Judi | CPDV | 11:10 | Moreover, now also a famine has assailed them, and, by drought of water, they are already counted among the dead. |
Judi | DRC | 11:10 | Moreover also a famine hath come upon them, and for drought of water they are already to be counted among the dead. |
Judi | KJVA | 11:10 | Therefore, O lord and governor, respect not his word; but lay it up in thine heart, for it is true: for our nation shall not be punished, neither can sword prevail against them, except they sin against their God. |
Judi | VulgSist | 11:10 | Insuper etiam fames invasit eos, et ab ariditate aquae iam inter mortuos computantur. |
Judi | VulgCont | 11:10 | Insuper etiam fames invasit eos, et ab ariditate aquæ iam inter mortuos computantur. |
Judi | Vulgate | 11:10 | insuper etiam fames invasit eos et ab ariditate aquae iam inter mortuos conputantur |
Judi | VulgHetz | 11:10 | Insuper etiam fames invasit eos, et ab ariditate aquæ iam inter mortuos computantur. |
Judi | VulgClem | 11:10 | Insuper etiam fames invasit eos, et ab ariditate aquæ jam inter mortuos computantur. |
Judi | CzeB21 | 11:10 | Nuže, můj pane a vládce, nepodceňuj to, co řekl, ale vezmi si to k srdci, protože je to pravda. Náš národ skutečně nebude potrestán a nepodlehne meči, pokud nezhřeší proti svému Bohu. |