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5938a6f I don't know what they are called, the spaces between seconds- but I think of you always in those intervals. love sadness Salvador Plascencia
b98b31b One day I will forgive you; until then there are scabs everywhere that you have touched me. Salvador Plascencia
8d09094 Missing you is worse than Pittsburgh. missing-someone romance Salvador Plascencia
06dbeee But there are forces that don't let you turn back and undo things, because to do so would be to deny what is already in motion, to unwrite and erase passages, to shorten the arc of a story you don't own. Salvador Plascencia
4abd73c And although Margarita lived in a world that predated Technicolor, she always dreamed of the boy in rich pastels. Salvador Plascencia
6cbd639 There would be no sequel to the sadness Salvador Plascencia
3db4ede She was made after the time of ribs and mud. By papal decree there were to be no more people born of the ground or from the marrow of bones. All would be created from the propulsions and mounts performed underneath bedsheets- rare exception granted for immaculate conceptions. The mixing pits were sledged and the cutting tables, where ribs were extracted from pigs and goats, were sawed in half. Although the monks were devout and obedient to .. Salvador Plascencia
b612e1d And if we had learned anything from this story it was to be cautious of paper--to be mindful of its fragile construction and sharp edges, but mostly to be cautious of what is written on it. Salvador Plascencia
37516c7 Like all stories of creators who bring life from the dead, his story began with a struggling butcher, who chased a gray cat, caught it, took off its studded collar, and slit its throat. imagination story Salvador Plascencia
9aca48c But there are forces that don't let you turn back and undo things, because to do so would be to deny what is already in motion, to unwrite and erase passages, to shorten the arc of a story you don't own. If I could walk into the house and say, "Froggy, I'm sorry I left." If I could hug him and unbutton his shirt and pick the petals from his hair. If I could do that, there would be no reason for me to fight this war." Salvador Plascencia
ed1d4a8 I am gone tomorrow. And there and gone again by the time you read this. literature salvador-plascencia the-people-of-paper Salvador Plascencia
eecfa9e Don't say his name. I don't want him in here. I will cut him out. Salvador Plascencia
903c348 I don't deserve this. I have forgiven myself. What I did to you was not so bad. It happens. Salvador Plascencia
45be814 He promised all those things men promise when they are far away and can feel the phone lines stretching too tight, the wires and cables rapidly unraveling from their braids, snapping, recoiling, collapsing the poles along the way. Salvador Plascencia
e824214 You weren't supposed to spill out of the dedication page. But then you fucked everything. Salvador Plascencia
dafb4f4 You cannot kill or steal from a man while he is asleep and heartbroken. While it is said that everything is fair in love an war, the dictum is nullified when both love and war occur simultaneously... war Salvador Plascencia
f28e3bb From pulp you are and to pulp you shall return. Salvador Plascencia
5422197 Bir defasinda gokyuzunu bir cocugun uzerine dusurmustum. Salvador Plascencia
7e1ee76 You cannot kill or steal from a man while he is asleep and heartbroken. While it is said that everything is fair in love an war, the dictum is nullified when both love and war occur simultaneously; then, the rules of battle become more stringent. The politics that lead to war can always be argued, but there is an undeniable sympathy that must be extended when a woman leaves a man. Salvador Plascencia
5ad6c26 Liberated from Saturn, from the order that for years had kept us in line, our narrative organized and mindful of the conventions of story. Now the order had been upset, lost in a melee of voices that for years wanted their freedom. Salvador Plascencia
57e106a The completion of this book was supported in part by a grant from the Ralph and Elisa Landin Foundation. They are not responsible for the views expressed herein. Salvador Plascencia