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805fcb6 A deep sigh escaped him and he tightened his arms. He was just beginning to admit it to himself--he was in love with her. Totally gone. Robyn Carr
2946fb7 For Vanni and Paul, Joe designed a larger version of Paul's house, but with changes that although slight, gave it a different appearance altogether, so it didn't look like a copy and was better suited for a growing family. The features they loved were there--the wide hallways, spacious rooms, high ceilings, large garage. And it had to have more bedrooms--Paul was going to fill her with babies. He Robyn Carr
29b9f65 Luke, thank you. You've made it all so wonderful, so good. Hold me," she said. "Let me fall asleep against you, in your arms." He held her there, like that, stretched over his body, her head resting against his shoulder. She might weigh a hundred and ten pounds to his one-eighty, and she fit against his chest perfectly. He ran his hand down her back and over her soft bottom, stroking her, listening as her breathing evened out, as she sighed.. Robyn Carr
3bfbe51 You're amazing. You drive me crazy. You've got me playing house, for Christ's sake. I don't do things like this." "See? I tried to warn you. Maybe I should have given you the talk." "Yeah, I never saw that coming," he said." -- Robyn Carr
f9e0ea4 He had known from the moment he saw her that she was dangerous, but he'd had no idea how lethal. She had pulled feelings to the surface that he thought he'd been in control of and now it was here--he felt it all and he was completely lost. Terrified. He adored her. He couldn't stand the thought of this ending. He had felt something almost this deep and powerful once before, when he was much younger. He had been twenty-four when he found the.. Robyn Carr
464119c So, you put in a no-show for the turkey," Sean said. "What's up with that? You're stateside, you're not that far away...." "I have things to do here, Sean," he said. "And I explained to Mother--I can't leave Art and I can't take him on a trip." "So I heard. And that's your only reason?" "What else?" "Oh, I don't know," he said, as if he did know what else. "Well then, you'll be real happy to hear this--I'm bringing Mother to Virgin River fo.. Robyn Carr
700da4f I like Sean. He's cute." "I think he's an ugly, stupid asshole." Shelby laughed at him. "There is going to be one inconvenience," she said. "Yeah? What's that?" "I'm not going to be able to spend the night with you while your mother's here." He propped up on an elbow and looked at her. "You're not?" She shrugged. "I'm sorry. It's a little old-fashioned, but that's a bit too much for me. She's your mother. I can't stay here any more than I c.. Robyn Carr
bf27807 I'm not Susan Sarandon or George Clooney for one thing." "Or Ed Asner, who is very special to me. But you are Walt Booth, and you rank right up there. But be careful, Walt. People will think we're serious." He grinned at her. "At the risk of scaring you to death, I'm very serious about you, Muriel. And a good relationship is exactly what I'm in the market for. That, and a decent dishwasher." Robyn Carr
d784cec Shelby is a wonderful young woman. You're good together." "Mother..." "It isn't just her. Oh, it's obvious she loves you. But it's also you. The second she's near you, all those tense lines in your face relax and you soften up. That grumpy, self-protective shield drops and you're warm and affectionate. She's good for you, she brings out your best, makes you fun. You have something special with her." "She's twenty-five." Maureen shook her he.. Robyn Carr
27911f2 He'd met her soft gaze while she talked but now he turned away from her instead of arguing. He didn't see it that way; he thought it was too late. What he saw was a beautiful young woman agreeing to life with him, having a child or two, then waking up one morning to realize she hadn't really lived yet. She'd have gone from her mother's sickbed to Luke. She would still be young, beautiful, vibrant and sorry she hadn't looked a little further.. Robyn Carr
ecb8595 Stop it," he said. "You don't have to draw me any more pictures. I know Shelby is nothing like Felicia." "I wasn't talking about Shelby," Maureen said. "I was talking about you. In this case you'd be the one in love who, on a stupid, illogical whim, throws it away. Think, Luke. Don't throw away the best chance at happiness you might ever get." "Stop it," he said softly, in a desperate plea. Maureen wasn't easily intimidated. "You've held on.. Robyn Carr
97ba05f Do you have any idea how much I love you?" "I do," she said, smiling. "Well, I'd give my life for you, that's how much. I've never been happier than these past few weeks. But I was just telling Matt--I'd give it all up and live alone and miserable and jealous till the end of time if I could get him back. He was the most amazing man, the most incredible friend. It would probably kill me, but I'd give this up if it meant he could live." Vanni.. Robyn Carr
8214254 What was your perfect line?" he asked. "It's just silly...." "No, tell me. I want to know." "It's just a line. A fantasy line. You can't steal it--it wouldn't be the same if I fed it to you. And if you use it on some other woman, I'm going to tell my Uncle Walt you did something horrible to me so he kills you." "Shelby, we're naked and just had unbelievable sex--death threats right now are rude. Mind your manners. Tell me the perfect line.".. Robyn Carr
a0b2be9 Damn, boy. Look at you. You're almost as old as me." "Hardly." Ricky laughed. "Look at you. You're getting gray, what's this?" "Melinda, naturally. She's working me over. You should be careful, Rick. Strong, sexy women? They'll kill you slow." "What a way to go, huh?" "Yeah," Robyn Carr
7bbae5c Tell you what," Walt said. "Let's meet him in our birthday suits so he knows how it is with us. How about that?" "That's just plain cruel. You're the only one I plan to subject to that sight. Now, be civil to Mason. He'll go away much sooner if you just play nice and let me handle him." "I'm going to slip into the shower," Walt said. "Oh, come on. You're being a little obvious, don't you think?" she asked, drawing up her jeans. "When he ask.. Robyn Carr
71d28ff Whoa, baby, look at you! Damn me, girl--you're cooking a good one there!" He rubbed a big hand over her belly. "Preacher, you dog--you did fine work here!" "Yeah, I sure did." "You're about to pop, girl." "Pretty soon," she said, grinning. "How's your wife doing?" "She's great," Zeke said. "I thought I could sneak one more kid by her, but she says I'm all done. I don't know what her hang-up is. We only have four. You think four is enough?" .. Robyn Carr
835355c This crowd of men, each one of them what would be called a man's man, so driven in the masculine pursuits of soldiering, hunting, fishing and the like, loved women, pregnant women especially, and the babies they brought. It was uncanny. And tremendous fun. Doc Robyn Carr
9456c3e As the couple made their way slowly through the gathering and toward the house where the party was laid out for the celebrants, Joe saw his chance. He grabbed a glass of champagne off a tray and pressed his way toward Nikki. He offered it and said, "You look very beautiful today." "Thank you," she said, accepting the drink. "There should be dancing at this party," he complained. "Otherwise, how am I going to get my arms around you?" "Are yo.. Robyn Carr
ae6d39d No one should make you cry like this. Tell me who he is. I'll kill him for you." "I wasted so much time on him," she said with a hiccup of emotion. He kissed her eyes. "He's a dick," he said. "Worse. He's a stupid dick." She responded with a small, whimpering laugh. He" Robyn Carr
8bd1878 He found himself thinking, Paul is going to kill me. I'm thinking carnal thoughts about the maid of honor and how to get her out of this pink dress and Paul is going to kill me. But I will die happy, he further thought. He Robyn Carr
b7539fb Morning," he said, headed for the coffeepot. When he got back to the table and sat, he was met by her glare. "What?" he asked, perplexed. "I cannot believe you did that," she said. "Did what?" he asked. "My best friend. You know she's been through a hard time." He looked around a little frantically. "Vanni, what? Where's Nikki?" "Gone," she said flatly. "Gone?" he asked, rising out of his chair. "Gone?" "Yes," she affirmed. "What were you t.. Robyn Carr
9368185 Nikki-- I had a wonderful weekend with you. You left too soon and broke my heart. I want to talk to you again, see you again, and according to Vanni, you don't want to be contacted by me. I don't know what went wrong. For me, everything went right, and I thought it went right for you, too. I know you're still recovering from a bad breakup, but it didn't seem to have anything to do with you and me. Call me. Tell Vanni to give me your number .. Robyn Carr
abb48b0 Protect yourself from people who have the habit of being mean, Robyn Carr
7b9b4c5 Women alone have to be smart, strong and durable. We don't bruise easy. And we can't waste time and energy feeling sorry for ourselves. We might want to collapse, but we don't. Probably no one would pick us up!" "You," Robyn Carr
b3fb674 Want me to give him a little advice before he gets his nose broken?" "No," Jack said flatly. Jack was thinking that breaking his nose was going to feel very good. If Nick put one hand on her, he was going to come apart. "Good," Preacher said. "I haven't been to a good bar fight in years." In" Robyn Carr
3923c70 The thing about the hard times, the stupid times, they make you who you are. And regrets--I look back and ask myself if I didn't do a certain thing that I'm really ashamed of, how would that change the present? What would it erase from my current life? What if I hadn't been such a badass idiot back then? Would I have learned the cost of that recklessness? Robyn Carr
a746cdf He who is outside the door has already a good part of his journey behind him. --Dutch proverb Robyn Carr
4ece9dc For the past several years, he'd avoided romantic relationships that could gut him in the end. That whole not-sleeping, feeling the deep ache that came from failure, enduring the sudden loneliness of being was bad for his disposition. Robyn Carr
ba7b3d7 She saw a side of him she didn't know existed. This gentle, tender giant was gripped with fury, and it was a silent and impressive fury. He held her through the night, both of them in one small hospital bed. Sleep was difficult for her and she was fitful, but every time she opened her eyes and looked at him, she found him awake, watching over her. She would look up at his face, his tense jaw and eyes narrowed in anger, but when she put her .. Robyn Carr
7285c94 Oh, hell no, you're not going anywhere," Jack said. "My sister's having a baby, her first, and this is the cheering section." "Wait a minute here," he said. "I'm not real big on babies. We've been over this--I have no idea what to do with them." "Well, for God's sake, we're not going to make you do anything." Jack laughed. "You know how to eat, raise a glass, smoke a cigar? The delivery team is taking care of the messy stuff." "Shouldn't it.. Robyn Carr
dc8f9ee Terrified to touch that emergency money she had stowed away, she was stretching her money as far as it would go--rent for Penny took the top position because she was certain the elderly darling needed it. Plus, she needed a place to live while she starved to death. Robyn Carr
6581704 Luke made fast work of his first drink and was nursing his second, through many jokes and soft, respectful laughter, when Mike came into the great room holding a very small bundle wrapped in a pink receiving blanket. Mike went to the women first--Paige and Vanni. While they were murmuring, smiling, beaming, the men moved in a crowd out of the kitchen to have a look at what Mike had for himself. The look on Mike's face was a combination of e.. Robyn Carr
52bdd95 Luke made fast work of his first drink and was nursing his second, through many jokes and soft, respectful laughter, when Mike came into the great room holding a very small bundle wrapped in a pink receiving blanket. Mike went to the women first--Paige and Vanni. While they were murmuring, smiling, beaming, the men moved in a crowd out of the kitchen to have a look at what Mike had for himself. The look on Mike's face was a combination of e.. Robyn Carr
a417bba The vulnerability in her eyes warned him he'd better be very, very careful. One wrong move and she'd jump in that little BMW and shake the dust of Virgin River off the soles of her shoes, the town's medical needs notwithstanding. He reminded himself constantly that this was one reason he hadn't sprung the cabin on her yet. Walking away from her last week after Joy's party had been one of the hardest things he'd ever done. He had wanted noth.. Robyn Carr
55d9e1d Jack's hands were shaking as he did so, wiping the muck of birth from his son's little body. Mel was straining up to see him, her fingers reaching toward him to touch him. For a moment Jack was paralyzed. Transfixed. Before he could close the blanket around him, he stared at him in sheer wonder. His son. Brought right out of his wife's body. Naked, covered with muck, squalling, and the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen. Robyn Carr
4bda0c4 Women, she thought. Difficult, complex, emotional creatures. Robyn Carr
d053afd Nobody ever won a race by standing at the starting line. Robyn Carr
8dda14b Think she'll stay on awhile?" Preacher quietly asked Jack. Jack was frowning. "I think what she does to a pair of jeans ought to be against the law." He looked at Preacher. "You okay here? I'm thinking of having a beer in Clear River." It was code. There was a woman in Clear River. "I'm okay here," Preacher said. *" -- Robyn Carr
2bbd6b9 For now, they were inseparable. The three of them. Preacher kept Paige and Christopher under his protective wing, as though danger loomed nearby and might strike at any moment. When there were no patrons in the bar, Preacher and Paige sat at one of the tables and talked or played cribbage; if Christopher wasn't napping, he was on Preacher's knee. Robyn Carr
2e2fbe1 She felt that hand that had been on her hip slide stealthily around her, holding her at her waist, pulling her just slightly back against him. "You're distracting me," she said, casting again. "Good," he said, lowering his lips to her head, inhaling. "Jack, there are people!" "They could care less," he said, holding her against him. She looked around and saw that what he said was true--the other fishermen didn't even glance their way. Their.. Robyn Carr
df7f3f0 Let me make you some coffee," he suggested. "And ruin this perfectly good buzz? Hell, I've earned it." She took a step and wavered. "Besides, I don't think it'll make me sober. Probably just wide-awake drunk." Jack tightened his hold around her and laughed in spite of himself. "All right, Mel. I can put you in my bed and take the couch..." "But sometimes I have deer in my yard in the morning," she said, a little whiny. "I want to go home. T.. Robyn Carr
2a70928 He unbuckled her and lifted her out of the truck. He whacked her head on the door frame. "Ow!" she yelled, her hand going to her head. "Sorry," he said. And thought to himself, Foreplay that was not. "S'okay." She laid her head back on his shoulder. Now," Robyn Carr
0bd2997 Something hit him, and it didn't feel particularly good. He picked up the picture and looked at the man's face. So, you're the guy, he thought. He didn't look like a bad guy--but clearly he had done something to Mel. Something she was having trouble getting beyond. Maybe he'd left her for another woman--but that seemed impossible to imagine. Maybe he left her for a man. Oh, please let it be so--I can make that better--just give me five minu.. Robyn Carr
c29ef3d And he thought--Just give me time. I'm going to get that picture put in storage. * Robyn Carr