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II C RWebster 31:19  Also of the sons of Aaron the priests, who were in the fields of the common lands of their cities, in every single city, the men that were mentioned by name, to give portions to all the males among the priests, and to all that were reckoned by genealogies among the Levites.
II C NHEBJE 31:19  Also for the sons of Aaron the priests, who were in the fields of the suburbs of their cities, in every city, there were men who were mentioned by name, to give portions to all the males among the priests, and to all who were reckoned by genealogy among the Levites.
II C ABP 31:19  and to the sons of Aaron, to the ones officiating as priests in the country areas, and in their cities, in every city, and a city where men who were named by name to give a portion to every male among the priests, and to every one being counted among the Levites.
II C NHEBME 31:19  Also for the sons of Aaron the priests, who were in the fields of the suburbs of their cities, in every city, there were men who were mentioned by name, to give portions to all the males among the priests, and to all who were reckoned by genealogy among the Levites.
II C Rotherha 31:19  also unto the sons of Aaron the priests in the fields of the pasture land of their cities, in every several city, men who were expressed by name,—to give portions to every male among the priests, and to all registered among the Levites.
II C LEB 31:19  And for the descendants of Aaron, the priests, who were in the fields of the pasturelands of their cities, ⌞in each and every one of their cities⌟ were men who were designated by name to give shares to every male among the priests and to everyone enrolled among the Levites.
II C RNKJV 31:19  Also of the sons of Aaron the priests, which were in the fields of the suburbs of their cities, in every several city, the men that were expressed by name, to give portions to all the males among the priests, and to all that were reckoned by genealogies among the Levites.
II C Jubilee2 31:19  Likewise, to the sons of Aaron, the priests, [who were] in the fields of the suburbs of their cities, in all the cities, the men that were expressed by name, gave portions to all the males among the priests and to all the lineage of the Levites.
II C Webster 31:19  Also of the sons of Aaron the priests, [who were] in the fields of the suburbs of their cities, in every several city, the men that were expressed by name, to give portions to all the males among the priests, and to all that were reckoned by genealogies among the Levites.
II C Darby 31:19  And for the sons of Aaron the priests who were in the country, in the suburbs of their cities, there were, in every several city, men expressed by name, to give portions to all the males among the priests, and to all the Levites that were entered in the register.
II C ASV 31:19  Also for the sons of Aaron the priests, that were in the fields of the suburbs of their cities, in every city, there were men that were mentioned by name, to give portions to all the males among the priests, and to all that were reckoned by genealogy among the Levites.
II C LITV 31:19  And to the sons of Aaron, the priests, in the fields of the suburbs of their cities in every separate city, were men who were called by name to give portions to every male among the priests, and to all enrolled genealogically among the Levites.
II C Geneva15 31:19  Also to the sonnes of Aaron, the Priestes, which were in the fieldes and suburbes of their cities, in euery citie the men that were appointed by names, shoulde giue portions to all the males of the Priestes, and to all the generation of the Leuites.
II C CPDV 31:19  Then too, men were appointed of the sons of Aaron, throughout the fields and the suburbs of each city, who would distribute portions to all the males among the priests and Levites.
II C BBE 31:19  And as for the sons of Aaron, the priests, living in the country on the outskirts of their towns, every different town there were men, marked out by name, to give their part of the goods to all the males among the priests, and to all who were listed among the Levites.
II C DRC 31:19  Also of the sons of Aaron who were in the fields and in the suburbs of each city, there were men appointed, to distribute portions to all the males, among the priests and the Levites.
II C GodsWord 31:19  Men were appointed to give a portion of the offerings to all the males in the priestly families and to everyone listed in the genealogies of the Levites. These men were Aaron's descendants, priests who lived in the pasturelands of every Levite city.
II C JPS 31:19  also for the sons of Aaron the priests, that were in the fields of the open land about their cities, in every city, there were men that were mentioned by name, to give portions to all the males among the priests, and to all that were reckoned by genealogy among the Levites.
II C KJVPCE 31:19  Also of the sons of Aaron the priests, which were in the fields of the suburbs of their cities, in every several city, the men that were expressed by name, to give portions to all the males among the priests, and to all that were reckoned by genealogies among the Levites.
II C NETfree 31:19  As for the descendants of Aaron, the priests who lived in the outskirts of all their cities, men were assigned to disburse portions to every male among the priests and to every Levite listed in the genealogical records.
II C AB 31:19  As for the sons of Aaron that executed the priests' office-even those from their cities, the men in each several city who were named expressly-were appointed to give a portion to every male among the priests, and to everyone reckoned among the Levites.
II C AFV2020 31:19  And to the sons of Aaron, the priests, in the fields of the open lands of their cities, in each separate city were those who were named by name to give portions to all the males among the priests and to all who were counted by genealogies among the Levites.
II C NHEB 31:19  Also for the sons of Aaron the priests, who were in the fields of the suburbs of their cities, in every city, there were men who were mentioned by name, to give portions to all the males among the priests, and to all who were reckoned by genealogy among the Levites.
II C NETtext 31:19  As for the descendants of Aaron, the priests who lived in the outskirts of all their cities, men were assigned to disburse portions to every male among the priests and to every Levite listed in the genealogical records.
II C UKJV 31:19  Also of the sons of Aaron the priests, which were in the fields of the suburbs of their cities, in every several city, the men that were expressed by name, to give portions to all the males among the priests, and to all that were reckoned by genealogies among the Levites.
II C KJV 31:19  Also of the sons of Aaron the priests, which were in the fields of the suburbs of their cities, in every several city, the men that were expressed by name, to give portions to all the males among the priests, and to all that were reckoned by genealogies among the Levites.
II C KJVA 31:19  Also of the sons of Aaron the priests, which were in the fields of the suburbs of their cities, in every several city, the men that were expressed by name, to give portions to all the males among the priests, and to all that were reckoned by genealogies among the Levites.
II C AKJV 31:19  Also of the sons of Aaron the priests, which were in the fields of the suburbs of their cities, in every several city, the men that were expressed by name, to give portions to all the males among the priests, and to all that were reckoned by genealogies among the Levites.
II C RLT 31:19  Also of the sons of Aaron the priests, which were in the fields of the suburbs of their cities, in every several city, the men that were expressed by name, to give portions to all the males among the priests, and to all that were reckoned by genealogies among the Levites.
II C MKJV 31:19  And to the sons of Aaron, the priests, in the fields of the open lands of their cities, in each separate city were the men who were named by name, to give shares to all the males among the priests, and to all who were counted by genealogies among the Levites.
II C YLT 31:19  And to sons of Aaron, the priests, in the fields of the suburb of their cities, in every city and city, are men who have been defined by name, to give portions to every male among the priests, and to every one who reckoned himself by genealogy among the Levites.
II C ACV 31:19  Also for the sons of Aaron the priests, who were in the fields of the suburbs of their cities, in every city, there were men who were mentioned by name, to give portions to all the males among the priests, and to all who were reckoned by genealogy among the Levites.
II C VulgSist 31:19  Sed et filiorum Aaron per agros, et suburbana urbium singularum dispositi erant viri, qui partes distribuerent universo sexui masculino de Sacerdotibus, et Levitis.
II C VulgCont 31:19  Sed et filiorum Aaron per agros, et suburbana urbium singularum dispositi erant viri, qui partes distribuerent universo sexui masculino de Sacerdotibus, et Levitis.
II C Vulgate 31:19  sed et filiorum Aaron per agros et suburbana urbium singularum dispositi erant viri qui partes distribuerent universo sexui masculino de sacerdotibus et Levitis
II C VulgHetz 31:19  Sed et filiorum Aaron per agros, et suburbana urbium singularum dispositi erant viri, qui partes distribuerent universo sexui masculino de Sacerdotibus, et Levitis.
II C VulgClem 31:19  Sed et filiorum Aaron per agros, et suburbana urbium singularum, dispositi erant viri, qui partes distribuerent universo sexui masculino de sacerdotibus et Levitis.
II C CzeBKR 31:19  Synům také Aronovým kněžím v předměstích měst jejich po všech městech ti muži, kteříž zejména zaznamenáni jsou, dávali díly každému pohlaví mužského z kněží i každému z rodiny Levítů.
II C CzeB21 31:19  Výše uvedení muži v každém městě rozdělovali příděly kněžím ze synů Áronových, žijícím na obecní půdě na předměstích. Přidělovali je každému knězi mužského pohlaví a každému levitovi, uvedenému na jejich rodovém seznamu.
II C CzeCEP 31:19  Kněží Áronovci, žijící z polí a pastvin svých měst, měli v každém městě jménem uvedené muže, kteří vydávali podíly každému z kněží a každému z lévijců, kdo byl v seznamu.
II C CzeCSP 31:19  Synům Áronovým, kněžím, žijícím na polích pastvin jejich měst, pro každé jednotlivé město byli jmenovitě určeni muži, aby dávali podíly všem mužského pohlaví mezi kněžími a všem, kdo byli zapsáni mezi lévijci do rodokmenů.
II C PorBLivr 31:19  Do mesmo modo em ordem aos filhos de Arão, sacerdotes, que estavam nos campos de suas cidades, por todas as cidades, os homens nomeados tinham cargo de dar suas porções a todos os homens dos sacerdotes, e a toda a linhagem dos levitas.
II C Mg1865 31:19  Ary ho an’ ny mpisorona, taranak’ i Arona, koa, izay tany amin’ ny tany manodidina ny tanànany, dia nisy olona voatonona anarana tamin’ ny isan-tanàna hanome anjara ny lehilahy rehetra amin’ ny mpisorona sy ny Levita rehetra voasoratra.
II C FinPR 31:19  Aaronin pojilla, papeilla, jotka asuivat kaupunkiensa laidunmailla, oli joka kaupungissa nimeltä mainitut miehet, joiden oli suoritettava osuudet kaikille miehenpuolille pappien joukossa ja kaikille sukuluetteloihin merkityille leeviläisille.
II C FinRK 31:19  Niitä Aaronin jälkeläisiä, pappeja varten, jotka asuivat laidunmailla kaupunkiensa ulkopuolella, oli kussakin kaupungissa nimeltä mainitut miehet, joiden tehtävänä oli suorittaa osuudet kaikille pappisperheiden miespuolisille jäsenille, samoin kaikille sukuluetteloihin merkityille leeviläisille.
II C ChiSB 31:19  至於那住在各城郊外作司祭的亞郎子孫,在各城內有指定的人,給司祭中的男子及登記的肋未人,發放應得的一份。
II C ChiUns 31:19  按名派定的人要把应得的分给亚伦子孙,住在各城郊野、祭司所有的男丁和一切载入家谱的利未人。
II C BulVeren 31:19  А за синовете на Аарон, свещениците, които живееха в полетата на землищата на градовете си, във всеки град имаше мъже, определени по име, да раздават дялове на всичките мъже между свещениците, и на всичките записани в родословието между левитите.
II C AraSVD 31:19  وَمِنْ بَنِي هَارُونَ ٱلْكَهَنَةِ فِي حُقُولِ مَسَارِحِ مُدُنِهِمْ فِي كُلِّ مَدِينَةٍ فَمَدِينَةٍ، ٱلرِّجَالُ ٱلْمُعَيَّنَةُ أَسْمَاؤُهُمْ لِإِعْطَاءِ حِصَصٍ لِكُلِّ ذَكَرٍ مِنَ ٱلْكَهَنَةِ وَلِكُلِّ مَنِ ٱنْتَسَبَ مِنَ ٱللَّاوِيِّينَ.
II C Esperant 31:19  Kaj por la Aaronidoj, la pastroj, sur la antaŭurbaj kampoj de iliaj urboj, de ĉiu urbo, la nomitaj viroj estis destinitaj, por doni partojn al ĉiu virseksulo inter la pastroj kaj al ĉiu registrito inter la Levidoj.
II C ThaiKJV 31:19  สำหรับลูกหลานของอาโรนคือพวกปุโรหิต ผู้อยู่ในทุ่งนารวมรอบหัวเมืองของเขานั้น มีผู้ชายในหัวเมืองต่างๆ ผู้ถูกระบุชื่อให้แจกจ่ายส่วนแบ่งแก่ผู้ชายทุกคนในพวกปุโรหิต และทุกคนในพวกคนเลวีผู้ซึ่งได้ขึ้นทะเบียนไว้
II C OSHB 31:19  וְלִבְנֵי֩ אַהֲרֹ֨ן הַכֹּהֲנִ֜ים בִּשְׂדֵ֨י מִגְרַ֤שׁ עָרֵיהֶם֙ בְּכָל־עִ֣יר וָעִ֔יר אֲנָשִׁ֕ים אֲשֶׁ֥ר נִקְּב֖וּ בְּשֵׁמ֑וֹת לָתֵ֣ת מָנ֗וֹת לְכָל־זָכָר֙ בַּכֹּ֣הֲנִ֔ים וּלְכָל־הִתְיַחֵ֖שׂ בַּלְוִיִּֽם׃
II C BurJudso 31:19  ထိုအတူ၊ အထက်ဆိုခဲ့ပြီးသော သူတို့သည် ယဇ်ပုရောဟိတ်၊ လေဝိသားနေစရာဘို့ ခွဲထားသော မြို့နယ်တို့၌ နေသောအာရုန်သား ယဇ်ပုရောဟိတ် ယောက်ျား၊ စာရင်းဝင်သော လေဝိသားအပေါင်းတို့အား လည်း ပေးဝေရကြ၏။
II C FarTPV 31:19  برای بازماندگان هارون، کاهنانی که در کشتزارهای اشتراکی در شهرهای خود بودند، کسانی برگزیده شدند تا سهم کاهنان و لاویانی را که ثبت نام شده بودند، به ایشان بدهند.
II C UrduGeoR 31:19  Jo imām shahroṅ se bāhar un charāgāhoṅ meṅ rahte the jo unheṅ Hārūn kī aulād kī haisiyat se milī thīṅ unheṅ bhī hissā miltā thā. Har shahr ke lie ādmī chune gae jo imāmoṅ ke ḳhāndānoṅ ke mardoṅ aur fahrist meṅ darj tamām Lāwiyoṅ ko wuh hissā diyā kareṅ jo un kā haq thā.
II C SweFolk 31:19  För dem av Arons söner, prästerna, som bodde på utmarkerna till sina städer, fanns i var särskild stad namngivna män tillsatta som skulle dela ut till alla av mankön bland prästerna och till alla de leviter som var upptecknade i släktregistret vad de hade rätt till.
II C GerSch 31:19  Und für die Söhne Aarons, die Priester, die in den zu ihren Städten gehörenden Ländereien wohnten, hatte es in jeder Stadt mit Namen bezeichnete Leute, welche die Austeilung an die männlichen Glieder der Priesterfamilien und an alle, die in die levitischen Geschlechtsregister eingetragen waren, zu besorgen hatten.
II C TagAngBi 31:19  Gayon din sa mga anak ni Aaron na mga saserdote, na nangasa bukiran ng mga nayon ng kanilang mga bayan, sa bawa't iba't ibang bayan, may mga lalake na nasaysay sa pangalan, upang magbigay ng mga pagkain sa lahat na lalake na saserdote, at sa lahat na nangabilang ayon sa talaan ng lahi ng mga Levita.
II C FinSTLK2 31:19  Aaronin pojilla, papeilla, jotka asuivat kaupunkiensa laidunmailla, oli joka kaupungissa nimeltä mainitut miehet, joiden oli suoritettava osuudet kaikille miespuolisille pappien joukossa ja kaikille sukuluetteloihin merkityille leeviläisille.
II C Dari 31:19  برای پسران هارون، یعنی کاهنانی که در اطراف شهرها زندگی می کردند، یکی از کاهنان مقرر شده بود تا آذوقه و دیگر مایحتیاج هر مرد شان را که در نسب نامۀ لاویان شامل بود، فراهم کند.
II C SomKQA 31:19  Oo weliba wadaaddadii ahaa farcanka Haaruun oo joogay beeraha magaalooyinkooda agagaarkoodii, magaalo kasta waxaa ugu jiray niman loo magacaabay inay qayb siiyaan wadaaddada inta lab ku jira oo dhan iyo kuwii reer Laawi oo abtiriskooda lagu tiriyey oo dhan.
II C NorSMB 31:19  For bymarkarne åt Arons-sønerne, prestarne, var det nokre namngjevne menner i kvar by som skifte til kvar karmann millom prestarne og deim utav levitarne som var upptekne i listorne, det som dei hadde rett til.
II C Alb 31:19  Edhe për priftërinjtë, bijtë e Aaronit, që banonin në fshat, në zonat rreth qyteteve, kishte në çdo qytet njerëz të caktuar me emër për të ndarë racionet çdo mashkulli midis priftërinjve dhe tërë Levitëve të regjistruar në gjenealogjitë.
II C KorHKJV 31:19  또 자기들의 도시들의 주변 지역의 들에 있던, 아론의 아들들인 제사장들에게는 모든 도시에서 이름이 명시된 사람들이 제사장들 가운데 모든 남자와 레위 사람들 중에서 계보대로 계수된 모든 자에게 몫을 주었더라.
II C SrKDIjek 31:19  И синовима Ароновијем свештеницима у подграђима градова њиховијех, по свијем градовима, људи именовани даваху дијелове свакоме мушкарцу између свештеника и свакому рода Левитскога.
II C Wycliffe 31:19  But also men of the sones of Aaron weren ordeyned bi the feeldis and subarbis of alle citees, whyche men schulden dele partis to al the male kynde of preestis and dekenes.
II C Mal1910 31:19  പുരോഹിതന്മാരുടെ സകലപുരുഷപ്രജെക്കും ലേവ്യരിൽ വംശാവലിയായി ചാൎത്തപ്പെട്ട എല്ലാവൎക്കും ഓഹരികൊടുക്കേണ്ടതിന്നു അവരുടെ പട്ടണങ്ങളുടെ പുല്പുറപ്രദേശങ്ങളിലെ അഹരോന്യരായ പുരോഹിതന്മാൎക്കും ഓരോ പട്ടണത്തിൽ പേർവിവരം പറഞ്ഞിരുന്ന പുരുഷന്മാരുണ്ടായിരുന്നു.
II C KorRV 31:19  각 성읍에서 녹명된 사람이 있어 성읍 가까운 들에 거한 아론 자손 제사장들에게도 나눠 주되 제사장들의 모든 남자와 족보에 기록된 레위 사람들에게 나눠 주었더라
II C Azeri 31:19  اؤز شهرلرئنئن اطراف چؤللرئنده ياشايان هارون نسلئندن کاهئنلر. هر شهرده آدلاري چکئلَن آداملار قويولموشدو کي، کاهئنلر آراسينداکي بوتون کئشئلره و لاوئلی‌لر آراسيندا نسئل شجره‌لرئنده يازيلانلارين هاميسينا پاي ورسئنلر.
II C SweKarlX 31:19  Voro också män vid namn nämnde ibland Aarons barn, Presterna uppå förstädernes mark, i alla städer, att de skulle del gifva alla manspersoner ibland Presterna, och allom dem som ibland Leviterna räknade vordo.
II C KLV 31:19  je vaD the puqloDpu' vo' Aaron the lalDan vumwI'pu', 'Iv were Daq the fields vo' the suburbs vo' chaj vengmey, Daq Hoch veng, pa' were loDpu' 'Iv were mentioned Sum pong, Daq nob portions Daq Hoch the males among the lalDan vumwI'pu', je Daq Hoch 'Iv were reckoned Sum genealogy among the Levites.
II C ItaDio 31:19  Parimente, quant’è a’ sacerdoti, figliuoli d’Aaronne, che stavano ne’ campi de’ contadi delle lor città, in ciascuna città v’erano degli uomini deputati per nome, per dar le porzioni a tutti i maschi d’infra i sacerdoti; ed in somma a chiunque d’infra i Leviti era annoverato per le lor genealogie.
II C RusSynod 31:19  И для сынов Аароновых, священников в селениях вокруг городов их, при каждом городе поставлены были мужи поименованные, чтобы раздавать участки всем мужеского пола у священников и всем внесенным в список у левитов.
II C CSlEliza 31:19  И сыновом Аароним священствующым в селех, и иже от градов их во всяцем граде и граде, мужие иже именовани суть по имени, даяти часть всякому мужеску полу во священницех и всякому сочисляемому в левитех.
II C ABPGRK 31:19  και τοις υιοίς Ααρών τοις ιερατεύουσιν εν τοις αγροίς και εν ταις πόλεσιν αυτών εν πάση πόλει και πόλει άνδρες οι ωνομάσθησαν εν ονόματι δούναι μερίδα παντί αρσενικώ εν τοις ιερεύσι και παντί καταριθμουμένω εν τοις Λευίταις
II C FreBBB 31:19  Et pour les fils d'Aaron, les sacrificateurs qui demeuraient à la campagne, dans les banlieues de leurs villes, il y avait dans chaque ville des hommes désignés par leurs noms pour donner des portions à tous les mâles des sacrificateurs et à tous les Lévites enregistrés.
II C LinVB 31:19  Baponoki mpe bato o mboka yoko yoko ya ekolo mpo ’te bapesa biloko bya kolia na banganga Nzambe, bana ba Arone, baye bafa­ndi o bisobe pene na mboka, mpe na ba-Levi baye bakomami.
II C HunIMIT 31:19  Áron fiainak pedig, a papoknak, városaik közlegelőinek mezéjén, minden egyes városban, a név szerint följegyzett férfiaknak adtak illetményeket minden férfinak a papok közül, s minden a származás szerint följegyzettnek a leviták közül.
II C ChiUnL 31:19  亞倫子孫、居邑郊之祭司、在各邑有錄名者、以所應得、頒於祭司之諸男、及載於譜系之利未人、
II C VietNVB 31:19  Còn đối với những thầy tế lễ dòng dõi A-rôn ở nơi đồng ruộng phụ cận các thành của họ hay bất cứ thành nào khác, thì những người đặc trách trên cũng phân phát phần lễ vật cho mọi người nam trong số các thầy tế lễ và những người Lê-vi đã ghi tên vào gia phả.
II C LXX 31:19  τοῖς υἱοῖς Ααρων τοῖς ἱερατεύουσιν καὶ οἱ ἀπὸ τῶν πόλεων αὐτῶν ἐν πάσῃ πόλει καὶ πόλει ἄνδρες οἳ ὠνομάσθησαν ἐν ὀνόματι δοῦναι μερίδα παντὶ ἀρσενικῷ ἐν τοῖς ἱερεῦσιν καὶ παντὶ καταριθμουμένῳ ἐν τοῖς Λευίταις
II C CebPinad 31:19  Tungod usab sa mga anak nga lalake ni Aaron nga mga sacerdote, nga dinha sa kaumahan sa mga dapit nga gawas sa ilang mga ciudad, sa tagsatagsa ka ciudad, may mga tawo nga gipanghinganlan sa ngalan, aron sa paghatag sa mga kinahanglanon sa tanang kalaken-an sa mga sacerdote, ug sa tanan nga gipangisip pinaagi sa kaagi sa kagikanan taliwala sa mga Levihanon.
II C RomCor 31:19  Şi pentru fiii lui Aaron, preoţii, care locuiau la ţară în împrejurimile cetăţilor lor, erau în fiecare cetate oameni numiţi anume ca să împartă părţile cuvenite tuturor celor de parte bărbătească din preoţi şi tuturor leviţilor înscrişi.
II C Pohnpeia 31:19  Samworo kan me kin kousoan nan kahnimw kan me kileldiong ni kadaudok en Aaron de mihmi nan sapwen kahnimw pwukat, iei irail ohl ekei me ahneki pwukoahn nehkpeseng kisin tungoal ong ohl koaros me peneineien samworo oh ong koaros me iang wadawadohng peneineien Lipai.
II C HunUj 31:19  Áron fiainak, a városaikhoz tartozó legelők vidékén lakó papoknak minden városban voltak név szerint kijelölt embereik, akik a papság férfi tagjainak és a származási jegyzékbe beírt minden lévitának kiosztották a rájuk eső részt.
II C GerZurch 31:19  Und für die Nachkommen Aarons, die Priester, waren im Landbezirk ihrer Städte, in jeder einzelnen Stadt, mit Namen bezeichnete Männer bestellt, um allen männlichen Angehörigen der Priester ihre Anteile zu liefern und ebenso allen in die Register eingetragenen Leviten.
II C PorAR 31:19  Também para os filhos de Arão os sacerdotes que estavam nos campos dos arrabaldes das suas cidades, em cada cidade, havia homens designados por nome para distribuírem porções a todo homem entre os sacerdotes e a todos os arrolados entre os levitas.
II C DutSVVA 31:19  Ook waren onder de kinderen van Aäron, de priesteren, op de velden der voorsteden hunner steden, in elke stad, mannen, die met namen uitgedrukt waren, om aan alle manspersonen onder de priesteren en aan allen, die in het geslachtsregister onder de Levieten gesteld waren, delen te geven.
II C FarOPV 31:19  و نیز برای پسران هارون کهنه که درزمینهای حوالی شهرهای خود ساکن بودند، کسان، شهر به شهر به نامهای خود معین شدند تابه همه ذکوران کهنه و به همه لاویانی که درنسب نامه‌ها شمرده شده بودند حصه‌ها بدهند.
II C Ndebele 31:19  Lemadodaneni kaAroni, abapristi, emasimini amadlelo emizi yabo, kuwo wonke umuzi ngomuzi, amadoda ayebizwe ngamabizo, ukunika izabelo kubo bonke abesilisa phakathi kwabapristi, labo bonke ababalwe ngezizukulwana phakathi kwamaLevi.
II C PorBLivr 31:19  Do mesmo modo em ordem aos filhos de Arão, sacerdotes, que estavam nos campos de suas cidades, por todas as cidades, os homens nomeados tinham cargo de dar suas porções a todos os homens dos sacerdotes, e a toda a linhagem dos levitas.
II C Norsk 31:19  For dem av Arons sønner, prestene, som bodde på løkkene omkring sine byer, var det i hver by nogen navngitte menn som skulde utdele til alt mannkjønn blandt prestene det som tilkom dem, og likeså til alle dem av levittene som var opskrevet i ættelistene.
II C SloChras 31:19  Tudi za sinove Aronove, duhovnike, po njivah v okraju njih mest, so bili v vsakem posameznem mestu postavljeni možje, po imenu določeni, da dajo vsakemu moškemu med duhovniki in vsakemu v rodopis zapisanemu levitu deleže.
II C Northern 31:19  öz şəhərlərinin ətraf çöllərində yaşayan Harun nəslindən kahinlər. Hər şəhərdə adları çəkilən adamlar qoyulmuşdu ki, kahinlər arasındakı bütün kişilərə və Levililər arasında nəsil şəcərələrində yazılanların hamısına pay versinlər.
II C GerElb19 31:19  Und für die Söhne Aarons, die Priester, auf den Feldern des Bezirks ihrer Städte, waren in jeder einzelnen Stadt Männer angestellt, die mit Namen angegeben waren, um jedem Männlichen unter den Priestern und jedem ins Geschlechtsverzeichnis Eingetragenen unter den Leviten Teile zu geben.
II C LvGluck8 31:19  Un Ārona bērniem, priesteriem, uz tīrumiem visu viņu pilsētu apgabalos bija vīri, ar vārdu noteikti, daļu dot visiem priesteriem un radurakstos ierakstītiem levitiem no vīriešu kārtas.
II C PorAlmei 31:19  Tambem d'entre os filhos d'Aarão havia sacerdotes nos campos dos arrabaldes das suas cidades, em cada cidade, homens que foram contados pelos seus nomes para distribuirem as porções a todo o macho entre os sacerdotes e a todos os que estavam contados pelas genealogias entre os levitas.
II C ChiUn 31:19  按名派定的人要把應得的分給亞倫子孫,住在各城郊野、祭司所有的男丁和一切載入家譜的利未人。
II C SweKarlX 31:19  Voro också män vid namn nämnde ibland Aarons barn, Presterna uppå förstädernes mark, i alla städer, att de skulle del gifva alla manspersoner ibland Presterna, och allom dem som ibland Leviterna räknade vordo.
II C FreKhan 31:19  En outre, les descendants d’Aaron, les prêtres qui étaient à la campagne formant la banlieue de leurs villes avaient dans chaque ville des hommes désignés nominativement pour distribuer les portions à tous les mâles d’entre les prêtres et à tous ceux qui étaient enregistrés parmi les Lévites.
II C FrePGR 31:19  Et pour les Prêtres, fils d'Aaron, il y avait dans la banlieue de leurs villes, ville par ville, des hommes préposés, désignés par leurs noms, pour délivrer leur part à tous les mâles des Prêtres et à tous les Lévites enregistrés.
II C PorCap 31:19  Quanto aos sacerdotes da linhagem de Aarão que moravam no campo, nos arredores das cidades sacerdotais, havia em cada localidade homens nomeados para distribuir as porções a todo o varão da estirpe sacerdotal e dos levitas devidamente inscritos.
II C JapKougo 31:19  また町々の放牧地におるアロンの子孫である祭司たちのためには、町ごとに人を名ざし選んで、祭司のうちのすべての男およびレビびとのうちの登録されたすべての者に、その分を与えさせた。
II C GerTextb 31:19  Dazu hatten die Nachkommen Aarons, die Priester, auf den Feldern der zu ihren Städten gehörenden Trift, in jeder einzelnen Stadt, Leute, die namentlich bezeichnet waren, damit sie allen Mannspersonen unter den Priestern und allen ins Geschlechtsregister eingetragenen Leviten ihre Anteile gäben.
II C Kapingam 31:19  I-lodo digau hai-mee-dabu ala e-noho i-lodo nia waahale ala e-hagaingoo gi-nia hagadili o Aaron be i-lodo nia henua haangai manu ala e-dau gi-nia waahale aanei, nia daangada i-golo ala e-madamada humalia di duwwe nia meegai gi-nia daane huogodoo ala i-lodo nia madahaanau digau hai-mee-dabu mo digau huogodoo ala e-dau gi-nia madahaanau Levi.
II C SpaPlate 31:19  Para los sacerdotes, hijos de Aarón, que vivían en el campo, en los ejidos de sus ciudades, había en cada ciudad hombres designados nominalmente, para dar las porciones a todos los varones de entre los sacerdotes, y a todos los levitas inscritos en las genealogías.
II C WLC 31:19  וְלִבְנֵי֩ אַהֲרֹ֨ן הַכֹּהֲנִ֜ים בִּשְׂדֵ֨י מִגְרַ֤שׁ עָרֵיהֶם֙ בְּכָל־עִ֣יר וָעִ֔יר אֲנָשִׁ֕ים אֲשֶׁ֥ר נִקְּב֖וּ בְּשֵׁמ֑וֹת לָתֵ֣ת מָנ֗וֹת לְכָל־זָכָר֙ בַּכֹּ֣הֲנִ֔ים וּלְכָל־הִתְיַחֵ֖שׂ בַּלְוִיִּֽם׃
II C LtKBB 31:19  Kunigai aaronitai, gyvenantieji jų miestams priklausančiuose priemiesčiuose, buvo įtraukti į sąrašus vardais. Pagal juos duodavo dalį kiekvienam kunigui ir kiekvienam levitui, esančiam sąraše.
II C Bela 31:19  І для сыноў Ааронавых, сьвятароў у селішчах вакол гарадоў іхніх, пры кожным горадзе пастаўлены былі мужы памянёныя, каб раздаваць участкі ўсім мужчынскага полу ў сьвятароў і ўсім унесеным у сьпіс у лявітаў.
II C GerBoLut 31:19  Auch waren Manner mit Namen benannt unter den Kindern Aaron, den Priestern, auf den Feldern der Vorstadte in alien Stadten, daß sie Teil gaben alien Mannsbildern unter den Priestern und alien, die unter die Leviten gerechnet wurden.
II C FinPR92 31:19  Niitä pappeja, Aaronin jälkeläisiä, varten, jotka asuivat maaseudulla kaupunkien ulkopuolella, oli kuhunkin kaupunkiin nimetty miehet, joiden oli toimitettava jokaiselle miespuoliselle pappisperheen jäsenelle tälle kuuluva osuus, samoin jokaiselle sukuluetteloon merkitylle leeviläiselle.
II C SpaRV186 31:19  Asimismo a los hijos de Aarón los sacerdotes, que estaban en los ejidos de sus ciudades, por todas las ciudades, los varones nombrados tenían cargo de dar sus porciones a todos los varones de los sacerdotes, y a todo el linaje de los Levitas.
II C NlCanisi 31:19  Ook werden van stad tot stad enige mannen met name aangewezen, om aan alle mannelijke personen in de priesterlijke stand, de zonen van Aäron, die op de weidegronden van hun steden woonden, en aan alle ingeschreven levieten hun aandeel uit te reiken.
II C GerNeUe 31:19  Auch für die Nachkommen Aarons, die in den Weidegebieten ihrer Städte wohnten, war gesorgt. Für diese Priester waren in jeder Stadt Männer benannt worden, die allen männlichen Angehörigen der Priesterfamilien ihre Anteile zu geben hatten, auch allen eingeschriebenen Leviten.
II C UrduGeo 31:19  جو امام شہروں سے باہر اُن چراگاہوں میں رہتے تھے جو اُنہیں ہارون کی اولاد کی حیثیت سے ملی تھیں اُنہیں بھی حصہ ملتا تھا۔ ہر شہر کے لئے آدمی چنے گئے جو اماموں کے خاندانوں کے مردوں اور فہرست میں درج تمام لاویوں کو وہ حصہ دیا کریں جو اُن کا حق تھا۔
II C AraNAV 31:19  وَقَدْ تَمَّ تَعْيِينُ كَهَنَةٍ بِأَسْمَائِهِمْ مِنْ أَبْنَاءِ هرُونَ الْمُقِيمِينَ فِي مَزَارِعِ الْمُدُنِ، وَفِي كُلِّ مَدِينَةٍ، لِيَقُومُوا بِتَوْزِيعِ حِصَصٍ عَلَى كُلِّ ذَكَرٍ مِنَ الْكَهَنَةِ، وَعَلَى كُلِّ مُنْتَسِبٍ مِنَ اللاَّوِيِّينَ.
II C ChiNCVs 31:19  至于住在各城郊野作祭司的亚伦的子孙,在各城里都有指定的人,把应得的分分发给祭司中所有的男子,和所有登记在家谱中的利未人。
II C ItaRive 31:19  E per i sacerdoti, figliuoli d’Aaronne, che dimoravano in campagna, nei contadi delle loro città, v’erano in ogni città degli uomini designati per nome per distribuire le porzioni a tutti i maschi di tra i sacerdoti, e a tutti i Leviti registrati nelle genealogie.
II C Afr1953 31:19  Ook vir die seuns van Aäron, die priesters, buite op die weiveld van hulle stede, was daar in elke stad afsonderlik manne wat met hulle name aangewys was om aan elke manspersoon onder die priesters en aan elkeen van die Leviete wat in die geslagsregister opgeneem was, dele te gee.
II C RusSynod 31:19  И для сынов Аароновых, священников в селениях вокруг городов их, при каждом городе поставлены были мужи поименованные, чтобы раздавать доли всем мужского пола у священников и всем, внесенным в список у левитов.
II C UrduGeoD 31:19  जो इमाम शहरों से बाहर उन चरागाहों में रहते थे जो उन्हें हारून की औलाद की हैसियत से मिली थीं उन्हें भी हिस्सा मिलता था। हर शहर के लिए आदमी चुने गए जो इमामों के ख़ानदानों के मर्दों और फ़हरिस्त में दर्ज तमाम लावियों को वह हिस्सा दिया करें जो उनका हक़ था।
II C TurNTB 31:19  Kentlerinin çevresindeki kırlarda ya da herhangi bir kentte yaşayan Harun soyundan kâhinlere gelince, onlardan olan bütün erkeklere ve Levililer'in soyağacında kayıtlı herkese yiyecek dağıtmak için belirli kişiler atanmıştı.
II C DutSVV 31:19  Ook waren onder de kinderen van Aaron, de priesteren, op de velden der voorsteden hunner steden, in elke stad, mannen, die met namen uitgedrukt waren, om aan alle manspersonen onder de priesteren en aan allen, die in het geslachtsregister onder de Levieten gesteld waren, delen te geven.
II C HunKNB 31:19  Áron fiainak részéről is voltak megbízott férfiak a szántóikon s az egyes városokhoz tartozó legelőiken, akik a papok s a leviták egész férfinemzetségének a járandóságokat kiosztották.
II C Maori 31:19  Ma nga tama ano a Arona, ma nga tohunga i nga mara i waho ake o o ratou pa: kei tenei pa, kei tenei pa, etahi tangata, he mea whakahua o ratou ingoa, hei tuwha ma nga tane katoa i roto i nga tohunga, ma te hunga katoa ano i roto i nga Riwaiti ku a oti te whakapapa.
II C HunKar 31:19  Az Áron fiainak is, a papoknak, az ő városaikhoz tartozó vidék környékén, minden városban valának névszerint megnevezett emberek, hogy kiadják a részét minden férfinak a papok közül, és minden nemzetségnek a Léviták között.
II C Viet 31:19  Còn về con cháu A-rôn, tức là những thầy tế lễ ở trong đồng ruộng, rải rác nơi địa hạt các thành của họ, thì có đặt trong mỗi thành những người gọi từng tên, đặng phân phát phần cho hết thảy người nam trong những thầy tế lễ và cho những kẻ trong vòng người Lê-vi đã ghi tên vào gia phổ.
II C Kekchi 31:19  Saˈ chixjunileb li tenamit cuanqueb cui̱nk xakabanbileb re teˈxjeqˈui li cˈaˈruheb re laj tij, li ralal xcˈajol laj Aarón, li cuanqueb saˈ eb li tenamit malaj ut saˈ cˈaleba̱l. Ut queˈxjeqˈui ajcuiˈ li cˈaˈru reheb laj levita li tzˈi̱banbil xcˈabaˈeb.
II C Swe1917 31:19  Och för dem av Arons söner, prästerna, som bodde på sina städers utmarker, voro i var särskild stad namngivna män tillsatta, som åt allt mankön bland prästerna och åt alla de leviter som voro upptecknade i släktregistret skulle utdela vad dem tillkom.
II C CroSaric 31:19  Aronovi sinovi, svećenici na poljskim pašnjacima svojih gradova, u svakom pojedinom gradu, bijahu poimence određeni da daju dio svakome muškarcu među svećenicima. Sve su rodovnike sastavili leviti.
II C VieLCCMN 31:19  Còn các tư tế, con cái ông A-ha-ron sống ở các miền đồng cỏ thuộc các thành của họ, thì trong mỗi thành, đều có những người đã được chỉ định đích danh để phân phát các phần cho mọi người phái nam thuộc hàng tư tế và cho mọi người đã đăng ký vào số các thầy Lê-vi.
II C FreBDM17 31:19  Et quant aux enfants d’Aaron, les sacrificateurs, qui étaient à la campagne, dans la banlieue de leurs villes, il y avait dans chaque ville des gens désignés par leurs noms, pour distribuer les portions à tous les mâles des sacrificateurs, et à tous les Lévites enregistrés.
II C FreLXX 31:19  Aux fils d'Aaron, exerçant le sacerdoce dans les villes, des hommes, nommés à cet effet en chaque ville, donnaient aussi une portion pour chaque mâle, parmi les prêtres ; ils en donnaient pareillement à ceux qui étaient comptés comme lévites.
II C Aleppo 31:19  ולבני אהרן הכהנים בשדי מגרש עריהם בכל עיר ועיר אנשים אשר נקבו בשמות—לתת מנות לכל זכר בכהנים ולכל התיחש בלוים
II C MapM 31:19  וְלִבְנֵי֩ אַהֲרֹ֨ן הַכֹּֽהֲנִ֜ים בִּשְׂדֵ֨י מִגְרַ֤שׁ עָֽרֵיהֶם֙ בְּכׇל־עִ֣יר וָעִ֔יר אֲנָשִׁ֕ים אֲשֶׁ֥ר נִקְּב֖וּ בְּשֵׁמ֑וֹת לָתֵ֣ת מָנ֗וֹת לְכׇל־זָכָר֙ בַּכֹּ֣הֲנִ֔ים וּלְכׇל־הִתְיַחֵ֖שׂ בַּלְוִיִּֽם׃
II C HebModer 31:19  ולבני אהרן הכהנים בשדי מגרש עריהם בכל עיר ועיר אנשים אשר נקבו בשמות לתת מנות לכל זכר בכהנים ולכל התיחש בלוים׃
II C Kaz 31:19  Һароннан тараған діни қызметкерлердің бірқатары өздеріне белгіленген қалалардың айналасындағы ауылдық жерлерде және өзге қалаларда тұрып жатқан болатын. Үлестің тиісті бөлігін оларға тарату үшін кейбір адамдар есімдері аталып тағайындалды. Осылайша сол жерлердегі діни қызметкер отбасыларының барлық еркек кіндіктілері және аты-жөндері Леуі руының шежірелерінде тіркелгендердің бәрі өздеріне тиісті бөліктерді алып отырды.
II C FreJND 31:19  Et pour les fils d’Aaron, les sacrificateurs, qui étaient dans la campagne, [répandus] dans les banlieues de leurs villes, il y avait dans chaque ville des hommes désignés par leur nom pour distribuer les portions à tous les mâles parmi les sacrificateurs, et à tous ceux qui étaient enregistrés parmi les lévites.
II C GerGruen 31:19  Die Aaronssöhne, die Priester, hatten auf den Feldern der Weidetriften ihrer Städte für jede Stadt Leute, die mit Namen genannt waren. Sie mußten jedem Männlichen unter den Priestern seinen Teil geben, ebenso jedem eingetragenen Leviten.
II C SloKJV 31:19  Tudi od sinov duhovnika Arona, ki so bili na poljih predmestij njihovih mest v vsakem posameznem mestu, možje, ki so bili določeni po imenu, da dajo deleže vsem moškim med duhovniki in vsem, ki so bili po rodovnikih prešteti med Lévijevci.
II C Haitian 31:19  Yo te chwazi moun tou pou mete reskonsab separe manje bay tout prèt yo, moun fanmi Arawon yo, ak moun Levi ki te enskri nan rejis yo epi ki t'ap viv andeyò nan vwazinaj lavil prèt yo.
II C FinBibli 31:19  Niin myös papeille Aaronin pojille esikaupunkein kedolla heidän kaupungeissansa, kussakin kaupungissa miehet nimiltänsä nimitetyt, että heidän piti osan antaman kaikille miehenpuolille pappein seassa ja kaikille niille, jotka Leviläisten sekaan luetut olivat.
II C SpaRV 31:19  Del mismo modo en orden á los hijos de Aarón, sacerdotes, que estaban en los ejidos de sus ciudades, por todas las ciudades, los varones nombrados tenían cargo de dar sus porciones á todos los varones de los sacerdotes, y á todo el linaje de los Levitas.
II C WelBeibl 31:19  Wedyn roedd rhai wedi cael eu dewis ym mhob tref i rannu eu siâr i ddisgynyddion Aaron, sef yr offeiriad oedd yn byw yn yr ardal o gwmpas pob tref. Roedd pob gwryw o deulu offeiriadol a phob un o'r Lefiaid oedd ar y cofrestrau teuluol i gael eu siâr.
II C GerMenge 31:19  Auch für die Nachkommen Aarons, die Priester, waren in den Bezirken der zu ihren Städten gehörenden Markung, in jeder einzelnen Stadt, Männer, die mit Namen angegeben waren, dazu bestellt, allen männlichen Personen unter den Priestern und allen in das Verzeichnis eingetragenen Leviten Anteile zukommen zu lassen.
II C GreVamva 31:19  Περί δε των υιών Ααρών των ιερέων εν τοις αγροίς των προαστείων των πόλεων αυτών, ήσαν εν εκάστη πόλει άνθρωποι διωρισμένοι κατ' όνομα διά να δίδωσι μερίδια εις πάντα τα αρσενικά μεταξύ των ιερέων και εις πάντα τα απαριθμηθέντα μεταξύ των Λευϊτών.
II C UkrOgien 31:19  А синам священика Ааро́на, на поля́х пасови́ська їхніх міст, у кожному місті поставлені були мужі, що зазначені поіме́нно, щоб давати частки кожному мужчи́ні серед священиків та всякому приписаному серед Левитів.
II C FreCramp 31:19  Et pour les fils d'Aaron, les prêtres qui demeuraient dans le territoire de la banlieue de leurs villes, il y avait dans chaque ville des hommes désignés par leurs noms pour distribuer les portions à tout mâle parmi les prêtres et à tous les lévites inscrits.
II C SrKDEkav 31:19  И синовима Ароновим свештеницима у подграђима градова њихових, по свим градовима, људи именовани даваху делове сваком мушкарцу између свештеника и свакоме рода левитског.
II C PolUGdan 31:19  Także i synom Aarona, kapłanom mieszkającym na polach pastwisk ich miast, we wszystkich miastach, tym mężczyznom, wyznaczonym imiennie, aby oddano należny dział wszystkim mężczyznom spośród kapłanów oraz wszystkim spisanym według rodowodów spośród Lewitów.
II C FreSegon 31:19  Et pour les fils d'Aaron, les sacrificateurs, qui demeuraient à la campagne dans les banlieues de leurs villes, il y avait dans chaque ville des hommes désignés par leurs noms pour distribuer les portions à tous les mâles des sacrificateurs et à tous les Lévites enregistrés.
II C SpaRV190 31:19  Del mismo modo en orden á los hijos de Aarón, sacerdotes, que estaban en los ejidos de sus ciudades, por todas las ciudades, los varones nombrados tenían cargo de dar sus porciones á todos los varones de los sacerdotes, y á todo el linaje de los Levitas.
II C HunRUF 31:19  Áron fiainak, a városaikhoz tartozó legelők körzetében lakó papoknak minden városban voltak név szerint kijelölt embereik, akik a papság férfi tagjainak és a származási jegyzékbe beírt minden lévitának kiosztották a rájuk eső részt.
II C DaOT1931 31:19  Arons Sønner, Præsterne, som boede paa Græsmarkerne omkring deres Byer, havde i hver By nogle navngivne Mænd til at uddele, hvad der tilkom alle af Mandkøn blandt Præsterne og de i Fortegnelserne indførte Leviter.
II C TpiKJPB 31:19  Na tu ol pikinini man bilong Eron, ol pris, husat i stap long ol ples kunai bilong ol arere bilong ol biktaun bilong ol, long olgeta wan wan kain biktaun, ol man husat nem bilong ol i go pinis, long givim ol hap skel long olgeta man namel long ol pris, na long olgeta husat ol i kaunim long lain tumbuna namel long ol lain Livai.
II C DaOT1871 31:19  Og for Arons Børn, Præsterne, som boede paa Markerne til deres Stæder, til hver Stad især, var der Mænd, som vare nævnede ved Navn, som skulde uddele til alt Mandkøn iblandt Præsterne og til alle dem, som vare opførte i Slægtregisteret over Leviterne.
II C FreVulgG 31:19  Il y avait aussi des fils d’Aaron dans la campagne et dans les faubourgs de toutes les villes, pour distribuer leurs parts à tous les enfants mâles des prêtres et des Lévites.
II C PolGdans 31:19  Synom także Aaronowym, kapłanom, na polach przedmiejskich miast ich, po wszystkich miastach, ci mężowie, którzy z imienia mianowani są, oddawali działy, każdemu mężczyźnie z kapłanów, i każdemu urodzonemu z Lewitów.
II C JapBungo 31:19  また邑々の郊地に居るアロンの子孫たる祭司等のためには邑ごとに人を名指し選び祭司の中の一切の男およびレビ人の中の名簿に載せたる一切の者にその分を予へしむ
II C GerElb18 31:19  Und für die Söhne Aarons, die Priester, auf den Feldern des Bezirks ihrer Städte, waren in jeder einzelnen Stadt Männer angestellt, die mit Namen angegeben waren, um jedem Männlichen unter den Priestern und jedem ins Geschlechtsverzeichnis Eingetragenen unter den Leviten Teile zu geben.