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I Es KJVA 2:30  Then king Artexerxes his letters being read, Rathumus, and Semellius the scribe, and the rest that were in commission with them, removing in haste toward Jerusalem with a troop of horsemen and a multitude of people in battle array, began to hinder the builders; and the building of the temple in Jerusalem ceased until the second year of the reign of Darius king of the Persians.
I Es Vulgate 2:30  tunc recitatis his quae a rege Artaxerse scripta fuerant, Rathimus et Sabellius scriba et qui cum his constituti erant iungentes festinanter venerunt in Hierusalem cum equitatu et turba et agmine,
I Es CopSahBi 2:30  null
I Es Wycliffe 2:30  Thanne aftir thes thingis weren rehersid, that weren writen of Artaxerses, the kyng, Rathinus, and Sabellius, the scribe, and thei that weren with hem ordeyned, ioynynge, hyingly camen in to Jerusalem, with horse men, and peple, and with cumpanye;
I Es RusSynod 2:30  По прочтении написанного от царя Артаксеркса, Рафим и Самеллий писец и согласившиеся с ними поспешно отправились в Иерусалим с конницею и ополчением народа
I Es CSlEliza 2:30  Тогда прочетше от царя Артаксеркса написанная Рафим и Самеллий писец и с ними соучиненнии, впрягше потщанно приидоша во Иерусалим с конники и народным ополчением,
I Es DutSVVA 2:30  [2:31] En begonnen degenen, die daar bouwden, te verhinderen. Zo stond de bouw des tempels te Jeruzalem stil, tot het tweede jaar van het koninkrijk van Darius, de koning van Perzië.