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2aad5d3 True lovers may never know what love means. A man may love a woman out of his reach. She does not know he loves her, and he will never speak of it. women Rosalind Miles
82640ba To face a man in combat is challenge enough. To find the goddess in a woman is the life work of a man. Hard though the first may be, the second is the harder longer road. But every man seeks the woman of the dream, and only the best of men finds what he seeks. Rosalind Miles
95a76d0 No other woman had that air of spring in January, that ever-bubbling fount of love and hope. Rosalind Miles
58b3be2 That he loved her was his life's greatest grace--that she loved him was a burden and mystery beyond compare. Rosalind Miles
ec40843 Yet some would say, why women's history at all? Surely men and women have always shared a world, and suffered together all its rights and wrongs? It is a common belief that whatever the situation, both sexes faced it alike. But the male peasant, however cruelly oppressed, always had the right to beat his wife. The black slave had to labor for the white master by day, but he did not have to service him by night as well. This grim pattern con.. Rosalind Miles
dcae05d Florence Nightingale was never called "the Lady with the Lamp," but "the Lady with the Hammer," an image deftly readjusted by the war reporter of the Times since it was far too coarse for the folks back home. Far from gliding about the hospital with her lamp aloft, Nightingale earned her nickname through a ferocious attack on a locked storeroom when a military commander refused to give her the medical supplies she needed." Rosalind Miles
4899ef2 Oh, I know, I know, she was a sweet girl, a simple country girl; everyone told me that, both then and since. But I could not forgive her animal dumbness - worse, her rank sensuality, easy as any cow's, and like her dumpling breasts, quite irresistable to men - while those of us whom God has made to think and feel, who are strung out like harps along the wires of our own nature, why, we are rarer than music and must content ourselves with sm.. Rosalind Miles
2c0ae00 Every revolution is a revolution of ideas-yet to innovate is not reform. Rosalind Miles
4e8b7da Wherever I am, in wood or field, By dawn or evening light, Without cease my heart feels The pain of one who is not here... Rosalind Miles
c1dbfda Skupljanje hrane nesumnjivo je bilo na prvom mjestu zenskih duznosti buduci da je taj zadatak odrzavao pleme na zivotu. Ni u jednom se trenutku pretpovijesne zene s djecom ili bez nje nisu oslanjale na svoje partnere, lovce, za nabavku hrane. inspirational life man women-s-rights women-s-strength Rosalind Miles
7f23976 In all this flurry of false scientism, the central question went unaddressed: if the possession of a penis and outsize brain were the distinguishing marks of the lords of creation, why was the world not rules by whales? history humor Rosalind Miles
421351a For there is much to do, amounting in fact to a remaking of modern society. All democratic experiments, all revolutions, all demands for equality have so far, in every instance, stopped short of sexual equality. Every society has in its prestige structures a series of subtle, interacting codes of dominance that always, everywhere, finally rank men higher than women. Nowhere has any society successfully dispensed with the age-old sex-role di.. Rosalind Miles
73215e7 One famous female Sufi mystic and religious teacher was Rabi-'ah al-' Ada-wiyyah (712-801), who after a girlhood in slavery fled to the desert, where she rejected all offers of marriage and devoted herself to prayer and scholarship. Although the most distinguished of women Sufis, Rabi-'ah was not unique, since Sufism gave all women the chance to attain a holy dignity Rosalind Miles
7c01623 Rabi-'ah's achievement built on a tradition of female literacy, scholarship and intellectual creativity reaching back to the dawn of thought. Countless ancient myths ascribe the birth of language to women or goddesses, in a ritual formulation of the primeval truth that the first words any human being hears are the mother's. In Indian mythology the Vedic goddess Vac means "language"; she personifies the birth of speech, and is represented as.. Rosalind Miles
e794890 Every one of the "great" belief systems of the world, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and Confucianism, insists on women's inferiority as an article of faith. Individual" Rosalind Miles
afcafea She loved your mother', Taliesin said gently. 'This is her farewell.' As he spoke, a chanted melody began inside the chamber, a song without words. Yet it spoke of the beauty in the heart of the flame, of the passing glory of the white bird on the wing, and the blossom of the sea spray under the shining prow. It sang of a mother with her baby, of the hard love between men and women, and the gentle rest that comes at last to all. farewell grief Rosalind Miles
ce1519c Those eyes that hold the hand of every heart, Those hands that hold the heart of every eye, That eye, that hand, that wit, that heavenly sense, All these do show my mistresses' excellence. Rosalind Miles
c56bc28 But fall? No. What is it, love? If not a fall, is it a hunger? The appetite casting around for strange meat not yet encountered, hungry for what it does not know yet, but will recognize at the first scent in the air? I know one thing: No one tumbles straight into their greatest love, the great love of their life. For there are many kinds of love- maiden love, flesh love, flesh hunger, then the deepest love hunger- and all these must be tri.. Rosalind Miles
ac448dc Now what is Love, I pray thee tell? It is that fountain and that well Where pleasure and repentance dwell. It is perhaps that saucy bell That tolls all into heaven or hell- And this is Love, as I hear tell. Rosalind Miles
df87a5e Napoleon pronounced, "the husband must possess the absolute power and right to say to his wife, 'Madam, you shall not go to the theater, you shall not receive such and such a person; for the children you will bear shall be mine.' " Equally, every woman "must be made to realize that on leaving the tutelage of her family, she passes under that of her husband."13 To this end, the Code Napoleon equipped every husband with extraordinary, unprece.. Rosalind Miles
7b99ecf Every gain, every success for women is taken to mean that men are being cheated and denigrated. To me it's healthier to turn the question around. While women were straining every muscle, nerve and bone for the last thirty years, while they labored to remake themselves, their lives and the world, what were twentieth-century men doing all this time? And how long will it take them to join in and support us? Rosalind Miles