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1e8c772 The quick acceptance of George came not so much because of George's natural wit and charm, but because Maureen was so different when he was around. He gentled her; her smile was almost girlish, and the Enforcer had turned into a woman in love. After a couple of hours of general comradery, Colin shook George's hand and said, "My man, we should have hired you years ago to soften up the old girl." "I heard that," Maureen said from the kitchen... Robyn Carr
a380ebe Oh, there was another swearword, not even on the cusp, even though he is definitely a shitbag." She smiled at him. "I bet you've just about had it with me, huh?" He pulled her close. "I've had it with you, all right. And not enough of it, either." "Oh," Robyn Carr
686f781 I love it when you stay, but I think you'd better go. I feel like I'm playing with fire every time I let you talk me into bed. I don't want to become too dependent on you. And I don't want the whole town to know we're sleeping together. I have children to think about." "Are you cutting me off?" he asked nervously. She smiled at him. "Did you just whine?" She chuckled at him. "Noah, much as I love cuddling up to you, I don't want your new to.. Robyn Carr
b011de0 Ew." "Exactly. You tell her I was less than perfect and I'm a eunuch." She couldn't help it, she laughed. "Gee, and Peyton seems so sweet." Robyn Carr
6d65932 underage and everyone knew Robyn Carr
e65ff55 They stood on an incline in the middle of the cemetery and he stepped closer. He lifted her chin to look into her green eyes. "You lost all track of time because we were enjoying ourselves. That means the date was a success." He leaned toward her and gave her a peck on the lips. "Now relax and I'll take you home." And out of nowhere, completely unplanned and unprepared, Maureen threw her arms around George's neck and planted her lips on his.. Robyn Carr
dbb549d No reason to be afraid of Nick," Jack said. "I could take you down there and introduce you, threaten to sic my wife on him if he steps out of line." "I bet one knee in the nuts straightens him right out," Ellie said. There was a strange sound from Noah, something of a growl. "I don't like this idea at all. If this guy got fresh with you, I'd have to deal with him. That wouldn't be good." "Horsefeathers," Ellie said. "I can take care of myse.. Robyn Carr
e10bcd7 And Gina went Robyn Carr
484ff07 I'm a little embarrassed it took some city-boy preacher to get a project like this going in our own town," Jack said. "We should've been on this. We start for Christmas right away. And then we get going on holiday baskets for next year in July. And, Hope, don't be throwing any of your old weenies in the basket." "You never know who's in the mood for a weenie," she said with a sparkle in her eye. "I would give anything to see the inside of t.. Robyn Carr
d76607c It took a lot to straighten your back like that, hold your head up, be the strength and not the victim. Robyn Carr
7d3c7ca waterfront little shanties like this one had Robyn Carr
39a6463 Full and aching and tingling and spiraling, hanging on for dear life, letting go of every other thought and focused only on one thing--let it go, let it go, let it go. Robyn Carr
3634454 Have you ever known a guy like that? That responsive? That genuine?" "Yeah," Peyton said. "Hank on Royal Pains." When Devon shot her a questioning look, she said, "It's a TV show. In other words, fiction." Robyn Carr
bf69e13 Have you ever actually had a church before?" "Not exactly." "Listen, I'll make something work with those colors. Even though they're pretty dorky colors...." He had a fleeting thought that this was not the woman to be lecturing him about good taste in anything. "Aren't you the least bit afraid I might take that personally? Maybe I'm sensitive about the colors I picked." "No," she said, tilting her head and peering at him. "You're not gay." .. Robyn Carr
90a9912 he could Robyn Carr
90417c5 But he stood there, his eyes riveted on that tattoo. She looked over her shoulder again. "It's called a tramp stamp," she said. "I got it when I was fifteen, to be cool." "I know what it's called. I just can't make out what it is." "It's vines in the shape of my name, and I'm not showing you any more of it. Let's get this show on the road, huh?" "Right," he said, going off to his toolbox." Robyn Carr
deb5cef He handed her one of his blue work shirts, already decorated with a little old paint. He was very happy to see her put it over her sweats and tank. Then he observed with some consternation that she looked every bit as pretty and sexy in that oversize shirt. Robyn Carr
4d4642f I think I might drum up the hardest end-of-term exams in the history of the world. I want to be remembered for something." "George, you'll be remembered. Who could forget you?" "Hopefully not you!" He kissed her forehead." Robyn Carr
7ae2564 I can count Robyn Carr
b247923 I don't have room in my life for hate. I tried it for a while. It didn't work. Robyn Carr
506ecd4 tongue. Sophisticated Robyn Carr
643c33d It's not winning that's really winning. It's never giving up." "Your" Robyn Carr
cd82096 I should stay to be sure she doesn't have a concussion. And that she doesn't need sex for it. Or just to be there in case she did . . . Robyn Carr
95c0313 the best thing you can give a child you love is happy memories and a foundation they can be proud of." Something" Robyn Carr
353338b It turns out the mark of a happy life isn't staying just one step ahead of the grim reaper. It's knowing you're strong. life-lessons happy-life Robyn Carr
b287773 was--there was already a lot of activity Robyn Carr
ae07a7e He had the swarthy good looks and fierce eyes of a pirate or maybe a serial killer. Robyn Carr
1beb058 He's batshit crazy. His little kitten is getting boinked by a fighter jock." Mel" Robyn Carr
2248e4d You can't try. Trying is a struggle and doing is an act. You can't witness the act of trying, but you can see the results of doing. Trying brings on stress because not only do you have the problem, but now you have all this frustration with it not going away just because you want it to. It's kind of like being told not to think of pink elephants--impossible. What you have to do is stop. You say to yourself, this is over for now. I'm done fo.. Robyn Carr
d59752a hollow laugh. "Sometimes I feel like I've got nothing but regrets. Doesn't just about everyone?" "I expect so. You think I don't wish I hadn't worked that second shift? But it was overtime and we always had more month left at the end of the paycheck. I'd done it a hundred times. I never really thought about what it could cost. How about you?" He sighed. "Well, of course I regret speeding, even though I've made peace with the changes it brou.. Robyn Carr
01103a7 Because, shit for brains, she'd like you to disappear and leave her alone. I'm sure she'd like to stuff you in a hole, but since that isn't going to happen, second choice is you go home to your new wife and leave her the hell alone. You get that?" Greg" Robyn Carr
8c72e9f Life is thickly sown with thorns, and I know no other remedy than to pass quickly through them. The longer we dwell on our misfortunes, the greater is their power to harm us. --Voltaire Robyn Carr
d87c423 Just because you're poor doesn't mean you have to be poor in spirit. "Just because you've lost faith doesn't mean you can't learn to trust again. "Just because you're afraid doesn't mean you're doomed. "Just because you're angry doesn't mean you have to live in rage. "Just because you've been wronged doesn't mean you can't forgive, often forgiving yourself first. "Just because you're hurt doesn't mean you won't heal. "Just because you fell .. Robyn Carr
5c0e302 No self-respecting man invades his buddy's territory. Robyn Carr
da6775c If you stay away from the wrong foods you'll live longer," Maggie reminded him. "I probably won't. But it'll damn sure seem longer." Cal" Robyn Carr
1c58acd You know, there's this little rule about opinions. They're only good when someone actually asks you for them." "He" Robyn Carr
bb4ef3b He doesn't really care for kids that much," she said. "Therefore he doesn't treat them like kids, but rather like short adults. Seems to work like a charm." Lief" Robyn Carr
82d5b31 She wanted to be whole. She wanted a man. * Robyn Carr
a9107b3 the night, Charlene made the long ride Robyn Carr
80842f2 No one deserves cruelty of any kind. Not on their worst day." Just" Robyn Carr
5c800c6 for the past several years, Robyn Carr
38fb798 of those," Nora said." Robyn Carr
cf61f79 Not much that happened on the beach got by Charlie Simmons. He was fourteen and his mother was the nurse who tended Winnie Banks, a lady with ALS who lived on the hill overlooking the beach. Charlie came to work with his mother every day. He hung out around the house, the town, the beach. He was, more than anything, a practiced observer. More observer than participant, something he'd change if possible. It Robyn Carr
a9d4194 No man can, for any considerable time, wear one face to himself, and another to the multitude, without finally getting bewildered as to which is the true one. --Nathaniel Hawthorne Robyn Carr