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ff1661a A few minutes later, Preacher wandered in. He was holding the baby in the crook of his arm and she looked small enough to fit in the palm of his hand. Her little pink blanket was wrapped neatly around her, her bald head sticking out of the top, and he handled her as if she were attached to the inside of his forearm. "Joe!" he said, but he said it with quiet enthusiasm. "Great to see you, man." Joe stood and reached for the baby. "My turn, b.. Robyn Carr
ad9effa You know, that's one of the problems with this place," Joe said. "You guys. When you opened this bar, there were five of us at loose ends, and not looking to settle down. The only ones settled with women were Zeke, Corny, Phillips and Stephens. The rest of us were getting well into our thirties, pretty damn happy to be single. Plenty of women out there to keep us busy for a little while. Then you guys--Jesus. You not only hooked up, you fou.. Robyn Carr
fbb8b0b How about going after her?" "I tried. She's gone." Jack leaned on the bar. "I'm sorry, man. I thought that was going to happen to me with Mel. From the second she hit town, she said she was leaving." "When did you know? Or think you knew? With Mel?" "Oh, man," he said, and laughed. "It was real slow. Took me five or ten minutes. It was the jeans. Have you ever noticed how my wife looks in a pair of jeans? Maybe you shouldn't answer that...".. Robyn Carr
21d98c3 Joe, I think I might be clueless when it comes to love. Afraid I wouldn't know real love if it bit me in the ass." He chuckled in spite of himself. "Been there," he said. "Pretty recently, in fact." "I" Robyn Carr
436b751 I love you, too. Please be careful." Then she headed quickly into the bar while he followed her with his eyes, a stupid grin on his face. "There's" Robyn Carr
d8b7f0d A truck came flying into town, horn honking. Corny, also a professional firefighter, climbed out and yelled, "Hey! Forget anyone?" Greetings ripped the air. "What about that new baby?" "Aw, she's not so new anymore. We had her two days ago." "And your wife let you out of town?" "You're kidding, right? She told me to get my ass down here and help." He grinned, pulling his own gear out of the truck bed. "She's got her mother--I'm just in the .. Robyn Carr
973f141 Everyone but Jack was in the truck. He went to his wife, leaned down and kissed her lips. "When they tell you it's time, gather up the kids and get out of town." "It's not going to come to that, Jack. It can't. I don't know if I can leave this place...." "You do it. Keep them safe. And have someone get Ricky's grandma out." "I'll watch out for Lydie, but I'm waiting for you," she said. "I'm waiting right here. I'll be here when you're done .. Robyn Carr
7faad4a You know, I've been hanging around your place, riding with you, throwing the stick for your dogs, and I never asked you about the husbands. Like, how many? And why you think it didn't work out?" "What makes you think I feel like telling you?" she asked. "Aw, you'll tell me," he said. "You're just that kinda gal. And I told you about my wife." "Okay," she said, still slapping sandwiches together. "The synopsis. The first one was fifteen year.. Robyn Carr
c05dc51 She had spent a very long night thinking about her husband. He had so many faces; a fierce and dangerous expression for an enemy, a threat. A soft and tender expression when he turned his eyes to her. A sweet pride when he held their children. A joyful gleam when he was with his friends. She remembered when he had first talked her into those stolen kisses, deep and meaningful and passionate. It had been hard to resist him, his allure was so.. Robyn Carr
cb25ceb Walt and Muriel insisted on doing the dishes together. "It's what Muriel promised, since she'd donate a kidney before she'd actually consider cooking," Walt said. And once they were alone in the kitchen, he came up behind her at the sink and kissed her neck. "You handled that whole interrogation beautifully. Classic recon--evasion, resistance, escape. We could have used you in the army." She turned in his arms. "What I did for a living was .. Robyn Carr
71f446d Mel walked right into his open arms. "You're late," she said, looking up at him. He lowered his lips to softly kiss her forehead. "Sorry. I was held up. Goddamn truck left without me." He smiled down at her. "Do you have any idea what you look like in jeans? Melinda, you just do it to me in jeans." "Everyone thought you were dead and you're talking about my butt again." He grimaced. "They're going to wish I was dead. I've been walking for t.. Robyn Carr
269517c Just me tonight. Vanni's gone up to Oregon with Paul for a few days, and I don't rate much time with Tom while he's on Brenda's dance card." "Oregon?" Jack said with a lift of his brow. "You don't say? What do you suppose they'll find to do in Oregon?" Walt smiled at him. "Funny." Jack chuckled. "Sounds like maybe some things got sorted out. This mean we won't be seeing too much of that nice Dr. Michaels around here?" "I think maybe that ni.. Robyn Carr
534106d She'd obviously be more at home in a marble mansion with a pool. What the hell was she doing with that old Weatherby ranch house? That wouldn't last long. "Exotic chickens, my ass," Walt muttered to himself as he shut down the computer and headed for bed." Robyn Carr
1ed8bf4 You're going to want to meet Paul's father-in-law, Walt," Jack said. "He's retired army." "Yeah?" Luke asked. "I think Shelby mentioned that." "Three-star. Nice guy." Luke groaned in spite of himself. He actually dropped his head. And apparently Jack was reading him. "Yep. Shelby's Uncle Walt," Jack said. "Shelby. The eighteen-year-old?" Jack chuckled. "She's a little older than that. But I admit, young. Looker, though, isn't she?" That was.. Robyn Carr
e1c32b5 When the last dish was put up, Vanni asked Marianne if she could borrow a bedroom to nurse the baby. "Of course, sweetheart," the older woman answered. "But no one in this family is uncomfortable with a nursing mom, not even the children. Do whatever you'd rather--take a bedroom or sit with us, it's entirely up to you. We're kind of homespun around here." "What about the men?" Vanni asked. "They're even less uncomfortable." North's wife lau.. Robyn Carr
9d1811e I don't know much about movies. Haven't seen too many. And I don't know anything about movie stars." "Retired," she said. "I'm sanding, varnishing, hauling trash and training my bird dog. I'm going to pick up another one pretty soon now--I picked the bitch and sire a while ago and she whelped, so as soon as they'll let him go... And I don't cook much, don't bake at all, but as it happens I have sugar for my coffee. In case you want to borro.. Robyn Carr
3d15bab Love someone else?" Joe repeated. "I'm such a screwup..." "You love someone?" "It's wrong, that's all. I had no business..." "Paul. You love someone?" "Yeah. I was a real horseshit best friend for years. Vanni. I just couldn't help it. I didn't want it to be that way, but--" Joe drank a big gulp. He was prepared to help Paul through just about anything, but he never saw this coming. And why hadn't he? Probably because he'd have done for Pau.. Robyn Carr
6a74889 Maybe you can't see the potential here," he said. "I'm going to impress you, in that case." "I'm already impressed," she said. "It looks like a monumental job. Where I grew up, there were a bunch of old cabins just like this, out on the beach. I was a teenager. They were almost never in use and the local kids used to sneak in. To smoke pot and...other stuff. Then one day they were gone. Razed." "When you were a teenager," he said, shoving t.. Robyn Carr
5028349 What are you doing here?" he asked, stepping toward her. "In Virgin River? I came to spend some time with my family for a while before going back to school. Uncle Walt, Vanessa and Paul, my cousin Tom--he's at basic training, soon to have leave--they're my family." "No," he said, smiling. "Here. Checking me out." "Get over yourself, I'm checking out the cabins," she said, returning the smile." Robyn Carr
019e349 But maybe she'd have herself a little adventure in there somewhere. Maybe on her cruise, on one of her trips. Not with this kind of man, of course. He was too mature, for one thing. One look convinced her--he knew everything about men and women, while she knew very little. He looked a little dangerous and very, very physical. Scary. He had that warrior appearance, complete with tattoos. The sight of him bare-chested had rattled her, but the.. Robyn Carr
b52480f Salads?" he said. "I don't usually make a lot of salads." "I know this," she said wearily. "But we need to make a couple of changes. Just minor changes. Buy some low-fat, whole-wheat bread for sandwiches. Don't do pastas, breads and potatoes at every meal. Make salads, stock fresh fruit." "There's plenty of fruit around here," he said. "Yeah, and it's all in the pies." "You have pie almost every day," he pointed out. "You love my pies. You .. Robyn Carr
6607e1e Mel was just here. She's complaining about the food." "Huh?" Jack answered. "Mel?" "Yeah. She says my food is making her fat." Jack chuckled. "Oh, that. Yeah, she's making noises about that. Don't worry about it." "She didn't make it sound like I shouldn't worry about it. She was pretty much loaded for bear." "She had two babies in fourteen months, plus a hysterectomy. And--she doesn't like to be reminded about this--she's getting older in .. Robyn Carr
85472aa Oh Jesus, you think I'm letting you come over and pester me all the time because you're the only available man in my age group!" He lifted one black bushy brow. "But am I?" "That's so irrelevant! Chasing a good-looking thirty-year-old was never beneath me!" She made him laugh. That was the linchpin--she always made him laugh. "That doesn't surprise me. Not that there are many of those, either." "Walt, for God's sake, I have my own transport.. Robyn Carr
56bd92d Do you suppose we'll be doing that again?" he asked. "That kind of kissing?" "Beats the hell out of those little pecks and pats, don't you think?" she asked. "I have to agree with that, yes," he answered. Leave it to some aging starlet to bring a tough old general to his knees. In fact, he thought he felt his knees wobbling and a slight vibration under his skin. Given a little more time, he was going to feel something else; something he did.. Robyn Carr
f53492f Now, can we please have some of Preacher's brisket? You've been a little high maintenance tonight. Not like you. And I'm starving!" He ran his big rough hands through her soft blond hair. "You're starving? When we met, you didn't eat anything but celery and hummus." "Yeah, I know. And hanging out with you is starting to show on my rump." "Looks damn fine to me, Muriel. Light the candle and load up your plate." And he smiled. *" Robyn Carr
80bba9b They wanted the scoop, but didn't want to be a tabloidlike invasive. Of course, they wanted to know things like, who was the sexiest man you ever slept with? "You can't ask that!" Shelby said with a gasp. "Of course not," Vanessa agreed. "Try to think if there's a way to ask her which big Hollywood hunk turned out to be the biggest dud?" Giggles erupted from both of them. Walt listened to a lot of this from the kitchen. He had insisted he w.. Robyn Carr
4de09f5 I wouldn't let myself think ahead! I remember when my sister said, 'I know widows who have remarried, and are happy.' I almost took her head off. I was appalled. I wasn't at all hopeful life could go on." "It sure went on for you," Vanni said. "Boy howdy. I came here absolutely determined to live out my days lonely and miserable, but that damn Jack--he ambushed me. I think I fell in love with him the minute I met him, but I fought it. As th.. Robyn Carr
1bc6dc9 Her relationship with Paul went back much further, of course. It wasn't as though they became friends because of Matt's death. In fact, that night long ago when she met Matt, it had been Paul across the room who'd first caught her eye. He was so tall, his legs so long and hands so big, it was hard for him not to stand out in a crowd. There was that willful, sandy hair that had to be kept short because it would defy any kind of styling. Not .. Robyn Carr
ed594c6 You know, you could ask Preacher to come up with some meals that don't stir up that heartburn so much...." "Why would I do that? He's a dream in the kitchen." "Well, I've asked him for some low-fat meals. He was very agreeable, for Preacher. I've put on some weight since I got here." He lifted his glasses to his forehead and peered at her lower half. "Hmm," he said. "You did not just do that!" "Did I say a word?" he asked, letting his glass.. Robyn Carr
6ae91d8 Jack's. He'd only been there a minute, waiting for someone to come from the back to serve him, when Mel struggled into the bar, baby against her chest, toddler in hand, diaper bag slung over her shoulder. Right inside the door, the toddler took a tumble down onto his knees and sent up a wail. "Oh, punkin," she said. She spied Luke and said, "Oh, Luke, here." She thrust the baby into his hands so she could stoop to lift up the boy. "Oh, you'.. Robyn Carr
ec1b853 This young Shelby was so transparent, she left little doubt as to what she wanted. Needed. She'd like to wrap her emotions around a man and tether him right up against her heart, breaking him in half. Then, in making his getaway, he'd hurt her bad. Annihilate her. Leave her young, tender heart in shreds and spoil everything for the guy who might come along later to do right by her. The Robyn Carr
70b3f7c She looked up over Paige's raised knees and saw a most stunning sight. Big old Preacher was resting his lips against the baby's head and crying his eyes out. Huge tears ran down his cheeks and dropped onto the newborn's head. He slipped a meaty arm under his wife's shoulders, holding her and the baby as one, and sobbed. Remarkable. Paige just smiled and touched her husband's face with gentle, loving fingers. Mel was moved almost to tears he.. Robyn Carr
ff80045 He'll be okay now, I think." "Poor John. That was harder on him than me." "The bigger they are..." Mel laughed. Her" Robyn Carr
facf2a5 When he saw her, he leaned the ax up against the stump and went to her. She smiled and walked into his arms. He crossed those arms under her bottom and brought her up to his face. "It was perfect," she said. "I love the way those babies light you up." She kissed him deeply and his arms tightened under her. "How are they doing?" "Preacher's a little wobbly, but Paige and the baby are great." "He's been looking forward to it for so long," Jac.. Robyn Carr
e37e7fb Nikki, I'm sorry. That was bad, what he did. He should've been honest." "Yeah. And then there was you. In five minutes I knew you were more honest and straightforward than he was, but I doubted the signals. I wanted to fall for you--but I don't know you." He reached a hand toward her shining black hair. So soft. "By morning, there wasn't an inch of me you didn't know." "You have a big mole on your butt," she said. "You should probably get t.. Robyn Carr
b2b5a7d I'm not interested in one night. I want it all. If that's too much for you, tell me right now. If it's going to scare you off, I want to know." "All?" "I want to go to bed with you, and wake up with you." He kissed her. "Then I want to do that again." He kissed her. "And again. And again." "Okay," she said breathlessly. "I'm an idiot, but I'm in love with you." "How do you know?" "Because I've never felt this bad before." "Isn't it supposed.. Robyn Carr
4095c8a We could talk about it." "Talk about what?" "Why you look like someone shot your dog. Shelby, I assume." "Nah," Luke said, taking a drink. "That's not serious." "I guess that has nothing to do with your sleeplessness or your mood then. Trouble with the cabins? The town? Your tenant/helper?" "Aiden, there's nothing bothering me, except maybe that I've been working my ass off for three months getting a house and six cabins rebuilt and furnish.. Robyn Carr
2955f21 Even though I don't stand a chance with Vanni, I have to come clean about how I feel. It's still too soon after Matt. You gotta believe me, I never wanted anything bad to happen to Matt." Joe gripped Paul's biceps. "Of course you didn't. But this business with Vanni? You owe it to yourself to know where you stand before you borrow all this trouble." "Yeah," he said, hanging his head. "I'm sure she'll just try to let me down as easy as she c.. Robyn Carr
3b4ece1 Vanessa," he whispered. She moved in her bed. She sniffed. "Cameron?" she asked. "What is it?" he whispered. "Nothing, it's nothing," she whispered back. He went to her bed and sat on the edge. He looked down at eyes that, even in the darkness of her room, were filled and overflowing, her nose pink. "God, Vanessa, if I made you cry, I'll hate myself." "It's not your fault. You're completely innocent. You've been wonderful. I think too much .. Robyn Carr
9eb856f Things have been really interesting in your little bar," Mel said. "A little tense and steamy." He laughed. "Think someone should take Luke aside and warn him about this place?" "I thought you'd finally learned your lesson," she teased him. "You've been in the business of almost every romantic relationship in this town...." "Yeah, but this one's different. The second Shelby saw him, it was a target lock on. She wants him. Can you see the st.. Robyn Carr
d6f9346 And that's when he learned that for women, all things are possible, and for men, time is required. There was recovery involved. Women, apparently, could just hop back on that bus, while the men were left to deal with a flat tire. He committed that to memory--these gorgeous creatures needed no time to get ready again. Robyn Carr
81773ae What's so funny?" he asked. "In the end, you begged." He sighed. "I did. I begged. I'm sorry--I swore to you I'd never beg." "I'm okay with it now," she laughed. "I don't think you'll have to beg again." "That's a relief." Robyn Carr
ace1f5c After all, Jack had gone into war five times and the only really bad injury he'd sustained was a pretty miserable shot in the ass. Not everyone who went to war came out crippled. Robyn Carr
d083eeb How would your family feel about a fast wedding?" He chuckled. "Relieved, believe me. My mother's secret fear is that I'll die a lonely old man." "Paul, you can't tell your family that one woman is having your baby and you're marrying another all in the same sentence." "I know. I'm going to get the facts as soon as possible--but, Vanni, the bottom line will be the same, whether it comes in one sentence or one month. I'll take care of them, .. Robyn Carr