I'm told there's no going back. So I'm choosing forward.
Rachel Cohn & David Levithan |
The universe doesn't decide what's right or not right. You do.
Rachel Cohn & David Levithan |
When is the night over? Is it the start of sunrise or the end of it? Is it when you finally go to sleep or simply when you realize that you have to?
Rachel Cohn David Levithan |
There is nothing in the world so irresistibly contagious as laughter and good-humour.
Rachel Cohn & David Levithan |
There's no such thing as ready, there's only willing.
Rachel Cohn & David Levithan |
In a field, I am the absence of field. In a crowd, I am the absence of crowd. In a dream, I am the absence of dream. But I don't want to live as an absence. I move to keep things whole. Because sometimes I feel drunk on positivity. Sometimes I feel amazement at the tangle of words and lives, and I want to be a part of that tangle.
Rachel Cohn & David Levithan |
Why do you lie" I ask her. "To block the truth." Fair enough. Naomi goes on. "Where did we get it in our heads that we need truth all the time? Sometimes lies are nice, you know? You don't have to know the truth all the time. It's too exhausting."
Rachel Cohn David Levithan |
But, you see, that's the luxury of being a lout - you get to be selective about when you care and when you don't. The rest of us get stuck when your care goes shallow.
Rachel Cohn & David Levithan |
All this hoping for nothing-or someone-that's maybe hopeless
Rachel Cohn & David Levithan |
That's what frustrates me the most. Not the lack of belief, but the belief in the wrong things. You want meaning? Well, the meanings are out there. We're just so damn good at reading them wrong.
Rachel Cohn & David Levithan |
Although, 's origin circa 1627 made me still love the word, even if I'd ruined its applicability to my connection with Snarl. (I mean !) Like, I could totally see Mrs. Mary Poppencock returning home to her cobblestone hut with the thatched roof in Thamesburyshire, Jolly Olde England, and saying to her husband, "Good sir Bruce, would it not be wonderful to have a roof that doesn't leak when it rains on our green shires, and stuff?" And Sir..
Rachel Cohn & David Levithan |
Who else would find me at just this moment? First he found me drunk, now he found me cleaning up poo from a barking pony who was about to go into attack mode.
Rachel Cohn & David Levithan |
It's hard to show you that I tried unless you end up succeeding.
Rachel Cohn David Levithan |
The secret tactic of a good hard bargainer is to know when to compromise.
Rachel Cohn David Levithan |
When the rain falls you just let it fall and you grin like a madman and you dance with it, because if you can make yourself happy in the rain then you're doing pretty alright in life.
Rachel Cohn David Levithan |
It is not easy to hurl snowballs while holding on to a plastic bag of groceries, so my first few efforts were subpar, missing their mark. The nine maybe ten nine-maybe-ten-year-olds ridiculed me - if I turned to aim at one, four others outflanked me and shot from the sides and the back. I was, in the parlance of an ancient day, cruising for a bruising, and while a more disdainful teenager would have walked away, and a more aggressive teenag..
Rachel Cohn & David Levithan |
This is about as far as I can go without some sarcasm creeping in. But before it does, I must say, with utmost sincerity, that your cookies are good enough to bring some of these wax statues back to life. Thanks for that. I once made corn muffins for a fourth-grade project on Williamsburg and they came out like baseballs. So I'm not sure how to reciprocate... but, believe me, I shall.
Rachel Cohn David Levithan |
It's only a game if there is an absence of meaning.
Rachel Cohn David Levithan |
Goodwill shouldn't be just for men. It should also apply to women and children, and all animals, even the yucky ones like subway rats. I'd even extend the goodwill not just to living creatures but to the dearly departed, and if we include them, we might as well include the undead, those supposedly mythic beings like vampires, and if they're in, then so are elves, fairies, and gnomes. Heck, since we're already being so generous in our big gr..
Rachel Cohn David Levithan |
I reveled in solitude. If Lily wanted to believe there was a somebody out there just for her, I wanted to believe that I could be somebody in here just for me.
Rachel Cohn David Levithan |
Her hand traces down the zipper line and I say, "Slow." Because this is not a rush. This is not something insignificant. This is real. This is happening. And this is ours." --
Rachel Cohn David Levithan |
Her hand traces down the zipper line and I say, "Slow." Because this is not a rush. This is not something insignificant. This is real. This is happening. And this is ours."
Rachel Cohn David Levithan |
marzenie odlozone na pozniej to marzenie, ktorego sobie odmawiamy.
Rachel Cohn & David Levithan |
Ludzie ktorzy sa dla nas wazni pozostawiaja w nas slady.
Rachel Cohn & David Levithan |