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dc2de85 Think of it: a disability is usually defined in terms of what is missing. ... But autism ... is as much about what is abundant as what is missing, an over-expression of the very traits that make our species unique. Paul Collins
d65a7f2 If a book cover has raised lettering, metallic lettering, or raised metallic lettering, then it is telling the reader: To readers who do not care for such things, this lettering tells them: marketing Paul Collins
462d850 Many people are partial to the notion that . . . all writers are somehow mere vessels for Truth and Beauty when they compose. That we are not really in This is a variation on that twee little fable that writers like to pass off on gullible readers, that a character can develop a will of his own and 'take over a book.' This makes writing sound supernatural and mysterious, like The reality tends to involve a spare room, a pirated copy of .. writing writers Paul Collins
06e185f If you grew up in a rural area, you have seen how farmhouses come and go, but the dent left by cellars is permanent. There is something unbreakable in that hand-dug foundational gouge into the earth. Books are the cellars of civilization: when cultures crumble away, their books remain out of sheer stupid solidity. Paul Collins
6c66ba5 Generally, when a man is rabidly for one cause, and then is just as rabidly for another cause, it is not because he loves the cause: it is because he loves the rabies Paul Collins
86cee85 Historically, dust jackets are a new concern for authors; you don't see them much before the 1920s. And is a strange name for this contrivance, as if books had anything to fear from dust. If you store a book properly, standing up, then the jacket doesn't cover the one part of the book that is actually exposed to dust, which is the top of the pages. So a dust jacket is no such thing at all; it is really a sort of advertising wrapper, like .. dust-jacket Paul Collins
600bc69 Leatherbound books are an expensive form of wallpaper, and yet every English nobleman's home seems to have had them. Their endless sets of the works of Cooper and Scott and Goethe, in finely tanned bindings with marbled endpapers, all end up with this sort of dealer sooner or later. I look through a set of Cooper and, without surprise, find uncut pages: these books were never actually read. Paul Collins
f70c5c7 When Jules Verne was on everyone's nightstand, Pulitzer ordered daredevil reporter Nellie Bly to travel around the world in eighty days; she accomplished it in seventy-two. Paul Collins
fb46843 Such madness was strictly prohibited in New York, but not in New Jersey. Paul Collins
ae7c319 Curb your fretting, tadpole, or the frog of your future will fail to croak.' -Thaddeus jelindel-chronicles paul-collins thaddeus frog insults Paul Collins
8039885 I had a good title already. My book was originally called Loser: A Brief History of Notable Failures. But American publishers don't like this. Losing is a bad thing in our country. It's not allowed. Paul Collins
853a8a5 What you mean to find matters less than what you do find. Paul Collins
ced7fa0 You see, literary culture is perpetually dead and dying; and when some respected writer discovers and loudly proclaims the finality of this fact, it is a forensic marker of their own decomposition. It means that they have artistically expired within the last ten years, and that they will corporeally expire within the next twenty. Paul Collins
c8d7d5a Back then, Manhattan was the infant country Paul Collins
febc610 I been brought up a hatter," he sighed, "people would have come into the world without heads." Paul Collins
df41985 Even the few streets with unobstructed brick sidewalks were comically narrow--just wide enough, as one chronicler put it, to accommodate "two lean men to walk abreast or one fat man alone." Paul Collins
def7022 So far as any literary genre can be said to have been invented by one author, Edgar Allan Poe is that author, and the detective story is that genre. Paul Collins
ca29504 On the morning of his funeral, the Baltimore Sun failed to announce the service, but mourned that his death "will cause poignant regret among all who admire genius, and have sympathy for the frailties too often attending it." Paul Collins
5675752 At five that morning, Edgar Allan Poe met the fate anticipated in his poem "To Annie": Thank Heaven! the crisis-- The danger is past, And the lingering illness, Is over at last-- And the Fever called 'Living' Is conquer'd at last." Paul Collins
0faca82 It is a telling commentary on how authors control what they write, but not what is read. Poe regarded his tales of ratiocination as something of a distraction; his great loves were poetry and his "prose poem," Eureka. "The Raven" was indeed Poe's most famous work during his lifetime, and time has not lessened its charms--but as art it is distinctly backward-looking." Paul Collins
eaec2b0 New York was the swing state in the upcoming presidential election--and Manhattan was the swing district in New York State. Control the city, and you controlled the 1800 presidential race. Paul Collins
83fad2d If every man who wrote a story which was indirectly inspired by Poe were to pay a tithe towards a monument," Doyle later mused, "it would be such as would dwarf the pyramids." Paul Collins
5e82f69 And yet something unsettling remained about the notion of John Pastano as a willful murderer: the recollection, perhaps, that after murdering Mary Castro, he had filled his hat with her blood and wandered out into the street with it. When he was collared over by the Tea-Water Pump, broken English had spilled out from the man. "Why you catch me?" he asked innocently. "Me not do" Paul Collins
7b6fb43 The assembly proceeded to the new grave that would come to serve as a burial place for Edgar, Virginia, and Aunt Maria, reuniting the peculiar household that been Poe's sorrow and solace in life. There they read aloud his final poem, "Annabel Lee"--and in its last lines, the farewell of an artist finally at rest: And so, all the night-tide, I lie down by the side Of my darling--my darling--my life and my bride In her sepulchre there by the .. Paul Collins
ca36c1e But this much is known: Hamilton shot into the trees. Burr, leveling his pistol at his foe, did not. Paul Collins
f78f309 Whether the world at large recognized him or his work, something had changed inside the shifting identity of the fugitive Edgar Allan Poe--something irrevocable. He was an author now. Paul Collins
95993bf Captain, sir,' called Coster from the rear of the shed. 'Cleared to shit.' 'Proceed,' Fa'ared called back. The Preceptor glared at Coster. 'Can you not wait? fa-ared jelindel preceptor Paul Collins
111f0b1 Much of Hamilton's previous two years had been spent building up an "additional army," justified by stoking fears of a French invasion of godless radicals. That country's revolution, Hamilton warned, exposed America to a veritable "volcano of atheism, depravity, and absurdity ... an engine of despotism and slavery." Paul Collins
ab552a4 coffee biggins"--the last being the latest fad from France, involving the boiling of coffee rather than merely drinking it as a dissolved" Paul Collins
41c0dac Napoleon Bonaparte. The new leader had no immediate fight to pick with America; some thought he might actually bring peace to Europe. Hamilton's endless demands for more funding and troops were beginning to look foolish. Paul Collins
84e973a Put the penis schematic away, he told the coroner. Paul Collins
09e24db THE YOUNG carpenter miserably regarded his fellow inmates. Some had been confined for so long that nobody even knew why they were there anymore. One wild-looking blind and insane man known as "Paul from New Jersey" snored quietly on the floor, with only a block of wood as his pillow. When awake, he wandered around naked and filthy. An appalled visitor, asking why the man had been left naked, found the staff unconcerned: "The keeper explaine.. Paul Collins
28f0bfc For more fortunate readers, it reminded them that "the action of the clytoris in women is like that of a penis to man," and the key to "brifk and vigorous" enjoyments--especially with "cares and thoughts of business drowned in a glafs of rofy wine." Paul Collins
d2ab722 Positive and direct proof of fraud is not to be expected.... The nature of the thing itself, which is generally carried out in a secret and clandestine manner, does not admit of any but circumstantial evidence; and therefore, if no proof of actual fraud were allowed in such cases, much mischief and villainy would ensue, and pass with impunity. Circumstantial evidence is all that can be expected, and indeed all that is necessary to substanti.. Paul Collins
4ae243b This backward construction was an authorial slight of hand that Poe understood well. Pondering what he called "tales of ratiocination"--his own name for detective stories--Poe later remarked, "People think them more ingenious than they are--on account of their method and air of method. In the 'Murders in the Rue Morgue,' for instance, where is the ingenuity of unravelling a web which you yourself (the author) have woven? The reader is made .. Paul Collins
937155f You could expect bread, cheese, preserved apples, eggs, and a solid draft of warm beer. Tea and coffee were only slowly taking hold at breakfast in the finer houses, and the city's old Dutch families still drank cocoa at breakfast Paul Collins
08488d4 I know the ways of the Mafia. Paul Collins
192a567 used Paul Collins
6b2c725 How can we expect that the illiterate and benighted child of want will remain faithful . . . when he in whose breast the lamp of science brightly burns is found derelict? Paul Collins
33ffa25 William pondered what his next discovery might be. He knew that readers were vexed by the possibility that their Bard might have been Catholic. There is, after all, that suspicious reference to Purgatory by the ghost of Hamlet's father. In an era when anti-Catholic legislation was favorably viewed by many, such papist skullduggery was improper in a national literary hero. And so, on Christmas Day of 1794, William presented his nation with a.. Paul Collins
8f32762 I noticed you made a bee-line for their bookcases." It is the oldest and most incorrigible trait of the book-lover." Paul Collins
f6e37be It really is an APPALLING thing to think of the people who have no books...It is only by books that most men and women can lift themselves above the sordidness of life. No books! Yet for the greater part of humanity that is the common lot. We may, in fact, divide our fellow-creatures into two branches - those who read books and those who do not. Paul Collins