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9a9fcbb My voice was jus' a duck fart in a hurrycane. David Mitchell
dc8ae39 Orito banishes all thoughts of Jacob de Zoet, and recalls Jacob de Zoet. longing love David Mitchell
fa608ee A society where you're not allowed to blow your own trumpet is so much more nuanced, sophisticated and interesting than the grim world of literalism that's being ushered in. David Mitchell
a78884f Let me write about an Icelandic road trip; a running man; backflashes galore; and slowly disclose what it is he's running from. Bring him to Asbyrgi; mention how the ravine was formed by a slammed-down hoof of Odin's horse. Mention how it's the Parliament of the Hidden Folk. Have him stare at the rock faces until the rock's faces stare back. Breathe deep the resinous tang of the spruces. Let him meet a ghost from his past. Hear the bird, lu.. David Mitchell
88f627f Oh, aging is ruddy unbearable! The I's we were yearn to breathe the world's air again, but can they ever break out from these calcified cocoons? David Mitchell
d80a57a Old Rekohu's claim to singularity, however, lay in its unique pacific creed. Since time immemorial, the Moriori's priestly caste dictated that whosoever spilt a man's blood killed his own mana - his honor, his worth, his standing & his soul. No Moriori would shelter, feed, converse with, or even see the persona non grata. If the ostracized murderer survived his first winter, the desperation of solitude usually drove him to a blowhole on Cap.. peace utopia war David Mitchell
2c12226 True, I only properly started talking with Todd half an hour ago, but every instance of undying love was only half an hour young, once upon a time. David Mitchell
8c3108a I shall pledge myself to the Abolitionist cause, because I owe my life to a self-freed slave & because I must begin somewhere. ocean slavery David Mitchell
2d0e5a1 One can spot a fellow musician in any context, even amongst policemen. The craziest-eyed, unruliest-haired one, either hungry-skinny or jovial-portly. David Mitchell
abb83ed If ever a place had a karma of damnation, it's Rottnest. And all those slick galleries selling Aboriginal art were eroding away my will to live. It's as if Germans built a Jewish food hall over Buchenwald. australia rottnest-island David Mitchell
939d809 After my modest victory I played patience (the card game, not the virtue, never that) in the lounge, something I had not done since my ill-starred Tintagel honeymoon with Madame X. David Mitchell
785f61a But thought has no eyelids to close or ears to block... David Mitchell
f86573f Pain is strong, aye - but friends' eyes, more strong." -Autua" David Mitchell
78cf0ea where there's Hilo, oh, there's blissweed. David Mitchell
a9828a4 Cruelty has never made me smile. David Mitchell
b11beef Because her laughter spurts through a blowhole in the top of her head and sprays all over the morning. David Mitchell
196e8a7 She has four sons," Nurse Purvis leads me on, "all with a London post code, but they never visit. You'd think old age was a criminal offense, not a destination we're all heading to." I consider airing my theory that our culture's coping strategy towards death is to bury it under consumerism and Sansara, that the Riverside Villas of the world are screens that enable this self-deception, and that the elderly are guilty: guilty of proving to u.. David Mitchell
986795e If poor doomed Olly's a Radio 4 play, what am I?"" "You, Hugo," she kisses my earlobe, "are a sordid, low-budget French film. The sort you'd stumble across on TV at night. You know you'll regret it in the morning, but you keep watching anyway." low-budget movie radio-4 tv David Mitchell
e0b4aca There is no God but the one we dream up. David Mitchell
aaa2271 Up the hill, sheep bleat, oblivious to human empires rising and falling. sheep David Mitchell
2775e2f Are you mad? Always a trickier question than it looks. David Mitchell
720ac3d Not a clue - and, no, I don't touch drugs. The world's unstable enough without scrambling your brain for kicks. drugs kicks unstable world David Mitchell
d438511 Look around. Walk. Find a cheap bed. Eat what the locals eat. Find a cheap beer. Try not to get fleeced. Talk. Pick up a few words in the local lingo. Just BE there, y'know? Sometimes," Brubeck bites into an apple, "Sometimes I want to be everywhere, all at once, so badly I could just...Do you ever get that feeling?" David Mitchell
b6decb3 No entiendo como no te diste cuenta de que se trataba de una idea descabellada. Todas las revoluciones son una idea descabellada hasta que suceden; entonces se convierten en realidades historicas inevitables. David Mitchell
b3d43ce Run across a field of daisies at warp speed but keep your eyes on the ground. It's ace. Pedaled stars and dandelion comets streak the green universe. David Mitchell
68db973 Hobbies are for pleasure, but rituals keep you going. pleasure rituals David Mitchell
aa03293 Cats seem too transdimensional to get hit by traffic, but it happens all the time. David Mitchell
352d721 Don't mess with the fairies. David Mitchell
3ad08e2 What if trying to avoid the future is what triggers it all? David Mitchell
f08a686 Photographs make me forget if time is forwards or backwards. No, photographs make me wonder if there is a forwards or backwards. David Mitchell
ef3bf14 The Future," says Ian, in a film-trailer voice. "Coming soon, to a Present near you." future present David Mitchell
1fb2065 Look at that! Life's more science-fictiony by the day. It's not just that you get old and your kids leave; it's that the world zooms away and leaves you hankering for whatever decade you felt most comfy in. David Mitchell
89c1dcc Don't worry, all is well. All is so perfectly, damnably well. David Mitchell
86bbeef Hello, tiny life-form of star compost, did you know that your lizardly life, too, is billiarded this way and that by quantum scissors, papers and stones? That your particles exist in a time-froth of little bridges and holes forever going back and around and under itself ? That the universe is the shape of a doughnut, and that if you had a powerful enough telescope you would see the tip of your tail? David Mitchell
fde9597 This is how to control entire populations--don't suppress news, but make it so dumb and dull that nobody has any interest in it. David Mitchell
fc5d3ab Empires die, like all of us dancers in the strobe-lit dark. dark empires light shadows David Mitchell
3fb8de2 With a story, as with a well-chosen gift, we're happiest when surprised by something we didn't know we wanted. David Mitchell
2695d90 Snow is bruised lilac in half light: such pure solace. David Mitchell
6f82f77 This society doesn't work without booze - our parties aren't good enough, our conversations aren't sufficiently interesting, nor is our self-confidence high enough to sustain our interactions without alcohol. It's everywhere, lubricating everything. social-interactions society David Mitchell
39a0ca6 Well, Hae-Joo probed, what did I do to relax? I play Go against my sony, I said. "To relax?" he responded, incredulous. "Who wins, you or the sony?" The sony, I answered, or how would I ever improve? So winners, Hae-Joo proposed, are the real losers because they learn nothing? What, then, are losers? Winners? I said, If losers can xploit what their adversaries teach them, yes, losers can become winners in the long term." David Mitchell
9825df7 The art teacher's scarlet book was called Story of the Eye by Georges Bataille. 'As the title suggests,' Mr Dunwoody saw the book'd caught my attention, 'it's about the history of opticians. What are you about? literature David Mitchell
572c6d7 A book can't be a half fantasy any more than a woman can be half pregnant. literary-criticism self-deprecating David Mitchell
5023f33 Obscurity is Japan's outermost defense. The country doesn't to be understood. David Mitchell
ee05013 When you write it, don't write it in the manner of a spooky story. Don't try to give an explanation. Just say that I don't know what to make of it, just write it like I tell it, so the reader can make up his own mind. interpretation magical-realism readers stories David Mitchell