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e7df14b You're very presumptuous, you know," she said, but she smiled. He smiled right back. Confident. "You're very beautiful, you know." She" Robyn Carr
c0c3fd0 She could feel Cameron move up behind her; the warmth of his body was right there, though he didn't touch her. Then one hand caressed her upper arm while the other pulled her hair away from her ear. "This is the first time I've ever driven two hundred miles to see a woman I've barely met, Vanessa," he whispered. Vanni bit on her lower lip. She'd been sleepless last night, thinking. She knew Cameron was interested in her, but that wasn't eno.. Robyn Carr
3e405b2 He stared down at the baby for a second in awe, in wonder, and then he lifted his eyes to Brie's and broke into a huge smile. "She doesn't feel like anything!" he said softly. "I know. It takes some getting used to." She sat down right beside Art, just in case he needed her. "Can I get you something to drink, Luke?" Mike asked. "And Art, when you're done holding the baby?" "I'll hold the baby," Art said. And then very quietly he said to her.. Robyn Carr
3cad261 Oh, for God's sake," she spat out. "Just say it. You're involved with someone and it doesn't work into your plans to spend time in Virgin River!" "That's not it," he said nervously. "You know everything about me! Yet you couldn't even casually mention you were seeing someone at home?" "It's not like that. Listen, I just need some time on this. Some patience. Because I really intend to do better by you than I have. I know I haven't been here.. Robyn Carr
5b7feed If he was going to be a father he would be an involved father. He was more than committed to taking on little Matt and he, he prayed, Vanni could accept his child as part of the package. But he had no idea how to go about telling her. Vanni scared him to death. She had a helluva temper. It Robyn Carr
a037aa7 I gotta call Vanni tonight, and tell her. I've got her all confused and totally furious..." "Paul, you can't tell her on the phone," Jack said. "But--" "Paul! She's gonna hang up on you! And then the next time you show your face, she's going to put a bullet in your head. And Walt will help her line up her shot." "Well, what am I gonna do? Huh? She thinks I have a woman back home--she wouldn't give me a chance to explain any--" Mel appeared .. Robyn Carr
010962d I have a feeling I might need some child-care assistance at the house," he said. "If Paige needs Mel during the night, can you and Mike come out to my place, stay with the kids, so I can stay here with Christopher? When Mel's working at Doc's, I like to be close by." "Sure. How's Paige doing?" "Early labor. She's been trying to rest to save her strength, but I think Preacher's driving her crazy," Jack said. "Aw, he's excited." "Excited does.. Robyn Carr
d963f0f Mel arrived, carrying Emma and holding David's pudgy little hand as he toddled in the door. He spied Jack and said, "Da!" When Jack saw her, his eyes grew warm. It hadn't changed for him since the first day she'd walked into his bar. She was so damn beautiful, so sexy, even with a baby on her shoulder and a toddler in hand. And though she was still complaining about her figure since Emma was born, the jeans she was wearing sure didn't look .. Robyn Carr
6482f0c Preacher was pacing. "What took you so long?" he asked. Jack looked at his watch. "We're right on time, Preach." Paige stood up from the table. "Jack, I'd like you to pour John a shot." "No, baby. I want to be alert." "John, you're way beyond alert. And I don't think I can take another minute. Do as I say!" Jack went behind the bar. "My man, when a woman is having a baby, you do everything she says, and you do it fast." He brought down a bo.. Robyn Carr
34608f4 Aw, man," Preacher groaned. He walked over to Paige and swept her up in his arms to carry her to Doc's. "Ah, Preach, don't do that," Jack said. "The minute she gets to Doc's, I bet Mel is going to have her walking. It helps speed up the baby." "Fine," he said. "Mel will do what Mel will do, I will do what I will do." And out the door he went, carrying his wife to have their baby. Jack's shoulders shook with laughter. He hoped Mel didn't kno.. Robyn Carr
fe282de You don't need approval and you don't need an excuse or explanation for living your own life. Remember that." Oh," Robyn Carr
bb710fb Well, hello, Cameron." "Vanni, how are you?" "Very well, thanks. And you?" She chewed her lip a little bit. Why couldn't this just be Paul? "I'm good. Listen, I know Virgin River is perfection, but I was wondering if you'd like to get out of town for a weekend." "A weekend?" she asked, completely unprepared for such a question. "There's a great seaside hotel in Mendocino, on the ocean. Lots to do around there. Very relaxing and entertaining.. Robyn Carr
b07ad73 One thing she absolutely couldn't take--Cameron and Paul both in Virgin River for the weekend--Cameron trying to seduce her, Paul shyly and clumsily trying to find a way to tell her he had a girlfriend. Chinese water torture would be sweeter. She Robyn Carr
d60c6a1 Really, I don't know how to thank you. The day was wonderful, the evening was perfect. And you're exceptionally well behaved." She grinned at him. "Don't give me too much credit. It's all part of a devious plan." "Oh?" "Absolutely. If I can show you a good time, make you feel safe and comfortable, then maybe when you're ready, I'll have a chance." He smiled at her. She tilted her head and looked at him with a sweet smile and glowing eyes. ".. Robyn Carr
ea22780 He wasn't nearly as smooth, as romantic as Cameron! He wasn't as pretty, and Lord knew, he didn't want her like Cameron did. Then she remembered the way he laid his head on her shoulder and wept right after the baby was born, the way he slipped his arms around her waist when she cried at Matt's grave, the way he held her and the baby close for a few long moments before saying goodbye... And the tears came. How had she let this happen? Why c.. Robyn Carr
2263caf They remained standing on the road, which ended up being a big mistake for Luke. As he saw the bus barreling down the other lane, Luke also noted a sizable puddle in front of it. He quickly put himself between Shelby and the bus, pressing her up against Doc's open window. With a hand on each side of her, he covered her with his body, barely in time to feel the splat from the puddle against his back. Shelby stifled a chuckle. Macho man, she .. Robyn Carr
feb6f49 Paul felt his knees almost buckle when he saw her. Now, he knew this was one fine-looking woman, and since he'd been the best man at her last wedding, it wasn't as if he'd never seen her all dressed up. But it felt like the first time. She was usually found in jeans or a simple sundress, and in those she was almost too much for his heart. Today she was resplendent in green so pale it was nearly white. It was a shimmering, clingy silk, her r.. Robyn Carr
ef5eedc I'll do everything I can for her, but we're not going to be a couple. Send him away, Vanni. Send the doctor away." "What if I'm involved with him?" "This isn't Matt we're talking about," Paul said. "I'm not going to bow out quietly. I'll do whatever I have to do. I'll fight for you." "And if we made love all weekend? Me and Cameron?" "I don't care. I don't care about anything but that you have to know the truth. I'm in love with you. I've a.. Robyn Carr
8fa2e7f It's not like I didn't feel sorry for myself sometimes. I've cried my heart out. Sometimes I cried till I couldn't stand up straight. It's just that I never cried like that in front of anyone." "I" Robyn Carr
458b430 Vanni, I'm sorry," he said. "What can I do?" She just shook her head. "There's nothing you can do, Paul, except go quickly so we can get on the road..." "Vanni, tell me you understand what I told you. I can't leave anything in doubt now." She looked down for a moment. Then she raised her eyes and locked into his. "Paul, listen to me. There's a woman in Grants Pass who's having your baby. I want you to go home. Go home to her. Try, Paul. If .. Robyn Carr
ea6c3e0 Luke was welcomed by the brothers and drawn in with friendly approval. The conversation quickly turned to missions and commands as they compared notes, trying to figure out if they had mutual friends or had served in common battle arenas at the same time. Then more women began to arrive and Luke watched curiously as the men greeted each one as if she could be a sister or girlfriend. When Paige came out of her quarters with the new baby, the.. Robyn Carr
904c7b0 Not many women knew what it was like to have a man like this. A powerful and lusty man like Jack. He always put her needs and feelings ahead of his own, always looking to care for her in every way, keeping her safe, making sure she knew how loved she was. How wanted. In his love, in his arms, she always felt beautiful and sexy. Desired. Cherished. Robyn Carr
4520861 Wanna try my ride for a change?" he asked her. "It's not too cold today." She looked around him. "On that?" "Just you and me, Shelby. Want to take a chance?" She gave him a soft smile. "Am I safe with you on that thing?" she asked. He presented the rider's helmet. "Well, I'll drive carefully. You should get a jacket and something to wrap around your neck. Boots and gloves. And you might want to tie up your hair." "Why not," she said. "Come .. Robyn Carr
d8bf772 It had been a few weeks. He was done. No more note writing, no more calls. Even he wouldn't date someone this desperate. He was going to start looking like a stalker when what he was, was in love with her. It embarrassed even him to think like that. How could you be in love with someone you'd met twice, but you knew for only twenty-four hours? It was impossible. There must be some other explanation for dreaming about her, smelling her, tast.. Robyn Carr
faa4734 Shelby, you should run for your life, I'm not kidding. I've never been reliable where women are concerned. And I'm not real well fixed with brakes, either. God, I really don't want to hurt you." "Are you trying to scare me again, Luke?" "Yeah, I'm trying to scare you. Warn you. Use your head, Shelby. You're young, you're sweet, and I'm just an irresponsible, horny bastard. You'd be making a mistake, getting mixed up with me." She traced his.. Robyn Carr
c441602 Maybe she'll come around." "Who?" Joe asked, a little stunned. He would begenuinely pissed if Paul had talked about this. "Whoever she is. Men have a lot of looks, pal. They have a look for business worries, family worries, ego worries. Combat worries--I got good at spotting that one. And there's a real special look when a man wants a woman and she's out of reach." It made Joe laugh. "Is that a fact?" Jack sipped his coffee. "I've worn that.. Robyn Carr
50216ae Crazy thoughts began filling his head, chief among them was that he couldn't imagine there ever being another man in her life, in her body. He'd never had such possessive, proprietary feelings. He wasn't sure if this was because it was Shelby, or because she'd never been touched inside until he claimed her. Robyn Carr
0e860b9 Then he heard water running in the tub and headed toward the bathroom. He caught the scent of something feminine. Shelby had brought a couple of her things with her a few nights before--shampoo and lotion and such. He told her to leave it--something he'd never invited a woman to do before. Things like that always made him claustrophobic, but this time it made him feel extremely good, as though he wouldn't have to release her too soon. As if.. Robyn Carr
3f8c542 He entered the bathroom just in time to see her lowering herself into the tub. Her long hair was pinned up on her head and there were bubbles. It was in his mind to pass her a beer and sit on the closed toilet lid to talk with her while she was in the bath, but then another thought was inspired. Luke had never in his life even contemplated a bubble bath. He put the beer on the sink, dropped his towel and got in. "You're going to make a floo.. Robyn Carr
531fbf6 She smiled up at him and put her arms around his waist. "I've had some special pieces of furniture in storage. The movers are coming tomorrow. Will you stay with me when the bed's made up?" "I will gladly stay with you in your flowery bedroom. And if I ever get rid of my houseful of offspring, you will stay with me in my bold and manly master bedroom with convenient master bath and big doorless shower." "I will." She grinned. "Muriel," Robyn Carr
48fed5e Vanessa, just what the hell's going on?" "I'm...ah...I'm going on a little weekend trip with Cameron. I'll be taking the baby, of course." He had heard her side of all three conversations and she knew it. "There seems to be a lot more to the story here..." he said. "Fighting with Paul? Making a date with this doctor?" "It's really nothing, Dad," she answered. "You don't have a problem with me going away for a weekend, do you?" "You're a gro.. Robyn Carr
a3697ee So Luke went to the back of the SUV where Sean was unloading way too many suitcases for five nights. "You'd think she was taking a fricking cruise." "Your death is going to be slow and painful." "Aw, come on! What's up your butt now? You had plenty of time to get used to the idea. And she's thrilled to be here, you can see that." "You told her all about Shelby? I didn't even tell you what was going on with Shelby! Can't you ever keep your m.. Robyn Carr
c10cb52 Well, you don't have to be shy with me, because I've been looking forward to meeting you. And I hear you've been a big help to Luke." Art lifted his eyes and said, "You're not the queen of England." Maureen gave Luke a withering stare from narrowed eyes, something she had perfected by the time he was seven. It was that warning glance. The boys called it the "don't fuck with me" look, but Maureen had never in her life uttered that word. "But.. Robyn Carr
b85f910 Maureen couldn't be kept out of the kitchen, asking Preacher and Paige a lot of questions about the operation of the bar and while doing so, holding their new baby. Luke peeked into the kitchen to see what she was up to and got the hell out of there before she started harping on the fact that she had five healthy, handsome, successful sons and no grandchildren. Maureen Robyn Carr
e9f8ea8 By the time she was serving him a cup of tea in her brand-new kitchen, Walt appeared. Dressed. "Mason, I'd like you to meet Walt Booth, my--" "Significant other," he said, putting out his hand. He glanced askance at Muriel with a lifted brow, challenging her. She just shook her head and chuckled. "Walt is my neighbor and very good friend. Very. Good." Walt helped himself to a beer from her refrigerator, demonstrating that he was not a guest.. Robyn Carr
5f9d1f7 He couldn't resist. He touched her hair, gazed into her eyes. Out of Paul's earshot he said, "I hope I get a chance to show you I'm a better deal. I can be there for you through all this crap. I'd never let you down, never leave you to wonder how I felt. Never." He took a breath. "I hope the son of a bitch disappoints you." She laughed hollowly. "I'm sure that's exactly what's going to happen." She held her son against her chest and put her.. Robyn Carr
914d747 God, you men just can't keep it in your pants, can you?" she said in disgust. "Well, you can damn sure believe it's behind locked doors now!" Robyn Carr
d124190 I don't know what I'd do without you," she told him. He smiled sweetly. "You'd be miserable." He touched his glass to hers. "To Doc," he said. "To Doc. The biggest pain-in-the-ass country doctor in three counties." She hiccupped. "God, I'm going to miss him." *" Robyn Carr
8838deb Are you all right, Vanni?" he asked. "Hmm, just a little melancholy, that's all." "It's hard to tell what's bothering you most--Midge's passing or some problem you're having with Paul." She turned to look at him and he said, "Anything you want to talk about?" She shrugged. "There's not too much to talk about, Dad." "You could help me understand a couple of things, you know." "For instance?" "Oh, don't be coy--you stood Paul up to go away wi.. Robyn Carr
777d362 He couldn't let her get away again, or he'd never be the same. She could push him back, be angry about his screwup, but he was going to keep coming at her until he had her attention. She was going to have to tell him, convincingly, that she didn't love him, and didn't want him in her life. That was the only way he'd let go. And he was done tiptoeing around the issue. He Robyn Carr
f599da5 He smoothed a little hair off her forehead. "I'm proud of you." "It was so awesome." "See? I knew you'd find something here to sink your teeth into." He reached down, crossed his arms under her bottom and lifted her straight up so that her face was even with his. "Nowwww, what did we decide?" she asked, but her tone was teasing. Her smile was playful. "We decided that I would not kiss you." "That's right." "I haven't," he said. "Maybe we sh.. Robyn Carr
0fa3bf3 had other Robyn Carr
76fcbcf Dammit, Shelby," he said. "Don't say I didn't warn you." "And warned me and warned me and warned me..." "You should be with a serious young man who will protect you and take care of you, not someone like me." "Maybe someday. Right now, I just have one requirement. One woman at a time, that's all I ask. I'm not looking to join a harem. Can you do that?" He sighed. "I'm doing it. I don't even have to try. You're the only woman I want. And I'm.. Robyn Carr
fabbf1a They were all going to know. Her face was branded with his love. Her cheeks were aglow, chafed from his beard. Her lips were bruised bright pink from hours of kissing and the look in her eyes reflected a whole afternoon of the finest love he'd ever made. "You should hide all the guns and sharp objects," he whispered against her mouth. "You worry too much," she said. "I'm an adult." "When am I going to see you again?" he asked her. "Soon." ".. Robyn Carr