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f55fc65 The markets were now run by technology, but the technologists were still treated like tools. Nobody bothered to explain the business to them, but they were forced to adapt to its demands and exposed to its failures--which was, perhaps, why there had been so many more conspicuous failures. Michael Lewis
f008845 We tried to trademark proximity, but you can't because it's a word, Michael Lewis
8961776 Someone out there was using the fact that stock market orders arrived at different times at different exchanges to front-run orders from one market to another. Michael Lewis
9002324 The U.S. stock market was now a class system, rooted in speed, of haves and have-nots. The haves paid for nanoseconds; the have-nots had no idea that a nanosecond had value. Michael Lewis
13d6803 There were a great many interesting questions in the world to which the only honest answer was, "It's impossible to know for sure." "What will the price of oil be in ten years?" was such a question. That didn't mean you gave up trying to find an answer; you just couched that answer in probabilistic terms." Michael Lewis
d29556f Alcoa, the biggest aluminum company in the country, encountered two problems peculiar to Iceland when, in 2004, it set about erecting its giant smelting plant. The first was the so-called hidden people--or, to put it more plainly, elves--in whom some large number of Icelanders, steeped long and thoroughly in their rich folkloric culture, sincerely believe. Before Alcoa could build its smelter it had to defer to a government expert to scour .. Michael Lewis
f99b1ac if you challenge the conventional wisdom, you will find ways to do things much better than they are currently done. Michael Lewis
08993e9 TWO THINGS STRIKE every Irish person when he comes to America, Irish friends tell me: the vastness of the country, and the seemingly endless desire of its people to talk about their personal problems. Two things strike an American when he comes to Ireland: how small it is, and how tight-lipped. An Irish person with a personal problem takes it into a hole with him, like a squirrel with a nut before winter. He tortures himself and sometimes h.. Michael Lewis
6440d4e I'm now convinced that the worst thing a man can do with a telephone without breaking the law is to call someone he doesn't know and try to sell that person something he doesn't want. Michael Lewis
4652981 For a lot of the players it was their first exposure to the Southern female - the most flagrant cheater in the mutual disarmament pact known as feminism. Lipstick! Hairdos! Submissiveness! Michael Lewis
9abc7c1 No matter how successful you are, change is always good. There can never be a status quo. Michael Lewis
4b9549f Anti-intellectual resentment is common in all of American life and it has many diverse expressions. Refusing to draft college players might have been one of them. Bill James Michael Lewis
1d76ddf So many problems occur when people fail to be obedient when they are supposed to be obedient, and fail to be creative when they are supposed to be creative. The Michael Lewis
e97f6a0 It was striking how little control we had of events, particularly in view of how assiduously we cultivated the appearance of being in charge by smoking big cigars and saying fuck all the time. Michael Lewis
91da76a One absolutely cannot tell, by watching, the difference between a .300 hitter and a .275 hitter. The difference is one hit every two weeks. Michael Lewis
5cbc93c why they studied economics, and they'd explain that it was the most practical course of study, even while they spent their time drawing funny little graphs. Michael Lewis
8e0872b He who sees the past as surprise-free is bound to have a future full of surprises. Michael Lewis
b9b9952 The guy walks around with a banana in his ear. And people are like, 'Why do you have a banana in your ear?' He says, 'To keep the alligators away! There are no alligators! See? Michael Lewis
0b93065 They actually spent time wondering how people who had been so sensationally right (i.e., they themselves) could preserve the capacity for diffidence and doubt and uncertainty that had enabled them to be right. The more sure you were of yourself and your judgment, the harder it was to find opportunities premised on the notion that you were, in the end, probably wrong. The Michael Lewis
8ea6d13 Someone once said that education was knowing what to do when you don't know, Michael Lewis
f46a433 On its surface, the booming market in side bets on subprime mortgage bonds seemed to be the financial equivalent of fantasy football: a benign, if silly, facsimile of investing. Alas, there was a difference between fantasy football and fantasy finance: When a fantasy football player drafts Peyton Manning to be on his team, he doesn't create a second Peyton Manning. When Mike Burry bought a credit default swap based on a Long Beach Savings s.. goldman-sachs mike-burry subprime-mortgage-bonds wall-street Michael Lewis
6871e7a After the war Avi, by then twenty-two years old, finally decided what he would study: psychology. Had you asked him just then why he picked psychology, "I would say I want to understand the human soul. Not the mind. The soul." Michael Lewis
c68882d The relationship between the people and their money in California is such that you can pluck almost any city at random and enter a crisis. San Jose has the highest per capita income of any city in the United States, after New York. It has the highest credit rating of any city in California with a population over 250,000. It is one of the few cities in America with a triple-A rating from Moody's and Standard & Poor's, but only because its bo.. financial-crisis-of-2007-2010 ratings Michael Lewis
79817b9 The entire health industry lies about what things cost to make," she said. "I know what things cost because I made them." -- Michael Lewis
70b03ae The method of his execution was unsurprising: Trump always avoided firing people himself. The man who played Mr. You're Fired on TV avoided personal confrontation in real life. Michael Lewis
b05ba30 The astute investor Warren Buffett is fond of saying that any player unaware of the fool in the market probably is the fool in the market. Michael Lewis
956ebbc Thomas Pyle, president of the American Energy Alliance, which, upon inspection, proved to be a Washington, DC, propaganda machine funded with millions of dollars from ExxonMobil and Koch Industries. Pyle himself had served as a Koch Industries lobbyist and ran a business on the side writing editorials attacking the DOE's attempts to reduce the dependence of the American economy on carbon. Michael Lewis
d7b61b6 the knowledge that is never created, because you have ceased to lay the groundwork for it. Michael Lewis
8844675 Trump's budget, like the social forces behind it, is powered by a perverse desire--to remain ignorant. Michael Lewis
e36341e There is an upside to ignorance, and a downside to knowledge. Knowledge makes life messier. It makes it a bit more difficult for a person who wishes to shrink the world to a worldview. Michael Lewis
1c2c34f Corporate finance, which services the corporations and governments that borrow money, and that are known as "clients," is, by comparison, a refined and unworldly place. Because they don't risk money, corporate financiers are considered wimps by traders." traders wall-street Michael Lewis
06233c6 Walking through the ruins, she saw all over again what she had seen so many times: how much better Americans were at responding to a disaster than preventing it. Michael Lewis
fe46314 By changing the context in which two things are compared, you submerge certain features and force others to the surface. Michael Lewis
c051c8b The way the creative process works is that .you first say something, and later, sometimes years later, you understand what you said. Michael Lewis
6f74130 Donnie Green himself had been a trader at Salomon Brothers in the dark ages, when traders had more hair on their chests than on their heads. Michael Lewis
c3930c4 Things are grouped together for a reason, but, once they are grouped, their grouping causes them to seem more like each other than they otherwise would. That is, the mere act of classification reinforces stereotypes. If you want to weaken some stereotype, eliminate the classification. Amos's Michael Lewis
6748f2c Risk, I had learned, was a commodity in itself. Michael Lewis
dfb1e5e The problems that had been Obama's problems for the past eight years were about to become Trump's problems. But his people didn't seem to want to know about them. government Michael Lewis
458c433 lot of that money went to big grain producers. The same Republican senators from farm states who said they abhorred government spending of almost any sort became radical socialists when the conversation turned to handouts to big grain producers. "The money follows the political power of the constituencies," Michael Lewis
f492a1a He further believed that the only way to get people to believe that you were good for their careers was actually to be good for their careers. Michael Lewis
2d4e840 Reg NMS was intended to create equality of opportunity in the U.S. stock market. Instead it institutionalized a more pernicious inequality. A small class of insiders with the resources to create speed were now allowed to preview the market and trade on what they had seen. Michael Lewis
ed6c023 His life was dedicated to the fine art of tearing down and building anew. Michael Lewis
d205c14 There is nothing more satisfying to me," he said, "than to create a complete self-contained world when a computer is controlling it." Michael Lewis
b3006eb In something like an instant the man had changed his life. He reinvented his relationship to the world around him in a way that is considered normal only in California. Michael Lewis
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