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211a437 His parting would have been solemn but we were too busy to think much of it. We were weaving fourteen hours a day then, with hardly a moment for meals, and I was dizzy with the pattern of the tapestry in front of me even when I wasn't weaving. I fell into bed each night and slept without moving until Madeleine woke me in the morning. There was little time left to think about a man's departure. The night before Nicolas went the Tracy Chevalier
4d01619 Molly was up now, sitting in the kitchen nursing the babies and instructing Mrs. Bienenstock on how to make biscuits. "Don't pound the dough, Dody!" Molly was crying with laughter. "You want to end up crackin' your teeth on 'em? Pat it gentle like it's a baby. That's better." Robert had only ever seen his landlady make coffee and eggs, and he did not think she would take kindly to being taught. But Mrs. B. seemed willing; she was smoothing .. Tracy Chevalier
4b8c776 in the cartoon of Sight. It Tracy Chevalier
964bc07 Elle se sentait tellement deconcertee par la contradiction existant entre ce qu'elle pensait et ce qu'on esperait d'elle qu'elle etait incapable de parler. Peut-etre valait-il mieux qu'elle se taise, en attendant d'etre plus sure de ce qu'elle voulait dire. Ainsi ses paroles ne pourraient-elles etre deformees et lui etre renvoyees a la figure. Tracy Chevalier
947556f Funny, I didn't think much about apples fore we came to the Black Swamp. when I was growin up we had an orchard like everybody else but I didn't pay it no attention cept when the blossom was out in May. Then Id go and lie there smellin some sweet perfume and listenin to the bees hum so happy cause they had flowers to play with. That was where James and I lay our first time together. I shouldve known then he wasnt for me. He was so busy insp.. Tracy Chevalier
732c411 I knew that he would go out to the tavern, returning with eyes like glittering spoons. Tracy Chevalier
d0ce954 She reminded him of September blackberries, which looked ripe but could just as easily be sour as sweet when you ate them. temptation romantic-gamble sweet-and-sour Tracy Chevalier
2901518 Jem gazed up into the proper deep blue he knew well from Dorsetshire, coupled with the vivid green of the roadside grass and shrubs, and found himself smiling at these colors that were so natural and yet shouted louder than any London ribbon or dress. naturalist rural-versus-urban Tracy Chevalier
6773ce8 Everything engravers do gets printed opposite. The engraver has to be able to see it both ways. philosophical william-blake opposites Tracy Chevalier
e5b57c5 Yalnizca hirsizlar ve cocuklar kosar. Tracy Chevalier
aa6be80 the grandeur false if you were not grand yourself. Tracy Chevalier
f01cdd2 Evet,yasam bir aldatmaca. Eger yeteri kadar uzun yasarsan, hic bir seyin sasirtici olmadigini ogreniyorsun. Tracy Chevalier
15587fd in the clear brown were little flecks of black like pieces of bark Tracy Chevalier
b4aa946 Paintings may serve a spiritual purpose for Catholics, but remember too that Protestants see God everywhere, in everything. By painting everyday things--tables and chairs, bowls and pitchers, soldiers and maids--are they not celebrating God's creation as well?" I" Tracy Chevalier
8388529 My mommy told me If I was goody That she would buy me A rubber dolly My sister told her I kissed a soldier Now she won't buy me That rubber dolly Now I am dead And in my grave Tracy Chevalier
d60f7fa I was chopping vegetables in the kitchen when I heard voices outside our front door - a woman's, bright as polished brass, and a man's, low and dark like the wood of the table I was working on. They were the kind of voices we heard rarely in our house. I could hear rich carpets in their voices, books and pearls and fur. Tracy Chevalier
d3420bf I had not yet been down to the cellar where I was to sleep. I took a candle with me but was too tired to look around beyond finding a bed, pillow and blanket. Leaving the trap door of the cellar open so that cool, fresh air could reach me, I took off my shoes, cap, apron and dress, prayed briefly, and lay down. I was about to blow out the candle when I noticed the painting hanging at the foot of my bed. I sat up, wide awake now. It was anot.. Tracy Chevalier
9888ff4 There is a difference between Catholic and Protestant attitudes to painting,' he explained as he worked, 'but it is not necessarily as great as you may think. Paintings may serve a spiritual purpose for Catholics, but remember too that Protestants see God everywhere, in everything. By painting everyday things - tables and chairs, bowls and pitchers, soldiers and maids - are they not celebrating God's creation as well? Tracy Chevalier
6a8afb9 Solo los ladrones y los ninos corren. Tracy Chevalier
b5d6cbf Though grafted at the same time, they had grown up to be different sizes; it always surprised James that the trees could turn out as varied as his children. grafted trees Tracy Chevalier
4c56af2 She'd had a terrible time with his brothers' wives : seeing her with them was like watching someone pet a cat against its fur. Tracy Chevalier
7a073b6 James found the talk by the wagons tiring after a while. He liked to listen, and he had thoughts of what he'd like to say about the weather, or the corn crop, or the road being macadamized, or the rascals in Congress. But he never quite had the courage to speak them aloud. By the time he had formed words to his liking, the conversation had moved on. thoughts listen Tracy Chevalier
b1fe905 Life was often simply the repetition of the same movements in a different order, depending on the day and the place. Tracy Chevalier
7bb772d Nance is funny that way. She likes women her own size--like your sister. She knows where she is with a woman like Martha. Whereas Molly--she's so--well, so full of life, she makes Nance feel even sicker. women Tracy Chevalier
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