Changes that appear turbulent to organizations that rely heavily on planning may appear normal to, even welcomed by, those who prefer a more visionary or learning approach. Put more boldly, if you have no vision but only formal plans, then every unpredicted change in the environment makes you feel like the sky is falling. --Henry Mintzberg
Will Mancini |
organic, zeroed in, and extravagant. When leaders start thinking clearly, engaging locally, focusing redemptively, and risking boldly, their church becomes an unstoppable force and an irresistible influence.
Will Mancini |
Scripture reveals a God who expects a return on investment. But experience shows that too many leaders are satisfied with input results only.
Will Mancini |
Every leader needs to etch some things in granite (never-change core) and write some things in sand (must -change methods).
Will Mancini |
This simple instance illustrates a silent epidemic at work all around us. The reality is that most people don 't think; they only rearrange their prejudices. Real thinking can be disruptive to the status quo and requires a great deal of courage.
Will Mancini |