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40e415a Know a man's faith, and you knew at least half the man. Know his wife, and you knew the other half. Philip José Farmer
389aeea The fortune of the man who sits also sits Philip José Farmer
06921bc Actually, the situation was intolerable. But then it was surprising how much intolerableness a man could tolerate. Philip José Farmer
24b4e2e Look at those mountains. They go straight up, smooth as a politician denying he ever made a campaign promise. Philip José Farmer
df71b67 La sabiduria consiste en saber cuando evitar al perfeccion Philip José Farmer
cea6a4b It's this smoke from the burnin garbage, kid. Enough to make a maggot puke, ain't it? Lookit! The smoke's risin' t'ward the full moon like the ghosts a men so rotten even their spirits're carryin the contamination with em. Hey, li'l chick, you din't know Old Man knew them big words like contamination, didja? That's what livin on the city dump does for you. I hear that word all a time from the big shots that come down inspectin the stink her.. Philip José Farmer
7dc2a33 The ideal was the light; the real, the shadow. Philip José Farmer
74d424e It's not what a person says but what he does that reveals his true character. Philip José Farmer
7953c07 I zashcho chovechestvoto poluchi svoiata Vtora V'zmozhnost? - popita Kolop s tikhiia si seriozen glas. - Nima ia zasluzhava? Ne. S malko izkliucheniia khorata sa podlo, nishchozhno, drebnavo, zlobno, tesnogr'do, neveroiatno sebichno, vechno prepirashcho se i gnusno g'mzhilo. Kato go nabliudavat, bogovete - ili Bog - bi triabvalo da pov'rnat. No v tazi bozhestvena khrachka se namirat i s'siretsi na s'stradanieto, molia da me izvinite, che si.. Philip José Farmer
a461f6d Invincible ignorance always upset him, even though he knew he should just laugh at it. Philip José Farmer
0b016c6 You had to make your choice between survival and efficiency, though in the long run survival was optimum efficiency, no matter how much time and effort it took. survival Philip José Farmer
1d641df I'm not a Christian," Goring said. "I admire a man who can admit that. I don't think I ever met a preacher who came out and said so, in so many words." Philip José Farmer
c246614 On returning to Germany, he rejoined Hitler, whom he believed to be the only man who could make Germany great again. Philip José Farmer
a8cdff5 Purgatory is hell with hope. hope purgatory hell Philip José Farmer
8f3c08b I seldom lie,' he said. irony Philip José Farmer
9f9a3a5 Experience was something it was difficult to avoid, though many people had managed to keep it to a minimum. witty Philip José Farmer
752730e The n'k did not want to be enlightened. They resented the truth as if it threatened them. In this respect, they are most like humans. Philip José Farmer
fa039a2 Rastignac had no Skin. He was, nevertheless, happier than he had been since the age of five. He was as happy as a man can be who lives deep under the ground. Underground organizations are often under the ground. They are formed into cells. Cell Number One usually contains the leader of the underground. Jean-Jacques Rastignac, chief of the Legal Underground of the Kingdom of L'Bawpfey, was literally in a cell beneath the surface of the earth.. Philip José Farmer
ce2a6fa Sam's heart felt as if it were being licked by a cat. Philip José Farmer
d1ee835 First, humiliation, then humility, he would have said. And then comes humanity as a matter of course. Philip José Farmer
112bd72 yet the world between them was wide. Philip José Farmer
13d9041 What's that got to do with it?" Sam said. "A humorist is a man whose soul is black, black, but who turns his curdles of darkness into explosions of light. But when the light dies out, the black returns." Philip José Farmer
368e440 even killed a man, though it had been more by accident than skill. But he was an ineffectual warrior. In battle the valves of his heart were turned full open, and his strength poured out. Philip José Farmer
196fde0 why should human beings have another chance at an afterlife? They were such miserable, conniving, self-deceiving, hypocritical wretches. Philip José Farmer
f17f105 For the unholy trinity of Bobs: Bloch, Heinlein, and Traurig-- may I meet them on the banks of The River, where we'll board the fabulous Riverboat Philip José Farmer
8511025 Burton struggled to get up onto his feet. Nobody, not even God, was going to punch Richard Burton in the ribs and get away without a battle. Philip José Farmer
9fe8fe4 The universe is a big place, perhaps the biggest. Philip José Farmer
031f4d1 Zeitgeist rides tonight, and the devil take the hindmost! Philip José Farmer
f2a7943 Yesterday's monomaniac is tomorrow's messiah... Philip José Farmer
d4bbc28 Strong blasphemers thrive only when strong believers thrive. Philip José Farmer
8aeb140 Resurrection, like politics, makes strange bedfellows. Philip José Farmer
caaa19b Dreams haunted The Riverworld. Philip José Farmer
9d6fdb2 Everybody should fear only one person, and that person should be himself. Philip José Farmer
e636210 Call me Meier," Goring said, but he did not pause to explain the joke. Philip José Farmer