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e1fc02e I was raised to assume that wealth and rank and privilege would be mine by right," he said painfully. "Through a combination of bad luck and bad judgment, most of those assumptions were beaten out of me. While other young gentlemen raced horses and chased opera dancers, I learned that the world grants no rights beyond the chance to struggle for survival." His mouth twisted. "In the army I was flogged, wore rags, and damned near starved to d.. Mary Jo Putney
6832b68 The most we can ever do is our best," she said quietly. "If worry is interest paid on troubles we haven't had yet, guilt is pain wasted on what can't be changed." "Please remind me of that regularly. I need to hear it." -- Mary Jo Putney
d2bb87e Don't need a knife or gun or poison to break a man's heart. Mary Jo Putney
3772342 Books had been invented to salve human loneliness, and they were friends without peer, friends who never sneered or flinched or laughed behind a man's back. Books revealed their treasures to all who took the effort to seek. Mary Jo Putney
0bf4ac3 Heresy is just philosophy that the establishment doesn't approve of, Mary Jo Putney
9542a5a Jack was unexpectedly moved when he swore allegiance to the king and country. He had served both for years, could easily have laid down his life. Yet it was different to pledge his loyalty and best efforts toward governing this nation. Dying was easier than making good laws. Mary Jo Putney
164bf6f I don't know what you hope for in a husband, but if it is to be loved ... well, I think it would be very easy to fall in love with you. Mary Jo Putney
a5707ab La mayoria de las mujeres son extraordinarias. Compensa el hecho de que la mayoria de los hombres no lo sean --solto Alys y, al instante, se mordio la lengua". (de "Pecado y virtud")" Mary Jo Putney
abe702d Children often sang, adults seldom. At what age did the singing stop? Mary Jo Putney
8eef4ef If I have an ambition, it's to leave the world a little better than I found it. Mary Jo Putney
a76986d I don't usually look back. When I make foolish decisions, I file the consequences under lessons learned and tell myself not to be stupid in the same way again. Mary Jo Putney
9e93815 Softly he continued, "You need to ask God for forgiveness. That's His job, isn't it? To forgive imperfect humankind. You are quick to forgive others and offer them kindness. Do the same for yourself." Mary Jo Putney
a0ab987 behind the anger, she saw that he loved her, Mary Jo Putney
5955bec and certainly unchristian, to hate someone for the color of his skin, yet such trivial things can change the pattern of a life. Mary Jo Putney
b4cb98f Disdain for authority is the bedrock of my character. Mary Jo Putney
10b245d form, not the crashing waves far below at the base of the cliff. She looked eerily like the sketch that Kenneth had drawn of Mary Jo Putney
40838aa I love Christmas. A time to slow down and enjoy life and be with my family and friends. In busy years, it keeps me sane. In bad years, it makes me feel whole again. Mary Jo Putney
27e8734 The only power she wanted over him was the power to make him happy. . . . She wanted them to be equal in their loving, not master and slave. love power Mary Jo Putney
574b5d7 I love you," he gasped. "For always." "And I love you," she whispered as tears filled her eyes. He rolled on his side and drew her close, his arms sheltering against the storm that pounded on London. The sky itself wept because they loved each other, and it wasn't enough. As" Mary Jo Putney
b17aacb Are you still afraid of me?" He touched her fallen hair with a butterfly's delicacy. She might not have noticed that touch, except that she noticed everything he did. She closed her eyes for a moment, then opened them and met his gaze steadily. "Aristophanes said that boys throw stones at frogs in jest, but the frogs, they die in earnest. You're going to break my life into splinters, then move on without a second thought. Yes, my lord, you .. Mary Jo Putney
fc5ed16 Michael is easier to understand--he had to believe in Caroline. To betray a friend was despicable--to acknowledge that he had done so for a woman who was utterly unworthy Mary Jo Putney
b019b82 I think that marriage is always the triumph of hope over fear. Mary Jo Putney
62c2182 What a pity that men couldn't find such satisfactions without killing so many of their fellows. Mary Jo Putney
08859f4 Don't you care that your neighbors are suffering?" "In a word, no. The Bible says that the poor will always be with us, and if Jesus couldn't change that, I certainly can't." Mary Jo Putney
400e937 Has anyone ever pointed out that you're too clever by half?" "It's been mentioned. Why do you think I'm a spinster?" Mary Jo Putney
d56a5aa Gentlemen do not work. Since I do not work, therefore I must be a gentleman. Mary Jo Putney
436c932 she made a purring sound in her throat and pressed into his palm, Mary Jo Putney
8962441 Your precocity delighted everyone who met you even when you were behaving like a limb of Satan. Mary Jo Putney
d4d11a3 listen. Mary Jo Putney
8cc17dd He'd known the headland was undercut from years of waves and weather, but he hadn't expected to trigger its complete collapse. Shoving the wall over had been merely an attempt to complicate the situation. He'd never imagined . . . this. Mary Jo Putney
f095448 my grandfather laid claim to all the virtues. Vice was the only thing left to me." Clare scowled at him. "The old earl has been dead for four years, and you're a grown man. Find a better excuse, or learn better behavior." Mary Jo Putney
f11243e But I'm so very glad that my resistance was futile! Mary Jo Putney
c7772cc Because you loved, you promised. You must try harder to keep that promise. Mary Jo Putney
e45c242 Isn't a mistress supposed to care about her lover?" she asked softly. Their glances met, and Nicholas felt something shift deep inside him, creating a moment of strange vulnerability. This woman could hurt him badly if he wasn't careful." Mary Jo Putney
cb58955 Su abuela siempre le aconsejaba que no fuera demasiado explicita al formular sus deseos, porque a veces la mejor solucion es una que no se le ocurriria nunca. Mary Jo Putney
f7419b9 bullet wound will do." Gordon" Mary Jo Putney
468dc85 Entretanto, mesmo o fogo mais ardente deixa apenas as brasas mais amenas. Bodas verdadeiras sao construidas sobre valores e interesses comuns. fogo marrying fire Mary Jo Putney
d6bd545 o futuro era um leque de possibilidades, nao apenas uma trilha unica e inalteravel. Contudo, das trilhas, umas eram bem mais provaveis do que outras, e algumas eram tao provaveis que pareciam quase impossiveis de se evitar. Nesses casos, a palavra usada era destino. destiny trilhas trail Mary Jo Putney
aedfa24 Para um homem, a mulher e como uma pintura ou uma estatua classica. Ele escolhe uma e leva para casa, esperando que combine com a mobilia existente la. man woman mulher Mary Jo Putney
e17813c Aristophanes said that boys throw stones at frogs in jest, but the frogs, they die in earnest. You're going to break my life into splinters, then move on without a second thought. Yes, my lord, you terrify me. Mary Jo Putney
7feecf7 Trees can grow from tiny cracks in stony cliffs, Kate. This may be a very small crack indeed--but it's a beginning. Mary Jo Putney
2948b66 I see why they call you Lady Alys," he said with a mocking humor. "Managing an estate, several businesses, and children as well. You are an extraordinary woman." "Most women are extraordinary. It compensates for the fact that most men aren't"." Mary Jo Putney
c6fbbd1 Clare's dark brows arched. "How can one piece of wood be more moral than another?" "The mace saves a lady from bending over and exposing her ankles to whatever depraved males are present," he explained." Mary Jo Putney
28412fa Things have been going wrong for years. Only desperation could have driven me to seek the aid of a reprobate like you." Seeing the mischievous gleam in her eyes, he said promptly, "At least that is turning out well. Look at the splendid opportunity for Christian martyrdom that I'm giving you." Mary Jo Putney