaky. I'm now standing in an actual tomb, in pitch darkness, with only a vampire to keep me company. Last week if you'd sworn on a stack of Bibles that I'd be okay with all of this, I wouldn't have believed you. vampire-romance ya Mari Mancusi
edfc484 They should install elevators in this place. What if they turned a handicapped person into a vampire? Talk about your discrimination lawsuit waiting to happen. vampire-romance-series ya Mari Mancusi
206bb93 For the record, I would have made a very lousy romance heroine. romance urban-fantasy vampires Mari Mancusi
501aab7 I would have made a very crappy book heroine. book-store paranormal urban-fantasy vampire-hero vampires Mari Mancusi
aab45d0 I can't go on saving the world if it means neglecting my duties as a cheerleader. paranormal shifters urban-fantasy vampires wolves ya Mari Mancusi
7936699 I was dying, I realized vaguely. There was no getting out of that. The vampire author would be drained dry by a vampire. It was almost a poetic way to go. vampire-author vampires Mari Mancusi
715769b You know, being bitten by a vampire one week before prom really sucks. No pun intended. vampires ya Mari Mancusi
567f12d Now Sunny, don't get mad, but ..." Rayne begins, her voice trembling. I shoot her an angry glare. "But WHAT, Rayne?" "I, uh, think you've accidentally been turned into a vampire." vampires ya Mari Mancusi
a7e6ec5 I can barely breathe. I feel like I'm going to explode. Jake Wilder is kissing me. French-kissing me. Is he even supposed to be French-kissing me for the play? I thought... Oh, who cares if he's supposed to or not. He is, that's all that matters. vampiric-romance ya Mari Mancusi
87595e2 Roses are red. Blood is too... ya-vampire-romance Mari Mancusi
b1c88f8 Turning into a vampire is bad enough - I don't need to flunk out of school on top of it. ya-paranormal-romance-series Mari Mancusi
92d623a You are my blood mate," he says simply, finding my hand and squeezing it with his own. "I would die for you." Gah! A little warning before the touching would be nice. Mainly so I can resist the overwhelming urge to morph into a jiggly pile of Jell-O, thank you very much. "You'd ... die... for me?"" I manage to choke out. I've got to lighten the mood here. "Technically aren't you already dead?" ya-vampire-romance Mari Mancusi
2725ba4 Hi, my name is Sunny and I'm a bloodoholic. ya-vampire-romance Mari Mancusi
8f876fc For all I know, the guy is Dracula. romance urban-fantasy-romance vampire ya Mari Mancusi
0d1bf08 Just 'cause I'm a vampire, doesn't mean I'm into the Goth scene." "Yeah. I suppose that makes sense," I reason. "Like why go around dressing in black and wishing you were dead, when technically you already are." He grins. "Exactly." Mari Mancusi
4d72e29 Ugh. Don't even get me started. It's like teachers think we have nothing better to do with our lives than to come home and do more schoolwork.) [SirLeo] (It's coz they're old and have no lives and want to punish those who do.) Mari Mancusi
e9a2cba I think I might die if I don't kiss you right now. A real-life kiss. cute gamer-girl kissing love maddy mari-mancusi romance Mari Mancusi
f0301a6 You're the only one here with your own fan club Mari Mancusi
a6219fe Suddenly, out of nowhere, some random old guy grabs me on the arm and starts dragging me into a side corridor. "You must come with me," he says in an urgent voice." ya-romance Mari Mancusi
e8123fe Mr. Teifert's practically ancient - at least forty, I'd say - and so not sexy or cute or Australian. Mari Mancusi
3b43a03 Once a generation there is a girl born who is destined to slay the vampires. romance urban-fantasy vampires ya Mari Mancusi
811a508 So not only do I have to go out and fight evil villains, I have to take up woodworking, too? romance urban-fantasy vampires ya Mari Mancusi
a1dd0a3 I never said becoming the slayer would be a field trip to a Justin Bieber concert. romance vampires ya Mari Mancusi