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Judi CPDV 12:4  And Judith said, “As your soul lives, my lord, your maidservant will not expend all these things, until God accomplishes by my hand what I have in mind.” And his servants led her into the tabernacle, as he instructed.
Judi DRC 12:4  And Judith said: As thy soul liveth, my lord, thy handmaid shall not spend all these things till God do by my hand that which I have purposed. And his servants brought her into the tent which he had commanded.
Judi KJVA 12:4  Then said Judith unto him As thy soul liveth, my lord, thine handmaid shall not spend those things that I have, before the Lord work by mine hand the things that he hath determined.
Judi VulgSist 12:4  Et dixit Iudith: Vivit anima tua domine meus, quoniam non expendet omnia haec ancilla tua, donec faciat Deus in manu mea haec, quae cogitavi. Et induxerunt illam servi eius in tabernaculum, quod praeceperat.
Judi VulgCont 12:4  Et dixit Iudith: Vivit anima tua domine meus, quoniam non expendet omnia hæc ancilla tua, donec faciat Deus in manu mea hæc, quæ cogitavi. Et induxerunt illam servi eius in tabernaculum, quod præceperat.
Judi Vulgate 12:4  et dixit Iudith vivit anima tua domine meus quoniam non expendet omnia haec ancilla tua donec faciat Deus in manu mea haec quae cogitavi et induxerunt illam servi eius in tabernaculo quo praeceperat
Judi VulgHetz 12:4  Et dixit Iudith: Vivit anima tua domine meus, quoniam non expendet omnia hæc ancilla tua, donec faciat Deus in manu mea hæc, quæ cogitavi. Et induxerunt illam servi eius in tabernaculum, quod præceperat.
Judi VulgClem 12:4  Et dixit Judith : Vivit anima tua, domine meus, quoniam non expendet omnia hæc ancilla tua, donec faciat Deus in manu mea hæc quæ cogitavi. Et induxerunt illam servi ejus in tabernaculum quod præceperat.
Judi CzeB21 12:4  „Jakože jsi živ, můj pane,“ odpověděla mu Judita, „tvá otrokyně nespotřebuje, co má s sebou, dokud Pán mou rukou nevykoná to, co rozhodl.“