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Psal RWebster 9:20  Put them in fear, O LORD: that the nations may know themselves to be but men. Selah.
Psal NHEBJE 9:20  Put them in fear, Jehovah. Let the nations know that they are only men. Selah.
Psal ABP 9:20  Place, O lord, a lawgiver over them! Let [2know 1the nations] that they are men!
Psal NHEBME 9:20  Put them in fear, Lord. Let the nations know that they are only men. Selah.
Psal Rotherha 9:20  Appoint, O Yahweh, a terror for them,—Let the nations know [that] they are men. [Selah.]
Psal LEB 9:20  O Yahweh, put them in fear. Let the nations know they are merely human. Selah
Psal RNKJV 9:20  Put them in fear, O יהוה: that the nations may know themselves to be but men. Selah.
Psal Jubilee2 9:20  Put fear into them, O LORD: [that] the Gentiles may know themselves [to be but] men. Selah.:
Psal Webster 9:20  Put them in fear, O LORD: [that] the nations may know themselves [to be but] men. Selah.
Psal Darby 9:20  Put them in fear, Jehovah: that the nations may know themselves to be but men. Selah.
Psal OEB 9:20  Strike them with fear, Lord: show the nations how frail they are. (Selah)
Psal ASV 9:20  Put them in fear, O Jehovah: Let the nations know themselves to be but men. [Selah
Psal LITV 9:20  O Jehovah, put fear in them; let the nations know they are but men. Selah.
Psal Geneva15 9:20  Put them in feare, O Lord, that the heathen may knowe that they are but men. Selah.
Psal CPDV 9:20  Rise up, Lord: do not let man be strengthened. Let the Gentiles be judged in your sight.
Psal BBE 9:20  Put them in fear, O Lord, so that the nations may see that they are only men. (Selah.)
Psal DRC 9:20  Arise, O Lord, let not man be strengthened: let the Gentiles be judged in thy sight.
Psal GodsWord 9:20  Strike them with terror, O LORD. Let the nations know that they are only mortal. Selah
Psal JPS 9:20  Arise, O HaShem, let not man prevail; let the nations be judged in Thy sight.
Psal KJVPCE 9:20  Put them in fear, O Lord: that the nations may know themselves to be but men. Selah.
Psal NETfree 9:20  Terrify them, LORD! Let the nations know they are mere mortals! (Selah)
Psal AB 9:20  Appoint, O Lord, a lawgiver over them: let the heathen know that they are men. Pause.
Psal AFV2020 9:20  Put them in fear, O LORD, let the nations know that they are but men. Selah.
Psal NHEB 9:20  Put them in fear, Lord. Let the nations know that they are only men. Selah.
Psal OEBcth 9:20  Strike them with fear, Lord: show the nations how frail they are. (Selah)
Psal NETtext 9:20  Terrify them, LORD! Let the nations know they are mere mortals! (Selah)
Psal UKJV 9:20  Put them in fear, O LORD: that the nations may know themselves to be but men. Selah.
Psal Noyes 9:20  Strike terror into them, O LORD! Let the nations know that they are but men! [Pause.]
Psal KJV 9:20  Put them in fear, O Lord: that the nations may know themselves to be but men. Selah.
Psal KJVA 9:20  Put them in fear, O Lord: that the nations may know themselves to be but men. Selah.
Psal AKJV 9:20  Put them in fear, O LORD: that the nations may know themselves to be but men. Selah.
Psal RLT 9:20  Put them in fear, O Yhwh: that the nations may know themselves to be but men. Selah.
Psal MKJV 9:20  Put them in fear, O LORD, let the nations know they are but men. Selah.
Psal YLT 9:20  Appoint, O Jehovah, a director to them, Let nations know they are men! Selah.
Psal ACV 9:20  Put them in fear, O Jehovah. Let the nations know themselves to be but men. Selah.
Psal VulgSist 9:20  Exurge Domine, non confortetur homo: iudicentur Gentes in conspectu tuo:
Psal VulgCont 9:20  Exurge Domine, non confortetur homo: iudicentur Gentes in conspectu tuo:
Psal Vulgate 9:20  exsurge Domine non confortetur homo iudicentur gentes in conspectu tuo surge Domine non confortetur homo iudicentur gentes ante faciem tuam
Psal VulgHetz 9:20  Exurge Domine, non confortetur homo: iudicentur Gentes in conspectu tuo:
Psal VulgClem 9:20  Exsurge, Domine ; non confortetur homo : judicentur gentes in conspectu tuo.
Psal Vulgate_ 9:20  surge Domine non confortetur homo iudicentur gentes ante faciem tuam [ (Psalms 9:21) pone Domine terrorem eis sciant gentes homines se esse semper ] [ (Psalms 9:22) quare Domine stas a longe dispicis in temporibus angustiae ] [ (Psalms 9:23) in superbia impii ardet pauper capiantur in sceleribus quae cogitaverunt ] [ (Psalms 9:24) quia laudavit impius desiderium animae suae et avarus adplaudens sibi ] [ (Psalms 9:25) blasphemavit Dominum impius secundum altitudinem furoris sui non requiret ] [ (Psalms 9:26) nec est Deus in omnibus cogitationibus eius parturiunt viae eius in omni tempore longe sunt iudicia tua a facie eius omnes inimicos suos dispicit ] [ (Psalms 9:27) loquitur in corde suo non movebor in generatione et generatione ero sine malo ] [ (Psalms 9:28) maledictione os eius plenum est et dolis et avaritia sub lingua eius dolor et iniquitas ] [ (Psalms 9:29) sedet insidians iuxta vestibula in absconditis ut interficiat innocentem ] [ (Psalms 9:30) oculi eius robustos tuos circumspiciunt insidiatur in abscondito quasi leo in cubili insidiatur ut rapiat pauperem rapiet pauperem cum adtraxerit eum ad rete suum ] [ (Psalms 9:31) et confractum subiciet et inruet viribus suis valenter ] [ (Psalms 9:32) dixit in corde suo oblitus est Deus abscondit faciem suam non respiciet in perpetuum ] [ (Psalms 9:33) surge Domine Deus leva manum tuam noli oblivisci pauperum ] [ (Psalms 9:34) quare blasphemat impius Deum dicens in corde suo quod non requirat ] [ (Psalms 9:35) vides quia tu laborem et furorem respicis ut detur in manu tua tibi relinquuntur fortes tui pupillo tu es factus adiutor ] [ (Psalms 9:36) contere brachium impii et maligni quaeres impietatem eius et non invenies ] [ (Psalms 9:37) Dominus rex saeculi et aeternitatis perierunt gentes de terra eius ] [ (Psalms 9:38) desiderium pauperum audit Dominus praeparasti ut cor eorum audiat auris tua ] [ (Psalms 9:39) ut iudices pupillum et oppressum et nequaquam ultra superbiat homo de terra ]
Psal CzeBKR 9:20  Pusť na ně strach, ó Hospodine, ať tomu porozumějí národové, že smrtelní jsou. Sélah.
Psal CzeB21 9:20  Povstaň, Hospodine, proti lidské zvůli, před tvým soudem ať stanou národy!
Psal CzeCEP 9:20  Povstaň, Hospodine, ať si člověk nezakládá na své moci, ať už pronárody stanou před tvým soudem!
Psal CzeCSP 9:20  Povstaň, Hospodine! Ať člověk nenabude moci! Ať jsou národy souzeny před tebou!