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72540cd I suppose if Akkarin came to rescue you all the time, people would say you weren't a good choice. The novices are all jealous of you, not realising that they would be in the same situation if they were the High Lord's favourite, even if they are from the Houses. Any novice he chose would be a target. Always expected to prove themselves. sonea Trudi Canavan
aa1de33 It was a day-by-day record of a Guild much younger and smaller than the current one. After several pages, she had grown fond of the record-keeper, who clearly admired the people he was writing about. Trudi Canavan
c631cff Jayan found teaching both frustrating and rewarding. It depended on the apprentice. Some were attentive and talented. Some were not. the-magicians-apprentice trudi-canavan Trudi Canavan
383fe13 Our army is retreating. The Sachakans are following. They will be here soon. We must be ready. The servants are bringing horses." He paused and frowned at one of the apprentices. "Stop wating time asking stupid questions and see if your horse is here!" he snapped. He turned and pointed. "You! Arelenin. I can see someone bringing your horse. Yes, I'd hardly miss that ugly beast if it were on the other side of the country. Go and get it." the-magicians-apprentice trudi-canavan Trudi Canavan
e71f4a5 No solo mantengo conversaciones conmigo misma, sino que me niego a hablar conmigo. Deben de ser los primeros sintomas de la locura. Trudi Canavan
d0c969f There was no fast and painless way to perform an amputation, Tessia knew. Not if you did it properly. tessia trudi-canavan Trudi Canavan
db73e17 It always seems easier to do nothing, when the harm is don elsewhere," Dakon said. "They know their young ones will either learn a lesson and limp home - or die and stop being a problem - or prove successful. The worst that could happen is a bit of a diplomatic hiccup in history." the-magicians-apprentice trudi-canavan Trudi Canavan
9eca07e We have more in common than I thought, he mused wryly. He liked the idea that, if either of them ever fell from grace, the other might be there to offer support. It's always easier to become friends with someone you have something in common with. I just hope it doesn't take some socially disastrous fall before she'll consider the possibility I might be a friend. the-magicians-apprentice trudi-canavan Trudi Canavan
bba74bf The healers' university looked exactly as Tessia had imagined. Her father had described it as an 'old but strange building that has adopted and absorbed surrounding houses as opportunity and funds allowed'. It sounded confusing and intriguing, and it was. the-magicians-apprentice trudi-canavan Trudi Canavan
2f189fb A friend. Cery's shoulders drooped. Closing his eyes, he let out a long sigh. Trudi Canavan
916f911 It had surprised and impressed Tessia to learn that Everran and Avaria owned two wagons, one for their own everyday use and one kept for visits to the Royal Palace. Since the journey to the palace consisted of half the length of two streets, it seemed frivolous to own a vehicle especially for it. everran the-magicans-apprentice tessia trudi-canavan Trudi Canavan
83310da He watched her drink the soup. "You're getting bored with me, aren't you?" She smiled slyly. "No. I have never found you boring, Mirar. In fact, I've always found you a little too interesting for my own good." He chuckled. So. There it was. The invitation. He had noted the way she sometimes looked at him. Thoughtful. Curious. Admiring. The spark of attraction was still there for her. Was it for him? He thought back to other times circumstan.. Trudi Canavan
412f427 It's over! Trudi Canavan
484af58 Most people would not open a door unless they knew what lay beyond, and even if they opened the door by mistake, they would find an uninteresting room beyond. open door ignorance Trudi Canavan
c2985c9 La gente y la tierra son lo mismo - solia decir su padre- si desatiendes una de las dos, la otra acaba pagando las consecuencias Trudi Canavan
8effe43 Todos somos esclavos, ama --replico Vora--. Las mujeres. Los hombres, a su manera. No existe la libertad, solo diferentes tipos de esclavitud. Incluso un ashaki ve constrenidos sus actos por las restricciones que imponen la tradicion y la politica. Y el emperador es aun menos libre que ellos. libertad Trudi Canavan
ef9d79e My soul is the gods'; my heart is yours. heart soul Trudi Canavan
79be335 Sonea era mas cinica. Habia observado que las mujeres solian pasar por alto cuando estaban enamoradas porque, en algun momento, el amor tendia a desvanecerse. Era mejor casarse con un hombre que te gustara y en quien confiaras Trudi Canavan
8a31a1c Injustice always captures the attention of the young,' she said. 'But as we get older we discover how difficult it is to change the world, and we learn to turn our eyes away from what we can't fix until we no longer see injustice at all. Trudi Canavan
b957870 When Tessia and Jayan were served a large, fat rassook each, Jayan had smugly commented that Tessia certainly had a way with villagers and he would not be surprised if she could charm pickpockets into putting money into her wallet. tessia the-magicians-apprentice trudi-canavan Trudi Canavan
9ded5fb Tyvara shook her head. "I knew this would happen. I didn't want to become attached to you because I knew, if I did, something would take you away." Suddenly he couldn't stop smiling. She looked up and frowned. "What's so funny?" "I love you, too," he said." Trudi Canavan
dc2518b It is often wiser not to fight at all than attack before victory is sure', Trudi Canavan
5e32c40 Communication, for Trudi Canavan