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dcedfdb My scent's all over you. It's inside of you. That's how my people will know who your mate is. It's also a warning." "A warning?" she breathed, languor suffusing her body. "To other males. It tells them who will come after them with a dagger if they touch you." Okay, that shouldn't be erotic as hell. But it was." -- J.R. Ward
ee0a7c3 He looked her face over, loving the strong features and the short hair and the piercing forest green eyes. "I never would have asked you, you blow everything you have here away for me." "That's only one of the reasons I love you." "Will you tell me the others later?" "Maybe." She slipped her hand between his legs, shocking the shit out of him and making him gasp. "Might show you, too." He covered her mouth with his and pushed .. J.R. Ward
6ff0d1f He stood up, a giant of a man--er, male, his dark hair catching the dim light from the street lamps out in front of the condo. A wave of sadness came over her, and she closed her eyes. "Hey," he said, sitting down next to her. "None of that. We're not sad. You and me? We're not sad. We don't do sad." She laughed with a choking sound. "How did you know what I was feeling? Or do I look that pathetic?" He tapped his nose. "I can smell it. S.. J.R. Ward
4931e2d It was Zsadist. His eyes closed, his head back, his mouth wide open, he sang. The scarred one, the soulless one, had the voice of an angel. J.R. Ward
e94308a Of course I want you," she said right in his ear. "I love you." He let loose some kind of hoarse word, and his arms crushed her to him. As she found herself not being able to breathe because he was squeezing her so tight, she thought, Yup, this really was him. And he wasn't going to let her go this time. Thank. God. As he held Jane up off the ground, Vishous was wholly happy. Complete in a way that having all your fingers and toes couldn'.. J.R. Ward
7003d00 he was going to go to Jane's house and pull some romantic shit. He wasn't sure what, maybe like flowers or something. Well, flowers and him installing that security system. 'Cause nothing said lovin' like a shitload of motion detectors. God, J.R. Ward
7bb2e60 V?" Vishous raised his stare. "Yeah?" "I think you should know, after all this deep conversatin'..." Butch shook his head gravely. "We still ain't dating." The two of them busted out laughing," J.R. Ward
9800bc3 My buddy's just being an ass. It's his life's work." "Everyone needs a purpose." J.R. Ward
e2375ae Sometimes, pretending to be normal was the very best antidote to weirdness. Fake-it-until-you-make-it was more than psychobabble bullshit. J.R. Ward
4b29466 Don't disappointment me, son." Yeah, fuck you, daddy. O" J.R. Ward
fe4b97e Oh, that's right. You got your happily ever after, so you're too good for us sluts. J.R. Ward
04f5dad He was well aware of when she fell asleep--her breathing changed and her leg twitched from time to time. He wondered if she was kicking him in the ass in her dreams. J.R. Ward
fa5d109 She closed her eyes so she couldn't see him, so she could pretend it was some other male, any other male. The distance and insulation that lie offered seemed crucial. Except her body knew it was him. And oh, God... did her soul. J.R. Ward
c84512b In order to move forward, you had to let the past go--and sometimes that meant mental shifts that happened on the inside...whereas with others, it was about things in the physical world. J.R. Ward
a26ada1 The blush that hit Blay's face was a criminal turn-on-- J.R. Ward
44cf356 Brace yourself, Effie. J.R. Ward
90f4269 Beth turned back around. "Selena, you always look lovely, but we have some contemporary clothes for you to consider, ones that are maybe a little more--" "You'll look like something other than a window drape." Xhex rolled her eyes. "I know, I know, I'll shut up from now on. But it's the truth." J.R. Ward
abe0671 So what do you say. And this is not about sex." "Good. Because I'm walking with a cane and I feel about as sexy as a toaster oven." "Okay, quick side note on that. Toaster ovens are hot. I mean, that's their purpose. That's how you warm up pizza and how Hot Pockets get their name. Without toaster ovens, they'd be Room Temperature Pockets, and who needs that." Novo started laughing. "You're a freak." J.R. Ward
53c655b The thing was, when you were young, and you went to your parents for support, nine times out of ten, they could fix whatever was wrong. They could glue the broken rudder back on your sailboat. Throw a Band-Aid on a cut. Feed you when you were hungry, put you to bed when you were exhausted, hang out with you when you were alone. They could help you find what was lost, make the storms go away, buy you an ice cream when someone was mean to you.. J.R. Ward
e71b689 it was finally, after all these years... Blay. J.R. Ward
056b016 The thing was, when you served another, when you lived a role determined by someone else ... you could not go back to that constriction once you found out who you truly were. J.R. Ward
d4b2ffb We are, like fine bourbon, a different product at the end--and there is a sacrifice involved: We are made of the same core elements we were at first constructed of, but we are never the same afterward. We are permanently altered. If we are lucky and we are smart and we are freed at the right time, we are improved. If we aged too long, we are ruined forever. Timing, like fate, is everything. J.R. Ward
4aef056 When you are poor, all you have are the people in your life. Who they are and who they are to you? That is the wealth you have in the world. That is the wealth you pass down to the next generation. J.R. Ward
e87738c How he roomed with the fucker was inexplicable. J.R. Ward
82dbe4b Rehv stared up into his mother's eyes and never loved her more. He nodded once. "Look upon mine face and be assured, I so swear it. Bella and her issue shall never know. The past shall die with thee and me." His mother's shoulders eased under her dressing gown, and her shuddering sigh spoke loudly of her relief. "You are the son other mothers may only wish for." "How can that possibly be true," he said softly. "How can it not." J.R. Ward
a2f36ac In this state, the club was The Wizard of Oz made obvious: All the magic that went on here night after night, all the buzz and excitement, was really just a combination of electronics, booze, and chemicals, an illusion for the people who walked through the front doors, a fantasy that allowed them to be whatever they weren't in their day-to-day lives. Maybe they jonesed to be powerful because they felt weak, or sexual because they felt ugly,.. J.R. Ward
c665646 We're in this together, people, three fathers and one mom, two kids. Bam! J.R. Ward
7aa12ca Do you still want to be friends with me? Even though I'm gay. J.R. Ward
3128657 Blay's laugh flared and stopped short, as if his throat got tight. "Yeah. Go fig. Me in love with Qhuinn...a guy who, when he's not moody, is a slut and smart-ass. Except you want to know what the most fucked-up thing is, though?" Qhuinn tensed as John nodded. Blay glanced down at his duffel. "He's right." J.R. Ward
ee91c97 The trouble was, he realized with dread, when your heart finally stopped beating in your chest, everything that you wished you'd said but hadn't, all the missing pieces of yourself that you had yet to give, all the failures you had stuffed under the rug in the guise of life being so very busy . . . that stopped, too. The mid-stride step, never to be completed, was the worst regret anyone could have. J.R. Ward
066f07b Fine, yeah, sure, take as many fucking veins as you want. But whether you turn yourself into Frank Langella or not, I'm only clearing you when I'm good and goddamn ready. J.R. Ward
c7f4ebe Far better to be uninterested than unfulfilled. One is a relief. The other an emptiness with heavy weight. J.R. Ward
f0e416e Good. Because I'm walking with a cane and I feel about as sexy as a toaster oven. J.R. Ward
8d179fc fury in my blood J.R. Ward
e0e07ce So you were talking about murdering Wrath?" Montrag sputtered, Earl Grey dappling the front of his bloodred smoking jacket and hitting Daddy's peachy-keen rug." J.R. Ward
5adb39f As they stood together, united against the winter wind, the darkness in his body was pierced by a warm glow. Her love was the light in his blindness. The feel of her was the heaven he didn't need to see to know. And if she had this much faith in him, she was his courage and his purpose, too. J.R. Ward
b987d84 Sometimes, nothing made you feel older and more worn out than the happiness of others. J.R. Ward
9e53e63 Xhex hadn't been, and it hadn't just cost Murhder his mind. And Rehv was still paying for her mistakes. She thought of John Matthew and wished like hell she hadn't fucked him. Murhder had been a casual thing for her. John Matthew? Going by the ache in the center of her chest every time she thought of him, she suspected he was a lot more than that--which was why she was trying to lock out of her mind what had happened between them back at he.. J.R. Ward
b24378d Life didn't have to be perfect . . . for true love to exist in it. J.R. Ward
8611a7d The stress and suffering were unimaginable, and in the back of her mind, she recognized that however much she had assumed she'd sympathized with her patients' families before, had known what they were going through, could put herself in their shoes...all that had been bullshit. Until you walked this path and tried to measure the sliding scale of Hell, you had no clue what it was like. The brain compulsively read into every small piece of da.. J.R. Ward
4c96aa8 She felt sorry for the female who had been driven to such traits. Who had kept herself apart from all emotions. The female had been born under a curse. The female had done evil and had evil done unto her. The female hardened herself, her mind and her emotions becoming steel. The female had been wrong about that locking down, that self containment. It was not a case of strength, as she always told herself. It was strictly survival... J.R. Ward
bc80ae1 The outcome was moral even if the method was not. And sometimes that was the best you could do. J.R. Ward
275ef2b the decorators could have chosen a different color than gray. Sure, that was the hue of the decade, but with the layoffs and the one-foot-in-the-grave-other-on-a-banana-peel vibe, being surrounded by carpeting the color of asphalt, cubicles done in old porridge, and walls that matched a corpse left in the cold was only adding to the depression. J.R. Ward
e1d5d1a Like right now? She was castrating him, throwing his balls down the disposal in the sink and hitting the switch J.R. Ward