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51475df Whatever else abortion does, it does not promote the life of the unborn child. R.C. Sproul
2f02da3 from all other creatures. Jesus is called the monogenes, the "only begotten" of the Father. There is a sense in which Jesus and Jesus alone is begotten of the" -- R.C. Sproul
fd7011e In the affirmation ofArticle III, the words "in its entirety" are significant. There are those who have claimed that the Bible contains revelation from God here and there, in specified places, but" R.C. Sproul
e315500 As Protestants, we say that justification is by faith alone. That little word by is critical to our understanding of how justification takes place. It does not mean that faith is meritorious and obligates God to save us. Rather, the word by indicates grammatically what we call the instrumental dative, which describes the means by which a thing comes to pass. So, to use Aristotle's categories, faith is the instrumental cause of justification.. R.C. Sproul
7d9a4bb In the ancient world, Greeks and Romans supported abortion and infanticide, but the Jewish and Christian communities did not. R.C. Sproul
b97ff0b We have made our worship services more secular than sacred, more common than uncommon, more profane than holy. R.C. Sproul
204a159 Our modern worship needs the philosophy of the second glance, an ongoing attempt to make sure that all that we do in worship gatherings is to God's glory, to His honor, and according to His will. May R.C. Sproul
58976d7 God we seek. To try to look behind the veil at what God has not been pleased to reveal is to tamper with holy things that are out of bounds. R.C. Sproul
c9e34e2 And you were dead in the trespasses and sins in which you once walked, R.C. Sproul
a2ad21c here are vast numbers of portraits of Jesus in the art galleries of this world. These images are often so conflicting that they offer little help in achieving an accurate R.C. Sproul
f3bb09f Quien fue el mayor profeta del Antiguo Testamento?". Algunos dicen Elias; algunos dicen Isaias; otros insisten en Jeremias. Finalmente yo digo: "No, el mayor profeta del Antiguo Testamento fue Juan el Bautista". A veces nos olvidamos de que si bien leemos sobre Juan el Bautista en el Nuevo Testamento, el vivio antes de que Jesus inaugurara el nuevo pacto en el aposento alto la noche de su traicion. Asi que la economia del antiguo pacto se e.. R.C. Sproul
39d0b10 We do well to remember that only one Man has ever spoken infallibly--our Lord Jesus, who alone is Head of His church. Let us receive His Word--the Scriptures--as the only infallible communication from God. R.C. Sproul
8059d8d The quest for knowledge is the essence of science. The science of biology is a quest to gain a knowledge of living things, the science of physics is an attempt to gain knowledge about physical things, and the science of theology is an attempt to gain a coherent, consistent knowledge of God. All R.C. Sproul
1281716 commemoration like Christmas and Easter. The event is described only twice in the New Testament. I am now convinced that no single event in the life of Jesus R.C. Sproul
989e8d4 We do want progress in our knowledge and growth in our understanding, but we have to be careful not to be lured into the temptation to come up with something new just to be novel. THE R.C. Sproul
5dceaca We must see that while we are justified by faith apart from works, we are justified by faith unto works. R.C. Sproul
db492ac We must add that there is no real conflict between the God of the Old Testament and the God of the New Testament. It was the Old Testament God whom Christ called "Father." It was the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob who so loved the world that He sent His one and only Son to redeem it. it was Jesus' meat and drink to do the will of this God. It was zeal for the God who slew Nadab, Abihu, and Uzzah that consumed Christ. It was the God who de.. R.C. Sproul
0cd6fc0 He is the author of more than sixty books, including The Holiness of God, Chosen by God, The Invisible Hand, Faith Alone, A Taste of Heaven, Truths We Confess, The Truth of the Cross, and The Prayer of the Lord. He also served as general editor R.C. Sproul
96895f6 International Council on Biblical Inerrancy was a California-based organization from 1977 to 1987. R.C. Sproul
bf3d532 right hand of God, He kneels. He has entered the sanctus sanctorum, the Holy of Holies, to make daily intercession for His people. We are a people whose King prays for us by name. R.C. Sproul
1a47558 Do you wonder, then, at the disciples' joy? Once they understood where Jesus R.C. Sproul
edf2bfd La razon exacta por la que oramos es la soberania de Dios, porque creemos que esta dentro del poder de Dios ordenar las cosas conforme a su proposito. Eso es precisamente la soberania: ordenar las cosas conforme al proposito de Dios. Asi que entonces, ?la oracion hace que Dios cambie de parecer? No. ?La oracion cambia las cosas? R.C. Sproul
58a09ff Death is a divine appointment. life-after-death R.C. Sproul
75eeab2 The worship to which we are called in our renewed state is far too important to be left to personal preferences, whims, or marketing strategies. Pleasing R.C. Sproul
a299eb2 typeset: Katherine Lloyd, The DESK Ebook conversion: Fowler Digital Services Formatted by: Ray Fowler Unless otherwise noted, Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version(r), copyright (c) 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked NIV are from the The Holy Bible, New International Version(r). NIV(r). Copyright (c) 197.. R.C. Sproul
4ce6100 This is the question that is foremost in the minds of modern men and women. In other words, they want to know not only whether there is providence, but whether it is cold and unfeeling or kind and compassionate. So, R.C. Sproul
e62a668 Biblical scholars focus on how God has revealed Himself at various points over time, while the systematician takes that information, puts it all together, and shows how it fits into a meaningful whole. This is a daunting task, to be sure, and I am convinced that no one has ever done it perfectly. As R.C. Sproul
657f8aa The purpose of theology is not to tickle our intellects but to instruct us in the ways of God, so that we can grow up into maturity and fullness of obedience to Him. That is why we engage in theology. R.C. Sproul
a002846 La exaltacion de Cristo no solo fue politica; tambien fue sacerdotal. El no solo asumio el cetro del Rey, sino tambien la vestimenta del Sumo Sacerdote. En su ascension, Jesus entro al santuario asi como al palacio. Jesus no solo se sienta a la derecha de Dios, sino que se arrodilla. El ha entrado al Lugar Santisimo, el Santo de los Santos, para interceder a diario por su pueblo. Somos un pueblo cuyo Rey ora por nosotros llamandonos por nue.. R.C. Sproul
64a8921 For an action to be judged good by God, it must fulfill two primary requirements. The first is that the action must correspond outwardly to the demands of the law. Second, the inward motivation for the act must proceed from a heart that is altogether disposed toward the glory of God. R.C. Sproul
ba25e7b Alguien podria preguntarse si Dios no esta lo suficientemente informado sin que se le advierta de lo que nos pesa y de lo que considerariamos necesario. Asi, no tendria sentido pedir nada con oraciones, igual que no solemos pedir nada a quienes ante nuestros asuntos no tienen interes y se duermen. R.C. Sproul
b678b2a En la Institucion de la religion cristiana, Juan Calvino hace algunas profundas observaciones respecto a la oracion: Alguien R.C. Sproul
13725b0 Nos es necesario implorar asiduamente a Dios: Primero, para que nuestro corazon se inflame de un inmenso y ardiente deseo de siempre buscarlo, amarlo y honrarlo, debemos habituarnos a encontrar en el nuestro refugio, en todas las circunstancias, como unico puerto de salvacion. R.C. Sproul
d5c2f34 A pagan, a person of profound corruption, may do acts externally conforming to the demands of the law. The internal motivation, however, is that of selfish interest or what the theologians call "enlightened self-interest," a motive that is not in harmony with the Great Commandment. Our external deeds may measure up to the external demands of the law, while at the same time our hearts are far removed from God." R.C. Sproul
741bc5d La oracion, como todo lo demas en la vida cristiana, es para la gloria de Dios y para nuestro beneficio, en ese orden. R.C. Sproul
7718e8b Walking the narrow way involves not a distorted mental attitude but a clear understanding of what righteousness demands. R.C. Sproul
621f95c The prayer of faith is a prayer of trust. The very essence of faith is trust. suffering faith trust trials R.C. Sproul
f501373 Perhaps the most important principle in Scripture regarding abilities is found in Paul's injunction that we ought to make a sober analysis of ourselves, not thinking too highly of ourselves (Rom. 12:3). Through sober analysis, we can make a serious, R.C. Sproul
5f6fde9 the term ethics is often used interchangeably with the word morality. That the two have become virtual synonyms is a sign of the confusion that permeates the modern ethical scene. Historically, the two words had quite distinctive meanings. R.C. Sproul
16fb54c Ethics define what people ought to do; morals describe what people actually do. The difference between them is between the normal and the descriptive. R.C. Sproul
4671c05 puntos de discrepancia acerca de temas particulares de debate entre denominaciones, pero lo cual revela una notable unidad de confesion acerca de los puntos R.C. Sproul
9ac6632 One critical factor in this dilemma is the fact that ministers are profoundly pressed to conform to acceptable contemporary standards. The person who comes to the minister for counsel is not always looking for guidance from a transcendent God, but rather for permission to do what he or she wants-a license to sin. The Christian counselor is vulnerable to sophisticated forms of manipulation coming from the very people who seek his advice. The.. R.C. Sproul
f1c5f15 Ethics involves the question of authority. The Christian lives under the sovereignty of God, who alone may claim lordship over us. Christian ethics is theocentric as opposed to secular or philosophical ethics, which tend to be anthropocentric. For the humanist, man is the norm, the ultimate standard of behavior. Christians, however, assert that God is the center of all things and that His character is the absolute standard by which question.. R.C. Sproul
644ea6b The sovereignty of God deals not only with abstract principles but with real lines of authority. God has the right to issue commands, to impose obligations, and to bind the consciences of men. R.C. Sproul