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d7467c2 There's nothing so much like a god on earth as a General on a battlefield. Michael Shaara
c597704 The truth is, Colonel, that there's no divine spark, bless you. There's many a man alive no more value than a dead dog. Believe me, when you've seen them hang each other...Equality? Christ in Heaven. What I'm fighting for is the right to prove I'm a better man than many. Where have you seen this divine spark in operation, Colonel? Where have you noted this magnificent equality? The Great White Joker in the Sky dooms us all to stupidity or p.. michael-shaara movie-quote the-killer-angels Michael Shaara
cb6d184 He bent down, scratched the black dirt into his fingers. He was beginning to warm to it; the words were beginning to flow. No one in front of him was moving. He said, "This is free ground. All the way from here to the Pacific Ocean. No man has to bow. No man born to royalty. Here we judge you by what do, not by what your father was. Here you can be . Here's a place to build a home. It isn't the land--there's always more land. It's the id.. Michael Shaara
673ec40 If men were equal in America, all these Poles and English and Czechs and blacks, then they were equal everywhere, and there was really no such thing as foreigner; there were only free men and slaves. slavery foreigners patriotism Michael Shaara
0e87e98 Chamberlain closed his eyes and saw it again. It was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. No book or music would have that beauty. He did not understand it: a mile of men flowing slowly, steadily, inevitably up the long green ground, dying all the while, coming to kill you, and the shell bursts appearing above them like instant white flowers, and the flags all tipping and fluttering, and dimly you could hear the music and the drums, a.. Michael Shaara
94f3eab Why do there have to be men like that, men who enjoy another man's dying? Michael Shaara
0175870 Southern women like their men religious and a little mad. the-civil-war the-south the-killer-angels Michael Shaara
f81025b Perhaps it was only that when you try to put it into words you cannot express it truly, it never sounds as you dream it. Michael Shaara
6b21fc0 The thing about the heart was that you could not coax it or force it, as you could any other disease. Will power meant nothing. Michael Shaara
1e5049a They rode for a while in silence, a tiny island in the smoky stream of marching men. Then Lee said slowly, in a strange, soft, slow tone of voice, "Soldiering has one great trap." Longstreet turned to see his face. Lee was riding slowly ahead, without expression. He spoke in that same slow voice. "To be a good soldier you must love the army. But to be a good officer you must be willing to order the death of the thing you love. This is...a .. the-killer-angels Michael Shaara
3a6cadf The faith itself was simple; he believed in the dignity of man. His ancestors were Huguenots, refugees of a chained and bloody Europe. He had learned their stories in the cradle. He had grown up believing in America and the individual and it was a stronger faith than his faith in God. This was the land where no man had to bow. In this place at last a man could stand up free of the past, free of tradition and blood ties and the curse of roya.. the-killer-angels Michael Shaara
11b92b6 There is one thing you can do. You can resign now. You can refuse to lead it. But I cannot even do that. Cannot leave the man alone. Cannot leave him with that attack in the hands of Hill. Cannot leave because I disagree, because, as he says, it's all in the hands of God. And maybe God really wants it this way. But they will mostly all die. We will lose it here. Even if they get to the hill, what will they have left, what will we have left,.. the-killer-angels Michael Shaara
857b000 It rained all that night. The next day was Saturday, the Fourth of July. Michael Shaara
9fccf8e The great experiment. In democracy. The equality of rabble. In not much more than a generation they have come back to CLASS. As the French have done. What a tragic thing, that Revolution. Bloody George was a bloody fool. But no matter. The experiment doesn't work. Give them fifty years, and all that equality rot is gone. Here they have the same love of the land and of tradition, of the right form, of breeding, in their horses, their women. .. the-killer-angels Michael Shaara
c52edf4 I've been a soldier all my life. I've fought from the ranks on up, you know my service. But sir, I must tell you now, I believe this attack will fail. No 15,000 men ever made could take that ridge. It's a distance of more than a mile, over open ground. When the men come out of the trees, they will be under fire from Yankee artillery from all over the field. And those are Hancock's boys! And now, they have the stone wall like we did at Frede.. Michael Shaara
14b520e A man who has been shot at is a new realist, and what do you say to a realist when the war is a war of ideals? Michael Shaara
ba126f8 I don't really understand it. Never have. The more I think on it the more it horrifies me. How can they look in the eyes of a man and make a slave of him and then quote the Bible? Michael Shaara
2ad058e He was one of those, like Stuart, who looked on war as God's greatest game. the-killer-angels Michael Shaara
41833b2 The great white joker in the sky dooms us all to stupidity or poverty from birth. No two things on earth are equal or have an equal chance, not a leaf or a tree. Michael Shaara
cd1b58b He remembered the night in Arlington when the news came: secession. He remembered a paneled wall and firelight. When we heard the news we went into mourning. But outside there was cheering in the streets, bonfires of joy. They had their war at last. But where was there ever any choice? The sight of fire against wood paneling, a bonfire seen far off at night through a window, soft and sparky glows always to remind him of that embedded night .. the-killer-angels Michael Shaara
cb1f568 Jackson is gone - not entirely gone; Jackson was there today watching, and Ewell sees his eyes - but you cannot blame him for not being Jackson. You must make do with the tools God has given for the job. Michael Shaara
8383a46 There ought to be more than just that metallic end, and then silence, then the worms, and sometimes he believed, but just this moment he did not believe at all...there was nothing beyond the sound of the guns...not even silence, just an end. Michael Shaara
a7bee43 The true rain came in a monster wind, and the storm broke in blackness over the hills and the bloody valley; the sky opened along the ridge, and the vast water thundered down, drowning the fires, flooding the red creeks, washing the rocks and the grass and the white bones of the dead, cleansing the earth and soaking it thick and rich with water and wet again with clean cold rainwater, driving the blood deep into the Earth, to grow it again .. Michael Shaara
ba5a2f3 To be a good soldier you must love the army. But to be a good officer you must be willing to order the death of the thing you love. That is ... a very hard thing to do. No other profession requires it. That is one reason why there are so very few good officers. Although there are many good men. Michael Shaara
d2f5a62 When he thought of the old man he could see him suddenly in a field in the spring, trying to move a gray boulder. He always knew instinctively the ones you could move, even though the greater part was buried in the earth, and he expected you to move the rock and not discuss it. A hard and silent man, an honest man, a noble man. Little humor but sometimes the door opened and you saw the warmth within a long way off, a certain sadness, a slow.. Michael Shaara
d91760f I wish we could take the hill. Could flood right on over it and end the war, wipe them all away in one great motion. But we can't. No matter how much I wish...or trust in God... the-killer-angels Michael Shaara
5a1d4d1 So it was no cause and no country he fought for, no ideal and no justice. He fought for his people, for the children and the kin, and not even the land, because not even the land was worth the war, but the people were, wrong as they were, insane even as many of them were, they were his own, he belonged with his own. Michael Shaara
914f9b3 Longstreet stayed up talking, as long as there was company, as long as there was a fire. Because when the fire was gone and the dark had truly come there was no way he could avoid the dead faces of his children. Michael Shaara
ada296c And yet suddenly, terribly, he wanted it again, the way it used to be, arms linked together, all drunk and singing beautifully into the night, with visions of death from the afternoon and dreams of death in the coming dawn, the night filled with a monstrous and temporary glittering joy, fat moments, thick seconds dropping like warm rain, jewel after jewel. Michael Shaara
24e8a7b Rise up smiling, and walk with me. Rise up in the armor of thy body and what shall pass shall make thee unafraid. Walk among the yellow hills, for they belong to thee. Walk upon grass and let thy feet descend into soft soil; in the end when all has failed thee the soil shall comfort thee, the soil shall receive thee and in thy dark bed thou shalt find such peace as is thy portion. In thine armor, hear my voice. In thine armor, hear. Whatsoe.. religion philisophy Michael Shaara
1646a99 Saw the face of Robert Lee. Incredible eyes. An honest man, a simple man. Out of date. They all ride to glory, all the plumed knights. Michael Shaara
7578275 He suspended thinking; his mind was a bloody vacancy, like a room in which there has been a butchering. Michael Shaara
dbd291f The Frenchman may fight for France, but the American fights for mankind, for freedom; for the people, not the land. Michael Shaara
bd3138f I tell you, Colonel, we got to win this war. What will happen, do you think, if we lose? Do you think the country will ever get back together again? Doubt it. Would it too deep. The differences. . .If they win there'll be two countries, like France and Germany in Europe, and the border will be armed. Then there'll be a third country in the West, and that one will be the balance of power. Michael Shaara
aa3f66b Well, boy, if he's an angel, he's sure a murderin' angel. Michael Shaara
090261a Lee stopped, looked north. I twas working almost like a plan. It was possible to see Intention in it...he gave no further had never really been in his hands at all. And yet his was the responsibility. Michael Shaara
36a2dba The earth was actually shuddering. It was as if you were a baby and your mother was shuddering with cold. Michael Shaara
fdfa9e4 Home. One place is just like another, really. Maybe not. But truth is it's all just rock and dirt and people are roughly the same. I was born up there but I'm no stranger here. Have always felt at home everywhere, even in Virginia, where they hate me. Everywhere you go there's nothing but the same rock and dirt and houses and people and deer and birds. They give it all names, but I'm at home everywhere. Odd thing: unpatriotic. I was at home.. Michael Shaara
21455d0 How do you force a man to fight - for freedom? The idiocy of it jarred him. Michael Shaara
c675eb9 Ross said, "They play even during an attack. Not very good. But inspiring. Have you heard the Rebel yell?" Fremantle nodded. "Godawful sound. I expect they learned it from Indians." Michael Shaara
157d2f6 Longstreet took a deep breath. In the winter the fever had come to Richmond. In a week they were dead. All within a week, all three. He saw the sweet faces: moment of enormous pain. The thing had pushed him out of his mind, insane, but no one knew it. He had not thought God would do a thing like that...she kept standing in the door: And he could not even help her, could say nothing, could not move, could not even take her into his arms. N.. Michael Shaara
7993fd1 Everybody knows all the movements. General So and So should have done such and such. God knows we all try. We none of us lose battles on purpose. But now on this field what can we do that's undone? Michael Shaara
7b694a6 A true gentleman has no vices, but he allows you your own. Michael Shaara
6c18222 In the presence of real tragedy you feel neither pain nor joy nor hatred, only a sense of enormous space and time suspended, the great doors open to black eternity, the rising across the terrible field of that last enormous, unanswerable question. Michael Shaara