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Psal CPDV 4:10  For you, O Lord, have established me singularly in hope.
Psal DRC 4:10  For thou, O Lord, singularly hast settled me in hope.
Psal VulgSist 4:10  Quoniam tu Domine singulariter in spe constituisti me.
Psal VulgCont 4:10  Quoniam tu Domine singulariter in spe constituisti me.
Psal Vulgate 4:10  quoniam tu Domine singulariter in spe constituisti me quia tu Domine specialiter securum habitare fecisti me
Psal VulgHetz 4:10  Quoniam tu Domine singulariter in spe constituisti me.
Psal VulgClem 4:10  quoniam tu, Domine, singulariter in spe constituisti me.
Psal Wycliffe 4:10  For thou, Lord; hast set me syngulerli in hope.
Psal FreVulgG 4:10  parce que vous, Seigneur, m’avez affermi dans une espérance singulière.