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Judi CPDV 13:27  And so, Achior was called, and he drew near, and Judith said to him: “The God of Israel, to whom you gave testimony, has avenged himself on his enemies. He has cut down the head of all unbelievers, by my hand this night.
Judi DRC 13:27  And Achior being called for came, and Judith said to him: The God of Israel, to whom thou gavest testimony, that he revengeth himself of his enemies, he hath cut off the head of all the unbelievers this night by my hand.
Judi VulgSist 13:27  Porro Achior vocatus venit, et dixit ei Iudith: Deus Israel, cui tu testimonium dedisti quod ulciscatur se de inimicis suis, ipse caput omnium incredulorum incidit hac nocte in manu mea.
Judi VulgCont 13:27  Porro Achior vocatus venit, et dixit ei Iudith: Deus Israel, cui tu testimonium dedisti quod ulciscatur se de inimicis suis, ipse caput omnium incredulorum incidit hac nocte in manu mea.
Judi Vulgate 13:27  porro Achior vocatus venit et dixit ei Deus Israhel cui tu testimonium dedisti quod ulciscatur de inimicis suis ipse caput omnium incredulorum incidit in hac nocte in manu mea
Judi VulgHetz 13:27  Porro Achior vocatus venit, et dixit ei Iudith: Deus Israel, cui tu testimonium dedisti quod ulciscatur se de inimicis suis, ipse caput omnium incredulorum incidit hac nocte in manu mea.
Judi VulgClem 13:27  Porro Achior vocatus venit, et dixit ei Judith : Deus Israël, cui tu testimonium dedisti quod ulciscatur se de inimicis suis, ipse caput omnium incredulorum incidit hac nocte in manu mea.
Judi Wycliffe 13:27  Forsothe Achior was clepid, and cam; and Judith seide to hym, Thilke God of Israel, to whom thou yauest witnessyng, that he auengith hym of hise enemyes, hath kit of the heed of alle vnbileueful men in this niyt bi myn hond.
Judi SpaPlate 13:27  También Aquior, al ser llamado, se presentó, y Judit le dijo: “El Dios de Israel, de quien tú diste testimonio de que sabe tomar venganza de sus enemigos, El mismo ha cortado esta noche por mi mano la cabeza de todos los incrédulos.
Judi NlCanisi 13:27  Daarop werd Achior geroepen. Toen hij gekomen was, sprak Judit tot hem: De God van Israël, van wien gij getuigd hebt, dat Hij wraak op zijn vijanden neemt, Hij zelf heeft in deze nacht door mijn hand het hoofd van alle ongelovigen geveld.
Judi FreVulgG 13:27  On fit venir ensuite Achior, et Judith lui dit : Le Dieu d’Israël, à qui vous avez rendu ce témoignage, qu’il a le pouvoir de se venger de ses ennemis, a coupé lui-même cette nuit par ma main la tête de tous les infidèles.