Yes, I pray and go to church and read my Bible. But sometimes I shake my fist at God. It's not the picture of peace I realize, and I certainly make no claims of wearing the armor of God. I'm lucky if I can get the underwear of decency on, all right?
Rene Gutteridge |
Find my weak points, but more importantly, find yours.
Rene Gutteridge |
It was the strangest feeling, to be convicted but not condemned. God had torn him down but then had slowly built him back up. He had crushed him and then restored him. The more honest Clay became, the more God revealed to him the condition of his heart--a heart born into darkness, a heart that had trusted in the ways of the world.
Rene Gutteridge |
Yet every great storyteller knows it's the fine art of taking me by the hand and showing me that has the most effect on a reader's soul. It's how writers slip it all into us while we're not looking. While we're reading words, they're making magic happen, and when that magic lands right in our hearts, we're theirs forever.
Rene Gutteridge |
But in the darkness of her room he was reminded that helplessness was often a portal to God, because rarely did the fragile, self-serving human pray for things in his complete control.
Rene Gutteridge |
If all else fails, pillage the fridge.
Rene Gutteridge |
The selfish thing to do was to play to everyone's needs to feel accepted. The unselfish thing to do was to be the person God created me to be, to serve him and people, to speak the truth, even when the truth wasn't going to make me popular.
Rene Gutteridge |
We need people, Juliet, to show us our selfishness, to extract the ugliness that reveals itself in our hearts.
Rene Gutteridge |
I'd like to look like a wife with two kids who's been married for ten years and been in love every single day of it. - from Boo
Rene Gutteridge |
remember that God uses conflict to stretch and mold us, and oftentimes he won't deliver us out of the fire. Instead, he wants us to walk through it. You can pray all you want, but sometimes, conflict is just going to happen.
Rene Gutteridge |