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908c747 l ywjd fy Hytn sw~ 'mr wHd mhm : 'n nHy 'sTwrtn lkhS@ Paulo Coelho
304d8db Todos los dias Dios nos da, junto con el sol, un momento en el que es posible cambiar todo lo que nos hace infelices. Paulo Coelho
df18dd3 It's the oasis," said the camel driver. "Well, why don't we go there right now?" the boy asked. "Because we have to sleep." sleep oasis Paulo Coelho
e4898ae fy l`lm dy'm shkhS yntZr lakhr Paulo Coelho
b828651 n kn m wjdth mn m`dn nqy fln ybl~ 'bd , wststTy` 'n trj` lyh ywm ,'m n kn shhb mn nwr kHtrq lnjm , fln tjd shyy' `ndm t`wd wlknk stkwn qd r'yt nwr shhb whdh ystHq `n lHy@ Paulo Coelho
f5912f1 ymkn lwrq@ 'w rysh@ 'n tjtrH l`jy'b , ftshtfy lalm , wtHqq l'Hlm w t`yd l'ml lmfqwd pain writing Paulo Coelho
2ba5e9f m` 'nW kl shy mktwb , yZl llh rHyman wl yst`ml ryshth wldw@ lW lykwn ln m`ynan god mercy Paulo Coelho
63ecd48 n ymn lmr bTybth ldhty@, 'shl `lyh dy'm an, mn mjbhth lakhryn wkfHh mn 'jl Hqwqh lshkhSy@ ... Paulo Coelho
040e998 If his decision is correct, he will win the battle, even if it lasts longer than expected. If his decision is wrong, he will be defeated and he will have to start all over again- only this time with more wisdom. But once he has started, a warrior of the light perseveres until the end. perseverance motivational winner-stands-alone paulo-coelho regrets Paulo Coelho
88ec3db Cred ca am gresit, ca am pierdut, intr-un anumit moment, legatura cu femeia pe care o iubeam. Iar acum nu am nevoie decat de-o harta, vreau sa ma duc la ea quote zahir Paulo Coelho
09e7219 How can one set these opposite states in harmony? There is only one way: through giving oneself completely. How does one give oneself? By forgetting the traumas of the past, and by not forming expectations about the future - in other words, the orgasm. How can one do this? Very simply: by not being afraid to err. Paulo Coelho
15ae1c4 It's thrilling to fight for a love that's entirely unrequited. It might not be much fun. It might leave profound and lasting scars. But it's interesting--especially for a person who, for years now, has been afraid of taking risks and who has begun to be terrified by the possibility that things might change without her being able to control them. I'm not going to repress my feelings any longer. This challenge is my salvation. Paulo Coelho
7c5dc17 Do not forget: seek to win all your battles, including those you fight against yourself. Do not fear the scars. Do not be afraid of victory. Paulo Coelho
f2729f7 In order to have a spiritual life, you need not enter a seminary, or fast, or abstain, or take a vow of chastity. All you have to do is have faith and accept God. From then on, each of us becomes a part of His path. We become vehicles for His miracles. spirituality god love finding-god spiritual-life Paulo Coelho
d9b1f8c We are human beings, Lord, and we do not know our own greatness. Lord, give us the humility to ask for what we need, because no desire is vain and no request is futile. Each of us knows how best to feed our own soul; give us the courage to see our desires as coming from the fount of Your eternal Wisdom. Only by accepting our desires can we begin to understand who we are. Amen." "Lord, help me understand that all the good things in life that.. Paulo Coelho
77b4b28 We were born alone, and we will die alone. But while we are on this planet, we must accept and glorify our act of faith through other people. Paulo Coelho
9d26d12 l'lf lSGyr ytjl~ dwm mSdf@. tmshyn fy lshr` 'w tjlsyn fy mkn m, wfj'@ tjdyn lkwn klh hnk. 'wl shy tsh`ryn bh hw rGb@ jmH@ fy lbk, lys bd`y lHzn 'w ls`d@ bl bd`y lHms@ lSfy@. t`lmyn 'nk tfhmyn shyy' l ys`k tfsyrh Ht~ lnfsk Paulo Coelho
bcf3aed Because I don't live in either my past or my future. I'm interested only in the present. If you can concentrate always on the present, you'll be a happy man. You'll see that there is life in the desert, that there are stars in the heavens, and that tribesmen fight because they are part of the human race. Life will be a party for you, a grand festival, because life is the moment we're living right now. Paulo Coelho
bbfdc67 I love being with my family, feeling that I'm both protector and protected. Paulo Coelho
5261faa Nothing in the world is ever completely wrong, my dear," said her father looking at the clock. "Even a stopped clock is right twice a day" Paulo Coelho
378b8d8 An intense life needs a touch of madness. madness Paulo Coelho
b81d200 God was there, and yet people believed they still had to go on looking, because it seemed too simple to accept that life was an act of faith. Paulo Coelho
e7345b6 people fail to recognize the good things that happen in their lives every day that the sun rises. Paulo Coelho
e046484 I remember the many occasions on which help has come from people whom I though had nothing to add to my life. Paulo Coelho
357beb4 lHb yntSr dwman `ly m nsmyh lmwt. ldhlk, l d`y lky nHzn `ly 'Hby'n, l'nn snZl `ly Hbn lhm w syZlwn qrbn. yS`b `lyn tqbl l'mr. Paulo Coelho
e82552a nny 'qDy 'ymy mHdWq@ l~ mHwly, yr~ lb`D fy dhlk D`@ llwqt. lknh lwsyl@ lwHyd@ lqbwl mwt man 'Hbbt kthyran Paulo Coelho
a0fd198 kl m nHqqh blntqm hw msw@ 'nfsn b'`dy'n, fy Hyn 'nn blSfH `nhm, nuZhr Hkm@ wdh Paulo Coelho
be54b39 My Heart Is Afraid that it will have to suffer . Paulo Coelho
62b2cc5 Only when l know, the truth will set me free! Paulo Coelho
a7b2134 The boy told himself that, on the way toward realizing his own destiny, he had learned all he needed to know, and had experienced everything he might have dreamed of. Paulo Coelho
7fb320b She was terrified. She was beginning to realise that after long months of selfcontrol, the pressure, the earthquake, the volcano of her soul was showing signs that it was about to erupt, and the moment that this happened, she would have no way of controlling her feelings. Paulo Coelho
b4060fe Love is only a word, until we decide to let it posses us with all its force. Love is only a word, until someone arrives to give it meaning. Paulo Coelho
43bc995 Quien ama esperando una recompensa esta perdiendo el tiempo. love prym the-devil español Paulo Coelho
f6a590d it was her company he desired. He wanted to put his arms around her and to sit in silence, staring into the fire, drinking wine, smoking the occasional cigarette; that would be enough. Life was made up of simple things; he was weary of all the years he had spent searching for something, though quite what he didn't know. Paulo Coelho
e1d5bbf The mere possibility of getting what we want fills the soul of the ordinary person with guilt. We look around at all those who have failed to get what they want and feel that we do not deserve to get what we want either. We forget about all the obstacles we overcame, all the suffering we endured, all the things we had to give up in order to get this far... Paulo Coelho
1420505 Why don't people's hearts tell them to continue to follow their dreams?" the boy asked the alchemist. "Because that's what makes the heart suffer most, and hearts don't like to suffer." -- Paulo Coelho
10d8b36 Once the soul has left the body it had to walk across a bridge as narrow as a knife edge, with paradise on the right and, on the left, a series of circles that lead down into the darkness inside the earth. Before crossing the bridge, each person had to place all his virtues in his right hand and all his sins in his left, and the imbalance between the two meant that the person always fell towards the side to which his actions on Earth had in.. good life evil Paulo Coelho
ce4665d I open the curtains in my office and see people out there, some walking and holding hands without having to worry about the consequences. And I can't show my love, Paulo Coelho
f90ab9d Our heart knows why we are here. Whoever listens to his heart, follows the signs, and lives his Personal Legend, will understand that he is taking part in something, even if he doesn't comprehend it rationally. There is a tradition which says that, the second before our death, we realize the true reason for our existence. And at that moment, Hell and Heaven are born. Paulo Coelho
9bc6741 True love allowed each person to follow their own path, knowing that they would never lose touch with their Soul Mate. Paulo Coelho
98cbd42 Here we believe that God has already done His part; now it is up to us to continue the process. Paulo Coelho
877dd1e hnk `l~ ldwm shkhS m fy l`lm yntZr shkhS khr , sw 'kn dhlk fy wsT lSHr , 'm fy '`mq lmdn lkbr~. w`ndm yltqy dhlk lshkhSn , wtt`nq nZrthm , yGdw lmDy wlmstqbl bl 'hmy@ , dh l wjwd l lhdhh llHZ@ lrhn@ , wlhdh lyqyn, ldhy l ymkn drkh , b'n kl shy tHt qb@ lsm , qd ktb blyd dhth, lyd lty tld lHb, wlty khlqt tw'm lrwH kl ky'n y`ml , 'w yrtH , 'w ybHth `n lknwz tHt nwr lshms. wdh lm ykn l'mr kdhlk, fn 'Hlm ljns lbshry tGdw bl m`n~. Paulo Coelho
a2b82a3 Don't Forget!" She shouted as she walked away. "Love persevered. It's the men who change." Paulo Coelho
9fb0888 Dan saat engkau menginginkan sesuatu, seluruh jagat raya bersatu padu untuk membantumu meraihnya Paulo Coelho