Anti-violence politics, along with other revolutionary impulses, changed from a focus on working to transform patriarchy, racism, and poverty to cooperation and integration with the police. This has proven to be a significant turn because the police are, ironically, the embodiment of patriarchy, racism, and the enforcement of the US class system. John
Sarah Schulman |
Doc didn't have a television but he could predict that sort of thing. He just didn't need one. He could always tell what was on TV when he heard more than two people in a row say the same strange phrase in the same way. He knew that they had just seen it on television. A few weeks later everyone would have those words written on their chests.
Sarah Schulman |
You tell them one real thing and then the doctor thinks he knows you. He starts getting arrogant and overfamiliar, making insulting suggestions left and right. You have to protest constantly just to set the record straight. Finally he makes offensive assumptions and throws them in your face. A stranger in a bar could do the same...
Sarah Schulman |
Overindulgence" is a deprivation of constructive attention, a refusal to teach social/life skills, a refusal to teach self-regulation in social situations, a refusal to teach how to distinguish between wants and needs. Desires are indulged at the place where needs are starved."
Sarah Schulman |
There is often a "cadre" of bad friends around a person encouraging them to do things that are morally wrong, unjustified, and unethical,"
Sarah Schulman |
The real question is: Why would a person rather have an enemy than a conversation? Why would they rather see themselves as harassed and transgressed instead of have a conversation that could reveal them as an equal participant in creating conflict? There should be a relief in discovering that one is not being persecuted, but actually, in the way we have misconstrued these responsibilities, sadly the relief is in confirming that one has been..
Sarah Schulman |
What is most difficult to face, but increasingly obvious as gay visibility provokes containment, but not equality, is that homophobes enjoy feeling superior, rely on the pleasure of enacting their superiority, and go out of their way to resist change that would deflate their sense of supremacy. Homophobia makes heterosexuals feel better about themselves. It's not fear - it's fun. We know from photographs of happy picnicking white families ..
Sarah Schulman |
I dreamt that I took William Burrough's penis and tied it up with piano wire. I hung him like a Chagall painting...In the next part J.G. Ballard swam through streets of female urine. The girls read his book Crash and then mowed him down with their Volkswagen, crushing his chest slowly against a brick wall. As he screamed in agony larger than representation can accommodate, they referred to his text and had orgasms. Later, they jumped up and..
Sarah Schulman |
With the exception of those natural disasters that are not caused by human misdeed, most of the pain, destruction, waste, and neglect towards human life that we create on this planet and beyond, are consequences of our overreaction to difference.
Sarah Schulman |
Perpetrators increasingly are the ones to call the police, threaten legal action, send lawyer letters, or threaten or seek restraining orders as part and parcel of their agenda of blame and unilateral control. It is an agenda designed to avoid by any means necessary having to examine their own behavior, history, or participation in the Conflict. Actively violent and truly abusive people are hard to convict, and innocent people are convicted..
Sarah Schulman |
So while police intervention can importantly separate violent adults from their victims or each other after violence has begun, this job of "stopping violence" has shifted from stopping the causes of violence to reacting punitively to the expressions of those unaddressed causes. What was even more distracting and confusing was that the job of punishing the expressions of patriarchy, racism, and poverty was assigned to the police, who also c..
Sarah Schulman |
I realized that I'm not a lesbian anymore. I realized that women don't have fun together. I realized that that's not love. I realized that men are heroes after all..." "What is your definition of a hero?" she asked. "A hero is someone you can be proud of," the woman said. "To be proud of someone he has to be bigger than you so you can look up to him. You can feel safe when he is near you. Especially a man who has soft skin. When a man is ne..
Sarah Schulman |
All along, he had believed instinctually that his broken heart had something to do with the collapse of culture. He wanted to blame it on economics instead of on the fact that she was a fucking bitch.
Sarah Schulman |
I dreamt that I took William Burrough's penis and tied it up with piano wire. I hung him like a Chagall painting...In the next part J.G. Ballard swam through streets of female urine. The girls read his book Crash and then mowed him down with their Volkswagen, crushing his chest slowly against a brick wall. As he screamed in agony larger than representation can accommodate, they referred to his text and had orgasms. Later, they jumped up and..
Sarah Schulman |
Do most gay women love each other?" Doc asked. "A lot of them love closeted movie stars."
Sarah Schulman |
The past is never dead. It is not even past." --WILLIAM FAULKNER"
Sarah Schulman |
One of the organizing principles of gentrified thinking is to assess everyone based on what they can do for you, and then treat them accordingly.
Sarah Schulman |
The drag queens who started Stonewall are no better off today, but they made the world safe for gay Republicans. It's a bitter pill to swallow, but the people who make change are not the people who benefit from it
Sarah Schulman |