I am no fan of books. And chances are, if you're reading this, you and I share a healthy skepticism about the printed word. Well, I want you to know that this is the first book I've ever written, and I hope it's the first book you've ever read. Don't make a habit of it.
Stephen Colbert |
Don't get me wrong. Being a mom is no picnic. Raising the kids is the mother's responsibility. It's a thankless, solitary job, like sheriff or Pope.
Stephen Colbert |
Baptists: I'm a pious guy, but even I have my limits. I draw the line right around spending 8 hours in church every Sunday. Church should be a solemn 45 minutes to sit quietly and feel guilty, with donuts at the end to make you feel better. I don't go in for a full day of singing and dancing and rejoicing, no matter how nice the hats are. I prefer my Gospel monotonously droned to me from a pulpit, thank you very much.
Stephen Colbert |
Sorry, but retirement offends me. You don't just stop fighting in the middle of a war because your legs hurt. So why do you get to stop working in the middle of your life just because your prostate hurts? That's desertion.
Stephen Colbert |
Divorce is a marital welfare. It's just couples asking society to bail them out because they didn't do enough research before they got married. How is that our fault? Don't drag down my country's statistics just because you ran off and got hitched before you ever saw each other in a bad mood.
Stephen Colbert |
Don't cry over spilled milk. By this time tomorrow, it'll be free yogurt.
Stephen Colbert |
I think of him as well intentioned, poorly informed, high status idiot.
Stephen Colbert |
If I want to say he didn't that's my right, and now, thanks to Wikipedia -- it's also a fact.
Stephen Colbert |
While skin and race are often synonymous, skin cleansing is good, race cleansing is bad.
Stephen Colbert |
Well, I thought it was funny.
Stephen Colbert |
I teach Sunday School, motherfucker.
Stephen Colbert |
It would be a very short pint. It would be gummy bears and matzah, and be called Chewy Jewy.
Stephen Colbert |