I Ma
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And Judas said to Simon his brother: “Choose men for yourself, and go, and free your brothers in Galilee. But I and my brother Jonathan, will go into the country of Gilead.”
I Ma
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And Judas said to Simon, his brother: Choose thee men, and go, and deliver thy brethren in Galilee: and I, and my brother Jonathan, will go into the country of Galaad:
I Ma
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Then said Judas unto Simon his brother, Choose thee out men, and go and deliver thy brethren that are in Galilee, for I and Jonathan my brother will go into the country of Galaad.
I Ma
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Dixitque Iudas Simoni fratri suo: Elige tibi viros, et vade, et libera fratres tuos in Galilaea: ego autem, et frater meus Ionathas ibimus in Galaaditim.
I Ma
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Dixitque Iudas Simoni fratri suo: Elige tibi viros, et vade, et libera fratres tuos in Galilæa: ego autem, et frater meus Ionathas ibimus in Galaaditim.
I Ma
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dixitque Iudas Simoni fratri suo elige tibi viros et vade et libera fratres tuos in Galilea ego enim et frater meus Ionathas ibimus in Galaditin
I Ma
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Dixitque Iudas Simoni fratri suo: Elige tibi viros, et vade, et libera fratres tuos in Galilæa: ego autem, et frater meus Ionathas ibimus in Galaaditim.
I Ma
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Dixitque Judas Simoni fratri suo : Elige tibi viros, et vade, et libera fratres tuos in Galilæa : ego autem et frater meus Jonathas ibimus in Galaaditim.