It's a plant." Burke's father stared at the laptop's screen, peering over his glasses at the photos as Burke brought them up. "It's not a plant, Ed," Lucy said, looking at Burke and shaking her head. "It's about the of the image." Burke's father snorted. "Well, it like a plant." He turned to his son. "I'm not saying it's not pretty. But it's a plant."
Michael Thomas Ford |
Do you know what it's like to have everyone expect you to be the best at something?
Michael Thomas Ford |
How come someone always saves the people who try to kill themselves and then makes them tell everyone how sorry they are for ruining their evenings? I keep feeling like everyone wants me to apologize for something. But I'm not going to. I don't have anything to apologize for. They're the ones who screwed everything up. Not me. I didn't ask to be saved.
Michael Thomas Ford |
I'm just saying that sometimes forgetting how much things hurt makes you do them again. And that's not always such a hot idea.
Michael Thomas Ford |
Where's the skill in throwing a hook loaded with tempting bait into the general vicinity of lots of perpetually hungry creatures with brains the size of mustard seeds? You might as well go to a playground, scatter Reese's peanut butter cups around, and club to death the first four year old foolish enough to approach, believing innocently that such treats are readily available in nature.
Michael Thomas Ford |
MY FIRST SUMMER living in New York, I couldn't wait for
Michael Thomas Ford |
I mean, sure this guy is a little nuts. You have to spend your whole life following bears around. But I get it, too. When he was with the bears, they didn't care that he was kind of weird, or that he'd gotten trouble for drinking too much and using drugs. They didn't ask him a bunch of stupid questions about how he felt, or why he did what he did. They just let them be who he was.
Michael Thomas Ford |
Fuck!" he said, the purity and forcefulness of the profanity cleansing in its simplicity. Fuck. Odd, he thought, how the word considered the most unutterable should be the one that represented, for many, the greatest pleasure of which the human body was capable. The sacred and the profane, he supposed, the ultimate proof of the perversity of human nature, to make a curse of the very act that kept the species in existence."
Michael Thomas Ford |
Faith, he had learned that night in front of the flickering television, was most glorious when it was most untouched by reason.
Michael Thomas Ford |