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I Es KJVA 9:55  Because they understood the words wherein they were instructed, and for the which they had been assembled.
I Es Vulgate 9:55  et abierunt omnes manducare et bibere et epulari et dare munera his qui non habent ut epulentur. magnifice enim sunt exaltati verbis quibus edocti sunt.
I Es CopSahBi 9:55  null
I Es Wycliffe 9:55  And thanne alle thei wenten awey, to ete, and to drynke, and to haue plentee of mete, and to yiue yiftis to hem that han not, wheroff to ete plenteuously. Gretly forsothe thei ben enhaunsid in the wordis, with the whiche thei ben tauyt.
I Es RusSynod 9:55  ибо они проникнуты были словами, которым поучаемы были в собрании.
I Es CSlEliza 9:55  еще бо содержаша словеса, имже научишася, и собрашася.
I Es LXX 9:55  ὅτι καὶ ἐνεφυσιώθησαν ἐν τοῖς ῥήμασιν οἷς ἐδιδάχθησαν καὶ ἐπισυνήχθησαν
I Es DutSVVA 9:55  [9:56] Dewijl zij waren onderricht in het woord, dat hun geleerd was, en waartoe zij vergaderd waren.
I Es FreLXX 9:55  parce qu’ils avaient aussi été inspirés par les paroles qui leur avaient été enseignées. Et ils se rassemblèrent.