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ce6d7fa Never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence. Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
41e9008 rigid, boot camp-style discipline; a purgatorial menu of hazing and bullying by other inmates, menial tasks, public shaming, and an idolization of authority figures. Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
036b7f6 We don't know if we live or die, so we rape the women. --Franz Wittine Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
85e6d8a He is absolutely sick and beside himself because he believes an innocent man is in the can. But Jack is a cop through and through, and he will not make any public statement that might embarrass his law-enforcement colleagues. Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
6368d83 I changed the murder weapon to a baseball bat," Dunne wrote of his process. "I also ... gave some Kennedy touches to the Skakels, whom I called the Bradleys. I threw in some of my own Irish Catholic family too. All of this was for libel reasons.")" Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
2d84374 Then along came Mark Fuhrman, whom I grew to admire after the fiasco of the Simpson trial. ... Say what you want, the guy is a great detective. Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
147fbaa As is the case with fundamentalism in all denominations, the gravest sins in Rucky's brand of Catholicism were sexual, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
0f6686c Dunne was incorrect about Fuhrman being a great detective. Everyone already knew Fuhrman was a bigot, a perjurer, and a thug; but it turned out, he was a sorry detective as well. Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
f3b140a Greenwich Police, who, Fuhrman says in his book, angered him by treating him as a pariah. Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
14a8ec6 Statistics show that people only rarely kill members of the opposite sex without first loving them. Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
878301b Michael Skakel settles his 2013 slander lawsuit against HLN host Nancy Grace Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
bfc77af Despite Michael's ironclad alibi, and the State's obvious evidentiary defects, a Connecticut court, nevertheless, convicted him of Martha's murder in 2002 after a six-week jury trial. Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
93a492d With 401 reporters certified to cover the case, only one, Leslie Stahl, bothered to look beneath the flimsy veneer at the myriad facts undermining the prosecutor's frail parable. Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
677f35a CNN's Jeffrey Toobin and HLN's Nancy Grace and Beth Karas, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
e8cf16f The media lemming stampede was evidence of a broken system that sacrificed Michael on the altar of ratings and revenue, and compounded the tragedy of Martha Moxley's death with the conviction of an innocent man. Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
06366ab The inferno that devoured Michael is no anomaly. It feeds every day on the economically disadvantaged and minorities Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
d2f41f1 Never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence. --Unknown Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
95eb779 Exposure to Thimerosal increased beginning in 1989 and rose sharply during the early 1990s as new vaccines were added to the US childhood vaccine schedule. This increased exposure to mercury via vaccines coincided closely with increased case reports of neurodevelopmental disorders, including a dramatic increase in autism spectrum disorder (ASD) cases and a rise in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
dbe06a0 repeated to me personally, that he Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
2530bdb media condemnation of Michael's arrogance amplified because he appeared not to be paying attention as he cast his eyes downward toward the defense table. "My wrists were sore from writing 'Object Mickey! All lies,'" Michael said. During difficult testimony, Michael looked down at the photos of his son, George, and his black lab, Neeta. It was his method for keeping his PTSD symptoms at bay." Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
3deae3d On the book's back cover, superimposed over Fuhrman's picture, Fuhrman asked, "Are there two systems of justice in this country--one for the rich, and another for the rest of us?" Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
f6f9209 I felt as if my alcoholism had been doing push-ups the entire two years that I was dry in Elan. Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
8a2d4b7 I thought my only drinking problem was that I had two hands to hold bottles and only one mouth. Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
4cbf5c1 All men make mistakes, but the good man yields when he knows his course is wrong and repairs the evil. The only sin is pride. --Sophocles, Antigone Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
dd7e37d Dunne's M.O. never varied. He began by evoking his daughter's death in a soft-touch approach to the victim's family. Once his nose was under the tent, Dunne launched into reckless accusations; damning denunciation of the accused; anonymous tips; facts bent to fit his theories; and his reliable old chestnut: accusing power and wealth of evading justice. Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
a2a10aa After Dunne's book tour, Garr led several members of the Moxley investigation team on a visit to Dunne's home in Hadlyme, Connecticut, bearing gifts: a State Police plaque, a T-shirt, and a mug. They begged him to stop criticizing their work. Dunne agreed to a truce. Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
ba2419b The Simpson verdict was, in part, largely an expression by the majority-black jury of its revulsion for Fuhrman, who embodied the notorious institutional culture of violent racism within the LAPD. Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
11df148 When police abuse and racial killings are in the news, from Baltimore to Ferguson, Missouri, to Columbia Junction, Fox summons Fuhrman in his tailored suit and "in your face" attitude to explain why police brutality is justified." Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
d291fb5 Fuhrman invented the motive: Michael's supposed jealousy toward his brother Tommy. Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
ee67149 she was medevaced to Hillside Hospital in Long Island. "When I arrived at Hillside they were absolutely horrified. They had never seen anything like it," she says. "I had open sores all over my body from the beatings. Bruising everywhere. I have a scar on my right buttock that never went away. I had to be taught how to speak and feed myself in a strait jacket for three months until I was well enough or sane enough to leave Hillside." Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
2e38938 And, Murphy reasoned, Sheridan was speaking on behalf of his client. Murphy's only obligation was to solve the case, not question the client's judgment. Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
630c50a Michael being Michael was very consoling to me," Sherman said. "I was a wreck. Still am a wreck. And Michael was saying, 'Don't worry. It's going to be okay." Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
e66d9b5 Look at the five kids in the Central Park jogger case. There was not a trace of evidence--but with notorious cases, jurors can find you guilty anyway. Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
dfc8873 Fuhrman is pushing to get himself called as a witness before the grand jury Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
f3c308d If, as I suspect, Tom Sheridan was The Caller, then his secret relationship with Levitt not only violated his ethical obligation to his client, it represents a breathtaking act of treachery toward his best friend and lifelong patron. Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
83852c3 If a person is put under enough pressure--usually by police, but in this case, by therapeutic tactics--he can begin to believe that he's guilty even if he had no recollection of committing a crime. Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
ba94fad Garr, who, in addition to his role as evidence manager, was a key witness for the prosecution, never revealed his conflicts to Michael's lawyers or to the Court. His bosses in the police and prosecutor's office apparently knew of his covert deal and urged him to keep it quiet. Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
c01c78e The Liar's punishment is not in the least that he is not believed, but that he cannot believe anyone else. Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
b151905 The Liar's punishment is not in the least that he is not believed, but that he cannot believe anyone else. --George Bernard Shaw Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
eddb6bc Fuhrman is a liar, a racist, and a bully. It's a great irony that he disgraced himself for his pivotal role in letting Simpson escape justice and then rehabilitated himself by helping to put an innocent man in prison for a murder he didn't commit. Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
817aae7 Fuhrman moved to Coeur d'Alene, just outside of Hayden Lake, Idaho, a notorious mecca for white supremacist militias. He works for Fox News as its "forensic and crime scene expert," but his principal function these days seems to be acting as an antidote to the Black Lives Matter movement." Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
470395a Fuhrman's resurrection proves that, with the correct political alignment, even the most deplorable scoundrels can get a second act on Fox. Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
0116984 Dunne summoned Fuhrman, whom, Dunne oddly claimed, he had come to admire during the Simpson trial. Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
d2995b4 Goldberg was the wizard of right-wing conspiratorial fiction packaged as political expose: she convinced White House executive assistant Linda Tripp to secretly tape-record lurid conversations about President Bill Clinton with Tripp's "friend," White House intern Monica Lewinsky." Robert F. Kennedy Jr.